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Michael Jackson POV: 

My late night phone calls with Diana continued. She would call me almost every night, talking about the media harassment. I truly loved talking to her. She was probably the most relatable person I'd ever met. I never really had anyone to talk to about these things. The paparazzi were always holding knives, just waiting for you to fail, and Diana understood that just as well as I did. 

I made a point of keeping up to date on British news as often as I could, just making sure they weren't slandering her still. But today something caught my attention much faster than usual. The headline read: "Prince Charles and Princess Diana DIVORCED"

My mind was blown. Diana had of course made some mentions that her husband wasn't always very nice to her, but I didn't know that she was interested in getting divorced from him. I began to worry about her well-being, knowing now that she might be all alone and that the media were more than likely giving her an especially hard time.

Waiting until sunset was miserable. I was just itching to dial her up immediately, but I knew because of our timezone difference, she was probably asleep. So I wandered around Neverland, going on some of the rides and trying to distract myself. But nothing really worked. 

FINALLY the sun set, and I hurried to the phone, ready to attempt calling her. 

Princess Diana POV:

I felt a very strange mix of emotions. On one hand I felt incredibly sad that life as I knew it was over. I was no longer a Princess. I was allowed to keep the title Princess, but I was technically no longer one. But on the other hand, I was very relieved to be away from that cheating husband of mine. Or at least I was until it was made clear to me that Charles would hold custody of the children. That emotionally hurt me in a way that's indescribable. I knew I would probably lose them, but considering the fact that I tried to kill myself 5 times over the last 6 years, I knew I was making the right decision. 

Thoughts of my sons: Henry and William brought tears to my eyes. I suddenly felt very selfish for leaving Charles. What right did I have to divorce the Prince? To leave my children with that odious man for the rest of their childhood? I know our marriage was bad, but at least I had my children. 

I retained the same residence as before. I was staying at Kensington. Charles and the boys were moved to Buckingham Palace. Suddenly I'd never felt more alone than I did right now.

Then the phone rang on the table. I was reluctant to answer it, worried it might be some media company wanting to bother me for an interview. Or Charles to tell me what a mistake I had made. But I answered it and was delighted to hear a voice I definitely needed to hear: Michael's.

"Hi Diana." his soft voice greeted hesitantly on the other end. "I read what happened in the paper. Are you gonna be alright?" I had to really think before I responded. Would I be okay? Was everything going to alright? I'd get visitation rights at least. Though not very often. Talking to Michael made me forget my problems, albeit quite briefly. 

"Yes. Yes I think I'll be alright. I partly regret my decision and partly don't. It's very confusing." I attempted a giggle through my tears. 

Michael Jackson POV:

I gripped the receiver tightly in my hands. I was very empathetic and hearing her in so much emotional pain made me feel just as bad. Diana was such a good person and she definitely didn't deserve to go through so much trouble. 

"I understand. I've never been married, but I know what it's like to make decisions that other people won't agree with." I told her truthfully. My decision to forgive my father after everything he'd done to me and my brothers, was definitely questionable. I couldn't look at the man without wanting to regurgitate or faint. 

"My phone has been ringing off the hook today with people wanting to hear my side of the story." she recalled through the occasional sniffle. 

My heart felt like a needle was going through it; slowly. I felt so bad for her that it wasn't even funny. I laid down on my bed, just silently praying for a solution to her problems. Just then, a light bulb went off in my head as I looked out the window to the ranch below. 

"Hey Princess? I think I have an idea." I told her excitedly. With another sniffle she asked me to continue.

"Why don't you come here to Neverland for a while? Just to get away from everything?" I offered her, hoping to God above that she would PLEASE say "yes."

"Oh Michael...I don't know." she answered.

Princess Diana POV: 

Michael wanted me to go see him?! I blushed heavily at the thought of staying with him. But I also questioned why anyone would want a woman around when she was an emotional wreck. 

"Oh please. Please Princess. I want to help you. If you stay in England then the paparazzi will be all over you." he followed up. The more he said it, the more I liked the idea. I didn't really want or need to stay in England, not with Charles out of the picture and my children with him for the time being. Besides, Michael WANTED me to come. His voice was so innocent and sweet that he would be hard to turn down. 

"I don't want to intrude though. I know you probably have a lot of guests over there. And I might be a bit of a nuisance." I admitted a little sourly. I really wanted to go, but I also didn't want to make Michael's life more difficult. 

"Oh no please Diana. You'd be far from it. I don't have any guests here right now. And besides I...I forgot to mention that I have one of your earrings." he followed up. I went a little wide-eyed remembering how I'd lost an earring at Michael's performance. Had he found it?

"You found my earring?" I asked him incredulously. Even though I was wearing a different set of earrings, I still couldn't help subconsciously feeling my left ear lobe. 

Michael giggled a little bit before answering with: "Yes I do. And the only way that you'll get it back is if you come to Neverland." He was definitely teasing me a bit. But...I actually kinda enjoyed it, feeling a blush creep onto my cheeks. 

"Oh alright. I'll get on my private plane and be there sometime tomorrow." I responded. 

"I'll see you then Princess." he answered.

"I told you, you can call me Diana!" I exclaimed playfully with a chuckle. 

"Alright DIANA. I'll see you here tomorrow."

Michael Jackson POV:

As I set down the receiver, I flopped back down onto my bed, feeling happier and more excited than I'd been since I got back from tour. There's gonna be a Princess at Neverland. It almost sounds like a fairytale...

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