The Princess Arrives

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Princess Diana POV:

I was very tired. After my last call with Michael, I had to start preparing for my departure immediately. I did most of the packing myself as the staff is smaller than it used to be. When I was done, I attempted to call Buckingham to say goodbye to my children, but was turned away by one of Charles' suck-ups. That made me angry to no end, but I decided not to let it bother me too much. I was too tired to be angry anyway. It was nighttime in England, but I was determined to stay awake throughout the entire flight in order to get accustomed to the new time zone. There's an eight hour time difference between England and California, so while it was afternoon for me now, it would feel like night when I got there.

I rode in my private jet as I usually did when I traveled internationally. The plane had staff on it to help me with my bags. I didn't know how long I'd be staying in Neverland, so I packed about half my wardrobe. Fighting off sleep wasn't something I was used to doing. Normally I went to sleep fairly early, not only because putting on an always cheerful facade was exhausting, but because I didn't want to interact with Charles anymore than I needed to. The thought of not having to worry about him anymore made me smile softly to myself. 

One of my bodyguards named Harold offered a semblance of small talk, but thankfully didn't bring up the children or the divorce. I really wasn't in the mood to discuss it. Instead he asked me if I thought going to Neverland was such a good idea. Of course I said "yes." He then said that he wouldn't get in the way of me and my boyfriend. I blushed HEAVILY at that statement. I sputtered out that he was talking nonsense and he started to laugh. I laughed as well before I went back to being sleepy. 

When the plane landed in California, I was more than ready to go to sleep, but I was greeted by bright afternoon sunlight and I knew sleep would have to wait a few more hours. 

Michael Jackson POV:

I was so excited like you wouldn't believe. I could barely sleep last night because I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Princess Diana was coming to Neverland! I knew that she was going through some serious emotional turmoil, but I was gonna try my best to help her through it. 

I found myself regularly peeking through the front windows of the mansion, hoping to see a car pulling up the driveway, but it was always empty. I did my best to resist getting pouty about it. I knew flights from England to America took a long time. I had been on that same trip many times over the years. 

I could barely eat the scrambled eggs and bacon that my wonderful cook: Gloria had whipped up for me. I forced myself to eat it though. My doctors had told me so many times over the years that I didn't eat enough. That I was underweight for a man my size. I couldn't help it though. When I get nervous or excited I just can't eat anything. My stomach basically shuts down. Despite this I forced the eggs and bacon down with some orange juice. 

I had prepared the guest bedroom for the Princess. I did my best to make it look like something suitable for royalty. I usually kept the house spic and span, however I also had a tendency to put things that I bought in the guest bedrooms when I didn't know where to put them.

Eventually in late afternoon, I peeked outside once again, despite telling myself at least fifty times that I wouldn't. Luckily this time I saw a limo pulling up the drive. I was about to hurry outside, but decided against it, thinking it would make me seem desperate. So I waited until Diana got out of the car...and THEN I hurried outside like a child. 

She was SO beautiful. She was in more casual clothing which suited her surprisingly well and didn't make her seem any less regal to me. And she was most certainly NOT fat at all. Her eyes gleamed in the afternoon sunlight and her smile was whiter and more breathtaking then ever. I was smiling from ear to ear and couldn't help but notice my cheeks had gotten very hot. 

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