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Kairi POV- I was walking into Mattia's house when I heard giggles coming from his room I walked in and he was jumping on his bed and not hitting his head witch was surprising. I made my way over to the bed and he turned around and yelled my name like a toddler "kaiwee yay" I smiled and wondered a little why he was acting like a child then my thoughts went away as I heard a loud bang and mattia wasn't on the bed anymore infact he was on the other side of the bed crying with a bloody lip I ran over and helped him up on the bed while he cried and sobbed holding his lip were the blood was coming from


Kairi: Mattia are you okay baby

Mattia: (cries louder) no it hurt bery bad

Kairi: (wipes the blood off) It's okay lay down and I'll get you medicine and a treat okay

Mattia: otay....tank you

Kairi: your welcome baby


Kairi POV- I walked downstairs and got Mattia his medicine and chocolate ice cream I knew he would like the ice cream but not the medicine. I walked up and went in and saw him playing with his fingers and pouting, I then walked over to him and gave him the medicine but he pouted and said no so then I simply said no medicine no ice cream he started tearing up and then took the medicine and ice cream I gave him a kiss on the head and layed down next to him while he watched Mickey mouse and we both fell asleep

A/N~ I love it 😌♥️

Also got the idea from a friend who kinda accidentally made me copy someone so the original creator kairiswap sorry for misunderstanding ♥️

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