Ch17 Old Dog Unchained

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Greg grinned with a sinister look in his eyes as he readied himself for the ceremony. The rather solitary location for his prison planet wasn't very accommodating for an entire group of elders to attend, and since it was his yearly evaluation, that meant a nice little trip, and the array of preparations it entitled. The guards patted him down for weapons, keys or technological devices, shining a light in his mouth as he stuck his tongue out and unhinged his jaw unnaturally far, making even the armed Fae guards nervous. He lifted his massive blue-ish tongue to show he wasn't hiding any devices, peering over at Izleena and giving her a wink, just to make her uncomfortable as she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Do you have to be so damn vulgar?" she grumbled.

"What can I say, you complete me." he whispered awkwardly.

The room was dimly lit, the camera auto-pointed at his face being the brightest light around.

"Welcome back Shitweasels to another fantastic episode of cooking with Greg. Today you get to watch me eat 76 pounds of goat cheese. I'm just kidding, this is my mandatory psych-evaluation, I think I'm going to do really well." he smirked, bearing his teeth for smug effect.

"We can't edit this you know. This is a live feed." sighed Izzy.

"I'm aware." he nodded.

"And I am required as an impersonal party, to ask these questions that will be used to determine your level of stability to be cleared for relocation." she sighed harder. He leaned close to the webcam.

"I am continuing to be aware." he whispered.

"Greg..." she said.

"Okay fine. Serious questions."

"Do you have any suicidal thoughts or intentions?"


"When was the last time you had any violent outbursts?"

"Um, against a person or do inanimate objects count?"

"Any outburst." she muttered.

"I got mad at a pack of crackers the other day and physically assaulted a hot tub. Obviously it did not survive. Crackers deserved it. Real butter taste, my ass."

"Greg...why are you doing this?" she whispered.

"I thought I was required to be I not required?"

"Why are you intentionally trying to sabotage yourself?"

"I'm a very disturbed individual with a lot of bad thoughts and nuclear level power, there is just no telling what I might do at any moment." he said, abruptly slapping her cup of coffee across the room and staring coldly. "Voices made me do it."

"Okay we're done." she said closing the computer. "I don't understand."

"I know. And I can't explain it to you Izzy. They could be listening...the tinfoil men with knives."

"Did you take some kind of superdrug?" she said trying to look into his eyes.

"Okay, all joking aside. Izzy, I'm going to do something alarming and I need you to trust me."

"No, NO, no. Greg, do not do whatever that is, and I don't trust you at all."

"Okay, just don't be mad." he sighed.

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