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(kairi has a coochie)

Mattia POV- Me and kairi have been dating for a year and we've only made out and done touchy stuff but we have never actually had sex and I think he's just scared but you can definitely tell he needs it sometimes but he ends up pulling through I don't know how he does it because almost every day I want to pleasure him and make him feel so good, I'll always start by rubbing his thigh and then moving my hand up and sticking it in his pants and then he usually starts bucking his hips and breathing heavily but then he changes the subject. But not tonight he won't I'm going to reassure him that everything will be okay and I'm going to take it slow and make tonight the best night of his life, and it's Saturday so I can just call him up and he'll come over


Mattia: hey baby can you please come over tonight and spend the night

Kairi: of course baby

Mattia: very good boy I love you (makes a kissing noise in the phone)

Kairi: I love you too see soon (makes a kissing noise in the phone)


Mattia POV- I got my bed made and right on the bed I put some nice lingerie for him to wear and a condom, I also made the LED lights red to set the mood and then I put on one of my button shirts and made sure it was unbuttoned and then I put on my black ripped jeans and made sure my underwear line was showing. I then waited for him to come and I told my mom what was happening and she just said she would put her earbuds in and I don't have to worry about my dad because he's at work right now he got the night shift job so I was basically all good for tonight

*Kairi is there*

3rd person POV- Kairi knock on the door and of course Mattia's mom answered the door and smirked at him and said "he is down stairs" kairi nodded in excitement to get to see his boyfriend. When Kairi got down there he saw mattia and walked over to mattia and gave him a kiss and said


Kairi: you look so hot baby

Mattia: you look sexy also.... Hey baby

Kairi: yes

Mattia: tonight is the night

Kairi: f-for what

Mattia: we are going to have sex

Kairi: b-baby I don't know if I can

Mattia: why can't you

Kairi: Because I'm scared it's going to hurt

Mattia: I will take it slow and the pain will only last for maybe 5 minutes and then the pleasure will last for an hour...... How about this I put it in and if it hurts that bad you can always tell me to pull out okay

Kairi: o-okay

Mattia: go put that on (points to the lingerie)

Kairi: okay (walks over and grabs the lingerie and then takes it into the bathroom to change)


Mattia POV- kairi finally walked out and he looked so good, just by looking at him I was already hard, he then walked over to me which I was sitting on the bed and then he crawled on top of me and we started kissing I was squeezing his butt causing him to moan into the kiss and then I grabbed his hips with my hands and started moving him around on my hard, I could tell he was feeling it because he had his eyes rolled back to his head and his mouth open and his head up In the air. Then I flipped us over and took off my button shirt and threw it to the side then I used my teeth to take off the lingerie bottoms which was a thong and I could feel how wet he was, I then threw the thong on the floor and stuck my fingers in his mouth and told him to suck and he obeyed me and did so, I then pulled my fingers out of his mouth and started rubbing his clit and sticking my fingers in and out of him he was in a little pain but didn't tell me to stop so I kept going, I then fingered him rapidly making him put his hands on the headboard and pushing himself down into my fingers even more. I then took off my pants and boxers and then took his lingerie top off now we were fully naked and I grabbed a condom off my feet and put it on then I asked if he was read, he looked scared but nodded his head I put his legs up on my waist and lined myself up to him I slowly went in and stopped right away when he said "OW OW PLEASE STOP" I stopped and looked at him and I said baby are you okay he nodded his head and then said keep going so I did very slowly. After 5 minutes he started moaning loudly and scratching my back so I we fast and all you could here in the room was "ohhh God and uhhh please" that is all the room was filled with. He now has his legs wrapped around my waist and he was bucking his hips into me, I then got out of bed and right when I got ready to walk away I got pulled back in by kairi and he said while moaning "Daddy I want more please" so I got back in bed and we did it again

A/N- After reading this don't Ever call me a holy child 😂👉🏻👈🏻

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