Absolutely MAGICAL

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Princess Diana POV:

I couldn't believe that I was here at Wembley Stadium. Sure I might have been the Princess, but my husband the Prince, rarely ever let me do what I actually wanted to do. I was sure he wouldn't let me attend the performance. But I suppose that someone convinced him that it was for the best. Whomever talked him into it, I owe them a lot of gratitude. Not just for my own sake, but for the sake of my children as well. William and Henry were very big fans of Michael Jackson. Almost as big a fan as I was secretly. 

As I went through the line of people, shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries, I realized Michael was at the end of the line. He was wearing a very similar outfit to what he was wearing in "Bad" but with less buckles and a pair of sunglasses to go with it. That disappointed me a little, as I admittedly hoped to see his eyes. I blushed a bit at the thought, but didn't let it affect my attitude. 

I looked again towards the end of the line and realized Charles had made it to Michael. Charles was smiling, but I knew something was wrong. I could feel it in my gut. The thought made me want to throw up...again. But I kept myself composed and hoped for the best.

Michael Jackson POV:

When I heard that I'd be meeting with the royal family, I was very delightfully surprised. Of course I wanted to meet them. Not to increase my popularity, but because they seemed like genuinely good people and any good people are worth meeting in my opinion. 

I glanced down the line a little, trying my best not to be nervous. Even though I was used to performing in front of thousands of people, I still got nervous. I've just gotten better at hiding it. My sunglasses are one of my go-to protections. I don't like it when people look into my eyes. They can see into my soul. 

When Prince Charles stood before me, he had a big smile on his face, one which I returned in kind. He wore an admittedly boring gray suit and white shirt, and was wearing far too much hair product. 

"We're glad you could come here Mr. Jacko." he greeted me. Immediately I scrunched my eyebrows and my handshake became less firm. Did he just call me Jacko? As in Wacko Jacko?

"Excuse me?" I inquired politely. His smile never faded, and it became clear he was faking it now.

"Oh I was just saying it's nice to finally meet you in person. I'm sorry to hear that you couldn't buy the elephant man's bones like you wanted to." he responded more firmly this time, smile never faltering. My smile was mostly gone now, and I felt some actual emotional pain now. 

"Prince Charles is a bit mean." I thought to myself confused. "What'd I ever do to him?"

"That's uh, just a myth your highness. I was just looking at them." I replied a little quieter than I would've liked. I was making it too obvious that he was getting to me. 

"Of course it is. What would you need with bones when you have an oxygen chamber to keep you young?" Now I was feeling more than a little hurt. More like angry. Luckily Charles glanced over to his right and saw his wife about to arrive in line. 

He leaned into me then and whispered in my ear: "You'd better stay away from her Wacko Jacko. We don't need or want you here." Then he pulled back and smiled as he went off to greet someone else. I was so upset now that it was honestly a miracle that I hadn't cracked already. 

I turned my attention to my sleeve, adjusting it to hide the spots on my skin. Seeing them only made me more frustrated. I was beginning to think I wouldn't be able to stay positive after all. I was honestly ready to go take out my frustrations on the stage, when the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen stood before me. 

Princess at Neverland (Michael Jackson x Princess Diana of Wales)Where stories live. Discover now