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"Dang those donuts filled me up last night." Alexa said cheerfully, while wiping off some residues beside her bazoo.

"You ate my donuts?!" I immediately stood up and made my way downstairs. I found the box half open and some of the flavors are missing..... "ALEXAAAAAAAAA!" I yelled in rage.

"It's just donuts, duh!" She yelled back.

"But it's from Marco!" I mumbled to myself.

I was planning to take pictures of those adorable donuts. I feel so devastated but it's food, it's meant to be eaten anyway — so I took the whole box and brought it upstairs. I settled the donuts on Alexa's bed and we both started to dive in.

The classes for the rest of the week were cancelled. The campus was going to facilitate some kind of an event about charities. I won't see Liu Yuxin for a week. My heart badly wants to see her whereas on the contrary: my mind was happy to be out of her sight.

She have Esther Yu, I'm just her fan.

"Can you help me out on something?" I asked while eating my strawberry flavored donut.

"Yeah sure Snow. What is it?" Alexa replied.

"Someone's giving me letters and stuffs. I want to know who the hell is it..." Why would someone give me a miniature of an umbrella?

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that someone left you a letter this morning. You're still sleeping so I decided not to disturb you." Alexa gave me a black envelope. It was hella scented in a perfume I'm fully familiar. I can recognize the smell from somewhere or something that I'd encountered before.

I carefully opened the envelope and took the letter inside. It's the same penmanship again!

'I like you since the first time I saw you. How can I make you mine?'

The letter made my heart skipped a beat. Who would admire me? with the way I look? the way I dress?

I'm just a simple girl.

"Alexa, any thoughts about who could've sent this?" She thought for a moment, wandering both of her eyes at the ceiling.

"Xin Liu, I don't really know but I have a hunch feeling that it might be her?"

"Xin has Esther Yu." I rolled my eyes and proceeded to grab another donut.

"How did you know?"

"Marco told me the reason why Xin chose to study abroad. She wants to move on from Esther." I explained.

The thought of Xin and Esther had never left my mind. It's like a pinch in the heart; a feeling that I'd never felt before.

"M.O.V.E. O.N, move on Snow. They're over if that's the case." Alexa sneered.

"But let's exclude her, it's impossible — too impossible." Moving on doesn't exactly mean that everything's over. The emotions could come back and fix them from their separation. I don't want to expect on things that are unsure; I don't want to hurt myself.

"It's Xin, trust me." She stated.

I let my back fall on Alexa's bed. This is all too good to be true.

Hours had passed by so slowly; the whole day was filled with arguments on who could've sent the letters, huge meals and overrated tv shows. Alexa was standing up behind her idea that it was Xin Liu who gave the stuffs and not Marco. I'd told her that it was impossible for Xin or even Marco to develop any infatuation on me. I'm just their fan afterall.

We're watching a netflix series when my phone suddenly vibrated. Someone had messaged me but it was an unknown number.

• Hey, I'm really sorry for what I'd acted yesterday Snow.
:(((( - xin


• Where did u get my number?
I replied.

• Alexa

"Alexa..." I spoke aloud that caught her attention. She raised both of her eyebrows as a respond. "Why did you gave my number without my permission?!" I glared at her. Alexa just gave me a grin and returned at her phone.

• ohhhh it's actually ok, no worries.
I texted back.

• wanna go jog around the village?

Hmmm..... Take a deep breath Snow, act normal.

• Yeah

• Great, I'll pick you up. Give me 20 minutes.

I was on second thoughts if I should reply back but... nah. I'll keep my pride; it's better not to look eager on such things.

I went to our room to get myself ready. The irony of not wanna look eager but wearing my best jogging clothes. Ugh, I hate myself. I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

Do I look overdress?
Should I wear makeup?
Do I look fat?
Is my hair fine?

Millions and millions of questions that are left unanswered. I was in complete paranoia; I'm torn between a thousand things of stupid ideas.

Why do I always act like this when it comes to you... LIU YUXIN?

I know I'm her fan, I like her...

in love

Loving an Idol • Liu Yuxin and Kong Xueer FFWhere stories live. Discover now