I'm Perfect

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Pink Diamond's POV

I'm Pure.
I'm Divine.
I'm a Supreme Gem.
I am Perfect.

I remember this as I walk down the hallways to the throne room. We are to show our presence in a few minutes to all of Homeworld. I hope I don't mess up like I always do. I don't know what's wrong with me. I want to be able to show Yellow and Blue that I can be a proper Diamond for the Great Diamond Authority. That'll show them that I'm responsible and they'll eventually give me a colony of my own to run.

As soon as I reach the throne room I sit on mine. We are perect. The other gems loves us. They respect us and need us and nothing will ever change that. I think as I giggle. Yellow hears me "act decent" with a side glare to show how serious she was. White pearl starts the presentation "My dear gems all rise for our glamourous Diamonds: White Diamond, Blue Diamond, Yellow Diamond, and Pink Diamond"

When I hear my name "Hi everybody" I say excitedly but then realized covering my mouth what I did wrong. I wasn't suppose to talk but I did it again. I look to the side to see there reactions are the same. Yellow is angry at me, Blue is disappointed, and White's not showing anything at all. What's wrong with me? Why can't I act like the others? I look at white again to make sure that I'm seeing this correctly. She's smiling I wonder why. Did she know that this would happen, why didn't she stop me if she did? Does she hate me like the others since we don't spend that much time with each other anymore? I don't have much time to think as blue and yellow drags me to an unoccupied room to lecture me about my misbehavior again.

Blue and Yellow are going to lecture Pink about her disobedience in the throne room. We'll see how that goes in the next chapter.

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