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It was the last day of the holiday for the two families. Over the last week the families of the two had got on like a house on fire,but today it all ended. In the week Ben and Kayleigh had spent every second they could together dreading the moment where they had to say goodbye

"Come on in" Evie said opening the door to reveal Ben. Kayleigh and Evie was mid packing the worst bit of any holiday. "I'll give you two a minute,milly's got my hairbrush I best go get it" Evie said trying to get herself out of the room. "I'm going to miss you" Ben said sitting on the bed watching the girl stuff dirty bikinis into her suitcase. "So is this the end?" Kayleigh said throwing the bikini down and sitting on the bed next to him. "Not a chance your the most amazing person I've ever met do you really think I'm going to let a hundred miles ruin that for me?" Ben questioned while tucking the girls hair behind her ear. "I don't know but I really want to carry on seeing you" she smiled. "When we get back can I take you on a date?" He smirked to the girl who simply nodded in response.

"Okay this is my gate" Kayleigh sighed pulling her hand away from Bens who had insisted on taking her to her gate for the flight. "I really like you kayleigh green" he said kissing her in between each word causing her to laugh even though her eyes were glossy at this point. "I really like you too Ben Chilwell" she smiled hitting his arm slightly. 'Last calls for gate 6' the lady called over the speakerphone system causing Ben and Kayleigh to stop staring at each other. "That's me" she half smiled even though their was tears streaming down her face at this point. "Bye" he spoke softly kissing her forehead before watching her walk away.

"How you feeling bro?" James asked his best mate as they sat on the plane. Ben had been quiet throughout the whole meal at the airport and all of his family had a very good idea why. "It sounds stupid but I feel like I've lost the best thing to ever happen to me" he opened up to his mate. "Like I've known her for two weeks and she's everything I've ever wanted and now she's ripped away from me" he carried on. "If it's meant to be it will work out and I have a feeling this will" James told his friend while putting his AirPods in.

Ben had just landed and got back to his place in Leicester. Before he had even began to unpack he sat down on the sofa and started aimlessly scrolling through his phone wanting to take his mind of things. Then his screen was replaced by a message saying 'kayleigh green would like to facetime' he smiled and instantly picked up. "Hey beautiful how was the flight" Ben asked her a smile instantly creeping onto his face from seeing her. "It was crap I was crying so me and Eves decided to watch a film then we watched the fault in our stars and we was crying even more" she said seriously even though she was half laughing. "I miss you already" he blurted out. "I miss you too" she smiled slightly.

The two talked for what felt like minutes but was actually hours before they knew it it was three am and Kayleigh had to whisper in order not to wake her mom and dad up. "So what's the plan for the next year?" Ben asked kayleigh
"I'm back living with my mom and dad and I've got my first shift in a week so just work" she smiled at the boy who she was falling for faster than she thought was possible. "What about you what's your plan for the next year?" Kayleigh whispered softly through the phone. "Play football most likely stay at Leicester and see you at every moment I get" he smiled also falling for this girl. "I never said this to you earlier but you are the man of my dreams" she said while pulling the cover over herself getting into bed. "Thank you beautiful" he smiled softly "get some sleep" he added. "Can we sleep on facetime?" She asked him yawning already. "Well I'm not ending it and you look to comfy so yes" he laughed turning his light off. "Good night Ben" she said half asleep already her eyes shut. "Good night gorgeous" he said closing his eyes falling asleep with a smile on his face.

"James is it slightly weird if I turn up to a girls house without her knowing?" Ben asked as soon as he opened the door to James. "I'm not even in your house and your asking me if trespassing is weird" James laughed while walking through to sit in Bens living room "anyway I thought you was really into Kayleigh why are you turning up to another girls house" James asked while Ben made them both a cup of tea. "No I'm on about going to Kayleighs" he said looking proud of his idea. "Couple of problems there mate" James said taking a sip of his tea to find it was a little too hot. "Hit me with them" Ben said slightly cock sure he would have the answers. "One you don't know where she lives" James stated. "Manchester" Ben smiled reassured he could do this trip. "Ben Manchester isn't a street it's a city" James said shocked he'd even have to tell his fairly intelligent friend that. "Two training starts tomorrow and she starts work in a week" James said seeing Bens face drop at the realisation that his plan wouldn't work. "Mate you'll see her I don't know when but you will" he smiled.

"Evie can you come over" Kayleigh sniffled down the phone to her cousin. "Yeah of course but if it involves cleaning your bedding from period blood again no" she said already putting her sliders on to run to the house two doors down from her. "No evie that was once and I was too hungover to do it myself now hurry up" she spoke defensively down the phone. "I'm on my way" Evie said putting the phone down.

"Hey what's wrong?" She said opening the door to Kayleighs bedroom. "I miss him" she sniffled. "And I'm scared he's going to find someone else" she added "okay Ben really likes you trust me and I know it's hard but you will see him he has a game in Manchester in two months time"Evie tried to say positively eventhough she knew that's not what her cousin wanted to here. "So I have to wait two months before I can give the boy I really like a hug" she scoffed slightly annoyed. "Well he does have like Liverpool fixtures as well" she said. "And if he finds someone else will they look like you and be a children's nurse no he likes you no one else don't worry" Evie spoke when she saw kayleighs phone light up

i haven't stopped thinking about you today. i will see you soon i promise. hope your having a good day gorgeous x

"I mean if that isn't a good enough bit of reassurance I don't know what is"Evie laughed slightly showing her friend the text. "I think I need to go there and see him before I start work" Kayleigh said impulsively. "You can't just turn up to his house" Evie said trying to make her cousin see how ridiculous this idea was,however it was too late Kayleigh was already opening her suitcase from holiday and emptying it and putting more england weather clothes in there.

hey james slightly random but send me ben's address i'm coming to see him for two days. also don't tell him i want it to be a surprise xx

you are insane. that's the most impulsive thing i've ever heard of but i guess i'll see you tomorrow? don't come at eight till eleven as we have training xx

oh no i'm coming tonight you have to tell him your going to see him at ten o'clock approx so this works also thanks for the help with this x

i think this is my favourite chapter in the whole book. how will their romance carry on when they aren't holiday ?
also I hope you enjoyed the weather today if your in england especially. remember as we come to the summer months to wear sunscreen and stay hydrated
lots of love as always ♥️

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