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Snow's Point of View

Monday; I lifted the blanket that was covering my face from the gleam of the sunlight. I'm still exhausted. I glanced to my right and saw Alexa, peacefully lying on the floor.

What time is it?

6 am, oh too early. Alexa obviously had a rough night, she used to be up by this time. I guess today is different. I'm happy that she'd finally made time for herself. I chose to ignore her and made my way to the kitchen. Sometimes, she have to experience what it feels like, sleeping on the floor – and we have carpet so it'll make her warm. I prepared myself some breakfast: a hot mug of coffee and pancakes. I made Alexa some foods too, a sandwich filled with veggies and a bottle of yoghurt. I left a note beside it that says:

'Hi, I didn't wake you up so I just made you food. Rest well, Luv ya!'

I proceeded to the living room along with my meal. I was startled when my phone had vibrated from my pajama's pocket, geez I'd almost toss the food out of the tray.

• should I pick you up, I know you have classes.

• Who's this?
who the hell is this...

• pfft ~ Marco xoxo

• I can handle

• we'll pick you up
okay, free ride.

Where did she get my number?

Strange, it seems like Marco knew all my informations even from the start. I didn't recall in one bit, giving her my name, my address and now — my number. Plus, how did she knew that I have classes for today?

After I finished my meal, I went upstairs to get ready for school. Alexa was still fast asleep and I have no plans of waking her up. I know she drank a bit more than what her body could handle. I will let her rest since I'm a good friend. (winks)

I made sure that I didn't forgot about Xin's coat and jacket. The odor of her coat still lingers around me, how long does her perfume last lol? Oh --- the smell. I settled the clothes on the study table.

I took the box from underneath my bed and proceeded to smell the bear. Why am I so foolish? – that's literally the same scent. I placed the box on my study table and the bear would stay by my side. I don't really keep stuffed toys on my bed as I prefer an adult style one; but this little fella wouldn't matter.

My phone vibrated from the bed and I heard a vehicle's horn from the outside.

• we're here Snow.
Marco texted.

I got my bag, the clothes and I locked the door behind me. I approached the car – the sun was gleaming on my bare face. This will definitely be a sunny day. I was about to enter the passenger seat beside the driver's, when the window had pulled down.

"I have boxes of snacks here, they're from China. Take the back seat.", Marco said.

I opened the car door of the back seat and I was shocked to find Xin.

"The other side", Marco yelled as she checks me on the rear view mirror.

"Oh it's fine, I'll just move.", Xin said and had moved to occupy the space on the seat.

I feel so tense, like I prefer busses. Alexa was totally right, parking cars are a huge waste of time.

"Hey, hop in", I had no other choice but to obey Marco. I took the seat and was absolutely still, avoiding everything that could reflect Xin's appearance.

"Snow, take this.", Marco threw me a bag of chocolates and snacks. "It's from Liu Yuxin!", she smiled.

"Thanks Marco", I said as I inspected the bag. They're all chinese labeled, I never had some goodies from China before.

"It's from Liu Yuxin, she bought some snacks for souvenirs so y'all can taste our delicacies.", Marco laughed. "So — are you going to thank her or nah?", she asked.

"Oh yeah, thank you Ms. Liu!", I fake a smile as I kept the goodies inside my bag.

"Ms. Liu LOL!", Marco burst out into laughter.

"Oh yeah here's your jacket and coat.", I settled the clothes between us.

"Call me Xin, how many times do I have to tell you that?", she whispered.

"Sorry", I whispered back.

We reached the school and we both went out of the car, leaving Marco on the driver's seat.

"I'll wait later Snow.", she smiled as the window slowly pulled up.

Monday hmm, Biology class! My first subject is Biology! I glanced at Xin and she was occupied by her thoughts.

"You have Biology, right?", Xin asked.


Without further words, we moved our way to the building. It's quiet and seems uncomfortable for the both of us. I glanced at my watch and we're two fucking hours early. The rooms were still locked and I assumed that we're the only people in this building — or even in the whole school, lol. I have never been this early before!

"We're too early.", I mumbled.

"Yeah, I'll just take a walk.", she said as she turned her back on me.

I wander my sight around the area and it was creepy as hell. I scratched my head with frustration. Y'all know the feeling of being trap in a place full of monsters, cause if you do; that's exactly what I'm feeling right now. Honestly, I'm a total oward, definitely more coward than Courage. (Courage the cowardly dog show)

The building was eerily quiet and all I could hear was the wind, softly blowing in my ear. I jumped from the ground when I heard a loud tweet, I screamed at the top of my lungs and it echoed throughout the building.

"For goodness sake Snow! That's just a bird!", Xin stated; the scream had obviously startled her.

I smiled at her and brought my hand near my face; my fingers were formed in a peace sign. I tried acting cute but I felt like I may have looked weird.

"Okay, I'm just going to take a walk.", she turned her back again and started to walk towards the exit of the building.

I was going to sat down by the floor when a loud thunder had blazed the sky.

I'm so sorry but I screamed again!

It startled me ok, it surprised the hell out of me!

"SNOW RIVAS, IT'S JUST A FUCKING THUNDER!", Xin shouted — she was about 10 ft. away from me.

She uttered the 'fucking' word sexily. Oh, Snow. Why am I thinking this lol?

"Yeah with a lightning!", as soon as I yelled back — The thunderstorm had began and the madness of the clouds poured above us.

Xin gave me a worried glance and I'd ran onto her. Fuck uncomfortability, I'm scared and the continuous thunders could kill me. Well I guess, it wouldn't be that sunny after all.

Loving an Idol • Liu Yuxin and Kong Xueer FFWhere stories live. Discover now