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Cheryl's pov, 2 years at Highsmith college:

I stared with disbelief at the test in my hands. Two angry red lines glared back up at me. My head was swimming and I was close to fainting. I steadied myself on the bathroom wall, it could be another incorrect one right? But I had tried three different brands and they all gave me the same conclusive result. Shit. I was pregnant. 

I sat back down on the toilet as realisation hit, I couldn't even consider abortion not when I came from a catholic family like mine. I would be outcast by everyone. Then came my second thought. My mother, she would be mad that I had ruined my chance at a full education. Yes we had plenty of money from our maple syrup company that had launched two years before but she still wanted me to make my own way in the world.

The truth is in college I had lost my way a little. Yes every freshman has experiences with drinks and drugs but I had reached the extent where I in some instances that I could recall nothing from the night before. Another wave of nausea ran through my stomach- who was the father? I had no idea, I must've been drunk when it happened, that's the only way I knew to enjoy it. It never felt right when I did it with a man but my family and friends had put on the pressure to find a boyfriend. However hard I tried, I couldn't stand more than a one night stand with a man and even that I didn't enjoy. There was only one person that getting intimate felt right with but they were gone from my life now. 

I threw the used pregnancy test into the bin and took a few deep breaths. This is not how I planned my life but I knew I didn't have the support here. I would have to return to riverdale, where my family was.

shakily, I pulled my Iphone from my pocket and dialled my bothers number. 

"Archie?" I asked in a trembling tone. 

"Yeah, Cheryl is everything okay?" he questioned obviously picking up my tone. There was thumping music in the background and I knew instantly he was in the gym. Archie had remained in Riverdale as a football coach to Riverdale high- the youngest teacher the halls had ever seen and certainly the best.

"No. Can you come and get me." I admitted, tears of relief rolling down my cheeks. I had to leave my uni life here but hearing Archie's voice made everything calmer.

"What, from New York today?" he asked, the request was a little insane including an eight hour drive.

"Yes there is something I need to tell you and mom," I replied, forcing myself to gulp down a hiccup.

"Just tell me on the phone Cheryl, I'm sure it can't be that bad," his worried voice persisted. 

"I- I can't," I stammered.

"Okay I'm on my way," He said as the background music faded away and his car engine started up.

"Thanks Arch," I said and hung up. I had about four hours to pack.

I walked to my bedroom and pulled out my unused suitcase from under the bed. Brushing off the dust my mind flew back to the last time I had used it. To come here, now I was going back to the start. Back to where I came from.

I packed quickly, I had too many possessions to take all of them so I left a note explaining to my roommates that they could have whatever was left. I hadn't really warmed to many people here. Yes I had made a few friends but I feared that I was one of those people who peaked in high school. Here at High smith college everyone was rich so that didn't make you popular like it did at Riverdale high. I had just been lonely and subsidised having people close to me to being the life of the party. The one who would always say yes to shots and sniffing coke. The girl that wouldn't date anyone longer than a night. It was easier to be the girl people didn't take seriously than getting close to people and getting hurt.

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