Part 29

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Third Person POV

Angela came crashing on the tree that was in the yard of the Pack house, her back instantly went numb from the pain it experienced.

She strenuously looked up at her brother whom his wolf has totally took control over him, she knew from the rapid movement of his chest and the loud sound of his heavy breathing that there was no turning back.

She looked at her brother and the pack that had her back years ago surrounding her like a prey, her eyes held a hint of hurt and resentment.

A light chuckled resonated in the air before soon turning into a a loud laugh.

The wolves looked at the injured she-wolf leaning on the tree, incredulously. It was in no way a time for her to laugh unless she has finally gone mad. They thought.

Her laughter once again ceased to a light chuckle, blood dripping from her mouth. "So what if I did it?" She said, wiping the blood from her mouth with the back of her hand. "My Luna? According to who!" She mocked, looking straight in the eye of the angry Alpha. "That bitch died 20 years ago! How do I know, you say? Because I killed her with my own hands! I watched darkness swallow her whole!" She hissed, her eyes holding a victorious glint.

A raged yet painful growl sounded from the Alpha wolf.

"So how come a person who was swallowed by darkness be alive! How come a weakling like Gemma Gerald be the formidable Queen of the Shadows? How come a person who calls himself an Alpha of a whole pack chase after a married monster who has a husband and kids!" Angela kept on taunting her already enraged brother.

Gasps were heard for the second time since Angela started speaking.

They couldn't believe that the Female Alpha they once respected and blindly followed was this twisted and ugly from the inside just like how she now was from the outside.

A sweet she-wolf that worked like crazy for years to get on their good side flashed before their eyes for a brief second, they felt both guilty and sad. Guilty because of how they treated her based on an envious Female Alpha's words, and sad because of how lonely and scared she must've been in her last moments.

"You killed her, you say?" Brute asked rather calmly for his state.

Angela, however, didn't seem to notice his odd calmness as she was still lost in her victorious haze, she nodded her head in confirmation. "Beat her close to death before tossing her to the rogues to have their fun with her." She said, looking at her feet in admiration. "The bitch coveted something that was never hers, she dared to covet my Beatrice's place!" Angela continued to blabber, missing the murderous gaze Brute was giving her.

"Then you shall die too." Brute and Nicholas who regained a small bit of control once again said in the same voice. "With my own hands." He added.

Angela didn't have time to process what he just say when he made a lunge at her, her neck was in his grasp in a moment, cutting off her air supply at once. "I'll make you wish the darkness swallowed you along with her that night." He hissed in her ear when she was on the brink of unconsciousness, he then abruptly let go of her causing her limp body to fall back down on the ground.

Nicholas then started attacking her with ruthlessly relentless kicks to her stomach, blood soon started coming out of her mouth but the Alpha showed no signs of stopping.

After few minutes, Nicholas suddenly stopped and looked at the almost unconscious she-wolf by his feet with utmost disgust and loathe before he turned his attention to his Pack members. "Each of you will take turns with her, kick her, beat her, bite her, punch her, do whatever the hell you want with her for quarter an hour and pass her to the next person. Anyone who shows any sign of mercy to this traitor shall be executed for treason, am I understood!" He ordered his pack with a chilling glare, he fixed his eyes on each one of them to emphasize his point, to show he not bluffing.

That he wanted her dead in the most painful of ways possible.

"Yes, Alpha!" The whole Pack roared their agreement at once.

Nicholas retreated to the back of the crowd and watched with satisfaction as the whole pack took turns of torturing Angela, no mercy was shown as per order.

This continued for hours, Angela was all bruised and barely recognizable because of the amount of blood and bruises covering her. There were only few wolves left from the Pack members who have yet to have their turns in beating the now bloody she-wolf.

Then, suddenly the sky darkened, dark clouds took over the previously clear sky, thunder roared and lightening struck the ground around the unconscious Female Alpha causing others to move away from her.

A familiar yet not so familiar darkness took over the whole yard of the Ice Pack's Pack House.

The lightening struck once again, it landed right on the unconscious Female Alpha. The force was so hard that her surroundings were sure she died.

However, the once unconscious she-wolf suddenly stood up, blood recovered yet bruises all gone. She looked more energetic than ever. 

Her skin glowed with a bluish halo, her eyes changed color to a mixture of sapphire and pale gold, the smirk she supported was frightening.

"You think I'm easily killed!" She taunted her Alpha brother. "I didn't come this far by siting in a corner waiting for my destiny." She added in a icy tone. "If you thought my previous self is ruthless, you better start thinking of other terms for this Angela, for ruthlessness is just not enough to describe what I am about to do." She said smirking darkly evil.

"How come?" Nicholas asked, dumbfounded. He was sure she died from all the beating. "What have you done!" He asked.

"I haven't done anything yet, I'm planning to start now however." She replied, still supporting the same evil smirk. "Starting with the Shadows Crown." Her smirk widened to a grin so sick that goosebumps started appearing on the whomever got a glimpse of it.

"That's why you targeted the Queen? You were the one who hired the rogues the last time." The Alpha stated more than asked.

"Smart as always, brother. It's never good to be this smart." Her tone held a hint of threat. "I'll see you soon, dear brother, and when that happens prepare to lose your Pack along with your head." She said after moments of silence. "Same goes with you, dear husband." She turned her icy glare to her husband who stood at the far corner with his sleeping daughter in his arms.

Her husband couldn't even move, shock still written all over his face.

"I'll leave my little princess with you until then." Angela said before the hovering darkness above her suddenly went down and engulfed her.

"We'll meet again when the chaos reigns." Her last words echoed in the air as they watched the empty place she stood moments ago.

They had a feeling that they would meet again sooner than they wish.

The chaos shall soon reign their world once again and there's nothing they can do about it.

Will the Shadows Queen help them when that time comes.


Hello, lovelies! I know it's been a couple of months since I last updated, but I was extremely busy, I still am in fact.

I'll try, however, to update as frequently as I can from on so I can finish this story fast.

Hope you enjoy the update.

Don't forget to vote and comment. Your comments and votes are the only thing that motivates me to write despite all.

Until next time, stay safe and healthy.


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