Cherry Blossom

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Tonis pov:

She liked the kiss?! Was the sole thought racing through my mind as I lugged my suitcases down the final step of the stairwell. No Cheryl had played these games before, she pretended to like me only to drop me in a huge pile of shit.

"Come on Toni Jughead is waiting,"  came the voice of fangs from the front porch. I smiled dropping my suitcases in the hall, my parents would pick them up later and load them into our rusty family car to take to Yale. I still couldn't believe I had made it in to do photography there! I would then follow them on my motorbike, it had belonged to my uncle but he had become to old to ride it.  

"Coming!" I shouted back to my half brother. Fangs and I shared a mother and lived happily under the same roof but not for much longer. I was the first serpent who would ever go to university, finally make it out of Riverdale instead of falling into the trap of drugs and the ever lasting war with our rival gang the ghoulies. 

"I'm going without you then, miss your own surprise party I guess," teased fangs and his head disappeared  around the corner. So that's what they were planning I realised. My family had been acting shiftily around me for weeks, they were terrible at keeping secrets.

I took out my phone and checked Cheryl's contact, still no reply to my last message- should've told me sooner. I shoved my phone back into my leather jacket. Now was the time to celebrate not mourn what could've been. What could've been? I cast my mind back to my eighteenth birthday, nine months ago in December. 

                                                                      ~ Flash Back~ 

The cold winter air scraped across my exposed knees as I was jostled along the street. I  was finally eighteen and could go clubbing with the rest of the serpents. My year older brother, Fangs had insisted on accompanying me  and I hardly went anywhere without my best friend Jughead.  He had been my second friend at Riverdale high when I moved here after Cheryl had outed me. In fact one of my only friends. My other friend surprisingly being Betty cooper, who had stolen a fake ID to come tonight- we had bonded when I took the photographs for her news paper the 'Blue and Gold' .

We were the loudest group on the street and half of us were already drunk as we entered the night club called Las zorras. The thumping music drowned out the noise of my friends as I entered past the bouncer. I already had a high amount of alcohol coursing through my veins as I made my way over to the bar. I ordered two shots and took them more quickly then I intended. Spluttering I made my way over to the side of the dance floor. My friends had already dispersed amongst the crowd. 

"Toni?" Came the timid question over the thumping music. I turned to my right seeing non other than the flaming redhead, Cheryl Blossom, on her  rather shaky legs approaching me. Her figure was covered in a tight fitting red dress and her hair was in waves reaching half way down her back. But my eye were mainly drawn to her blood red lipstick she had managed to smear a little.  Oh god was she really going to torture me on my birthday?

"Yes, Cheryl?" I asked back. 

"Happy Birthday," she said in a raised voice over the music, approaching closer still. 

"How did you know?" I asked wearily, waiting for the cruel prank. 

"Betty, she told me it was today and you were coming here," she said casually taking a sip of her drink. Of course Betty could never keep her mouth shut around Cheryl always wanting to please her. 

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