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(Note: picture is not what Sonic looks like in his Merhog form!)

"Do you, Merna Henrietta Jenson, take Prince Sonic Maurice Merhog as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Merna's voice was loud and clear, ringing through the ocean water like the wedding bells that were playing not five minutes earlier.

"Do you, Prince Sonic Maurice Merhog, take Merna Henrietta Jenson as your lawfully wedded wife?"

Sonic swallowed, this was it. The girl he was arranged to marry since day one. Right in front of him. Sonic looked around, his beautiful, wide tail flicking softly in nervousness. He noticed his mom, eagerness shining through her palcid façade.

The blue merhog took a deep steadying breath, closed his eyes, and said, "I...I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!" The priest standing at the pulpit practically screamed in exitment.

Merna learned forward for a kiss and Sonic reluctantly accepted it, placing a long, not-so-loving, kiss on her lips.

Immediately after, Sonic wiped his mouth off on his sleeve. He barely knew Merna, but was forced to marry her at age 16. He envied the other, non-royal kids, who could marry who they wanted, when they wanted. Unfortunately, stupid traditions said that the prince or princess had to marry their mother's choice the year of their 16th birthday.

"Sonic!" Queen Aleena ran up to her son to shower him in affectionate kisses. "Oh, Sonic! I'm so proud of you!" Aleena was usually very palcid and stoic, not letting out her emotions very well.

"Like a good ruler." She always said. Sonic tried to follow in her footsteps, but no matter how hard he tried, he always failed. Part if that had something to do with the fact that something kept pulling at him, dragging him like a fishook to the surface.

"Sonic!" His mother's voice snapped him back to reality. "Sonic!"

"Mom!" Sonic tried to stop her yelling.





The blue hedgehog abruptly say up, covered in a cold sweat. Looking up, he saw his brother, Tails, looking down at him.

"Wha-" Sonic asked, still half asleep.

"You were muttering in your sleep and twisting around to the point to ripped your sheets!" Tails explained.

"Oh. Sorry. Just another nightmare." Sonic lied, looking out the open window at the nearby sea.

His ex-home. His family. His- wait, what?

Two figures had just climbed out if the ocean, their sillheuettes clearly visible against the brightening sunrise. It was hard to make out their features, but it looked like they had the torso of a Mobian, but the tail of a fish. Thankfully, only Sonic spotted the creatures that were now walking down the beach on... Legs?

As they grew closer, Sonic realized who they were. He sat there, parilized, until the doorbell rang and Tails ran to answer.

Sonic heard the door open and Tails say, "Hi! How can I help you?" In his cheery voice. Sonic held his breath, waiting for the next words.

"Greetings. I am Sonia, and this is Manic. We come from Tainshi and wish to speak to Sonic the Hedgehog. Does he reside here?"

"Yeah, follow me!" Tails replied, his footsteps echoing louder the closer they came to his room. Tails stopped in the doorway and ushured two hedgehogs into the room. One was magenta with matching eyes, and the other was green with light blue eyes. Both were soaked and dripping water all over the floor.

Sonic chuckled nervously. "Heh heh... Hey there, Sonia. Manic. How's life been?"

"Sonic Maurice the Hedgehog. You have a lot of explaining to do." Sonia growled, ignoring the blue one's attempt at conversation.

"S-sonia... Hi... Can we just talk about this?" Sonic begged, backing into a corner, Sonia and Manic cracking their knuckles while advancing.

Eventually, all three stopped, Sonic cowering, waiting for the first attack.


Here he was, trapped between a corner and two angry hedgehogs after having a flashback of his wedding day.

Yeah, not the best way to wake up.


I personally think getting woken up at SEVEN A.M by an earthquake is better... (That's actually happened to me before!)

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