ʙᴀᴅ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs~ᴍᴀɪʀɪ

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(in this mattia is a little and he is actually kairis height and kairi is actually Mattias height)

3rd person POV- Mattia was running around the mall while kairi was tryin to keep up were the little boy was going and then all of a sudden Kairis heart melted as mattia yelled "Dada oh pwease can Tia get ah stuffy I be vewy good" he said with puppy dog eyes kairi nodded his head as mattia started to run to the stuffed animal store. When they got in mattia grabbed a stuffed dinosaur and was jumping around holding it up to Kairi signaling that he wanted it so kairi paid the cashier and they had left and honestly kairi was surprised mattia didn't have a fit about getting something else, kairi was noticing that Mattia was kinda stumbling around and he had his eyes shut so kairi picked mattia up and started walking out of the mall. When Kairi got to his car he put mattia in and buckled him up and then they left

Kairi POV- I picked mattia up and walked us into our apartment when I got in I went to his room and put him in his crib. You're probably thinking why does he have a crib well he tends to fall off the bed a lot and he's always in his little space so I figured why not anyways I set him down and turn off the light and shut the door and went to go make a supper. Supper was almost done and all of a sudden I heard crying I ran to Mattias room and he was making grabby hands meaning that he wanted out so I walked over to him fast and pulled him out and held him I looked at him for a minute and then before I could say anything he looked at me and said "t-tia had bad dweam a-and it scawe me" he started crying again and he put his head into my shoulder and I told him that everything is okay and that I was just going to be in the kitchen so I put him in the living room to play with his toys. We both ate supper and then I put him in his onesie gave him his dinosaur and turned his night light on and then we both went to bed

A/N~ I kind of like mattia being a bottom and little but of course I'm going to switch back and forth but still😌

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