Scene 4: Eventful Day

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A little girl was crying and the cops were in front of the building so he was being aimed at in the dead. He got the donut back for the child. Look away. Said gunblade. She did. The Psychopath said: I'm gonna be a cop Killer too. Not today. Said gunblade. He got a perfect shot in the neck and he didn't get in trouble. He insisted got a free donut.

May 8th 2001. Gunblade Went to Stem Magnet Academy Elementary so that some kids can Finney meet him in person. He was also on the CNN News Channel. Gunblade. Do you Have a Special Message for the people? Asked the reporter.

It's Not The Style for the Way to Victory. Its The Skill that Pushes you.

They were happy to consider Gunblade as a hero. He consider himself as an anti-hero but he was letting have they're apenians. He was walking to the ufo that was at the same place with jared Emerald. Dragon Slayer was ready to attack. Ill fight him. Said Crusher. No. Ill Do it. So that I know if I can defeat your kind again. Said Gunblade.

They Fought till the last man standing. He left him hanging with a building piece and bent it so that he can't fall off. You stay fucked up. Jared is on my side. He changed cause of me. Said gunblade with anger. Jared did become a hero cause of gunblade.

8:00pm. Went to a scrap yard and found cop Killers. He spared no one for a good reason. The place was full of criminals at night. There was Singing and Gunblade was floating and flew 300ft in the sky looking down without fear.

Its beautiful. Said Gunblade Softly, he put on Factory Made night vision Before He Was Flying. Tune Girl Traveled to see him and help.him against demon girl. He accidentally saw what was underneath tune girl's Skirt. Sorry. Didn't Mean to see that. Said Gunblade.

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