Chapter no 3

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I woke up in the morning from my alarm, I'm gonna break this thing one day for sure. Today was Sunday means No I invited my friends home.

I left my heaven, Bed, and got ready for the day, wearing a tunic dress and tied my hair in a ponytail.

I went to the kitchen and made breakfast for myself and uncle John, He is homeless, he usually sits on the doorsteps of my apartment, and I sometimes make him food. I really take pity on him, He is a nice man and I like cooking for him.

After I ate my breakfast, I carried uncle john's food and as soon as I opened the door, AS EXPECTED, my eyes landed on the bouquet of flowers, It was so beautiful just like the others. I am getting these bouquet of flowers daily on my doorsteps for almost four months, not that I am complaining but it's just that I don't know who sends them, I have never seen him...or her...No, it should be him...please.

Uncle John usually sits on the doorsteps so I asked him several time but he also never saw the person.

I really wanted to know this mysterious guy is who does this sweet gesture daily. I want to appreciate him for being so punctual...and also I want to get some tips for being on the dot cause I really don't possess this quality. Every morning, I have a debate with myself on choosing between my future and my sleep, the lazy thing I am.

I picked up the flowers and went to uncle John to give him his breakfast.

"Good morning, uncle, here is your breakfast," I said cheerfully looking towards him as he stood up smiling at me.

"Good morning, thank you, my daughter, and I have to tell you something," he said happily.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I saw the man who puts these flowers daily on your doorsteps," he said casually while I went nuts.

"WHAAAAAAAT!!!!, YOU SAW HIM or her, please tell me its a him, when you saw him and how? How did he look like? Did you talk to him? Did he tell you who he was? What he was actually doing? What was his name?" I bombarded him with questions while he chuckled at my madness.

"Calm down, Calm down, My daughter," he said trying to hush me.

"Come on uncle, just tell me already," I said being curious.

"I just saw him from far away, when I was coming here. He was dressed up in a bodyguard's costume and also had a gun. He placed the flowers on your doorsteps, I went closer to him but I didn't have the chance to talk to him as he left immediately,"

"Bodyguard?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Yes, And Oh, I also heard him saying...Umm..'It's done, Boss' on the phone," He said as I frowned.

I then thanked Uncle and went inside, Confused.

My friends arrived soon, Ana, Noah and Liam, I greeted them. Coming inside and sitting on the couches with them. We talked for hours and then ate the pasta I made for them.

Liam asked for coffee and I went to the kitchen along with Anna, we talked.

"Here you are, Liam. A Nice Hot Cup of Coffee." I said giving Liam his coffee.

"it's cold," he said looking at me then at coffee.

"Umm....nice cup of coffee," I said, getting confused while he took a sip.

"it's horrible," he said immediately.

"...cup..of coffee," I said getting angry.

"I am not even sure if it's coffee," he said.

"cup..." I said while he burst out laughing so does Anna and Noah.

"You know what...Some people just need a high the face...with a chair." I said getting angry.

"Come on, He is just teasing," said Noah.

"He hates you Rumi," Anna said laughing.

"NO..come on its not true," said Liam while I gave him an i-don't-believe-it-look.

"You hate once said that calling me Satan was an insult to Satan," I said. (A quote by Damon, hehe)

We laughed like crazy while Anna fell on the floor laughing.

We went out for an evening walk, when we saw Elizabeth. She gave us a disgusting look. She is our worst enemy in school. but Liam likes her.

"I hate her," said Anna.

"Me too," I said.

"You know there is only a thin line between love and hate," Liam said.

"There is not a thin line between love and hate, there fact...A GREAT WALL OF CHINA WITH ARMED SENTRIES POSTED EVERY 20 FEET BETWEEN LOVE AND HATE." I said.

"Come on, how can anyone hate her, she looks like a doll," Said Liam dreamily.

''Every girl is a doll, either Barbie or...Anabelle," I said and everyone started laughing except Liam.

"Rumi, you are never going to get a husband by being sarcastic," said Noah.

" husband, done," I shrugged.

Time went by and it was dark now. We all decided to leave now. Liam and Ana went to the other direction and me and Noah to the opposite.

Noah's street was two streets before mine, We reached there and he also left. Not before asking to accompany me but I disagreed.

I was now alone on the road and it was a little creepy. Soon I started having strange feelings.

I turned my head while walking and saw some men, Three and was badly drunk. I gulped looking at them and my heartbeat increased.

I turned my head started walking fast when I heard one of them say,

"LOOK AT HER," he said. 'oh shit'

"OHH FU.CK, SHE IS DAMN HOT " another one said. 'No, no, no, no, no'
I started walking fast when they also started walking towards me.

"Where are you going little girl." one said.

"Come with us, we promise to give you a lovely night." said the other. Hearing this I started running like crazy.

"OHHHH...We are willing to pay too."

"Just tell us the amount you want, girl."

"Trying hard to get Ehhh,"

Suddenly I was pulled by my arm towards a body. A strong smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit my nose making me want to puke. I looked to see one of that guy trying to pull away with all my might but he was stronger. When I saw other two approaching, I punched the guy in front of me in the face.

His grip on me loosened. I took the chance and ran away. But he grabbed me again. I felt a sharp pain on my cheek making me bent down in the direction. He just slapped me. I felt blood oozing out of my lip. The other two standing beside me. I was sweating and trembling in fear. My stomach churning and my heart almost getting stopped.

"Let's teach this Whore a lesson guys," He said and the others dragged me by my hair into the small dark street next to us and pinned me against the wall with my hands on my head.

I was wriggling and yelling helplessly. One of them was about to tear my dress when when I heard a piercing gunshot....

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