Hell's Throne - Epilogue

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I felt like I was an anxious teenager again getting ready for her first date. Tugging at the sleeve of my white dress, I breathed in deeply.

Had I felt this nervous the first time?

Some of those memories were a faded blur. Thanks to the tricks the angels had played on my mind, there were still times fact and fiction blurred together in my memories. I knew I had married Gabriel. I must have felt something for him in order to marry him, and had been lucky enough to have my son. But the feelings and emotions from that time were a mere echo. I knew I had felt something but it was disconnected.

I shook my head before finally turning to the standing mirror which had been dragged in. Nicolette, Hades' beautiful bride, shifted out of the corner of my eye. Dressed in an emerald Bardot dress and flat golden sandals, she was effortlessly stunning. And there was something else.

As if on cue, her hand unconsciously cradled her stomach before she snatched it away. Panicked, her eyes lifted. She met my gaze in the mirror.

"Congratulations," I mouthed silently, before pretending to zip my lips closed.

Her shoulders slumped, relief causing her to slump against the wall.

An ache formed in my chest. I remembered those times. The excitement of early pregnancy when you exist in a bubble. Where it is just you and your little secret and everyone else is oblivious. It made me long for it again. But Lucius and I weren't there yet. But we had time. My second life had given me that; provided no other end of world situations arose.

"Knock knock." Called a familiar voice as the door swung inwards.

Two archangels filled the doorway. One was beaming, his smile so wide it stretched from ear to ear. The other had his emotions wrapped so firmly behind a mask.

"Zeke. Gabriel. What are you doing here?" I asked, stepping forward to wrap them both into a hug. I tried not to notice how stiff Gabriel was within my arms. "I thought you both were home."

"You don't honestly think we would miss this, do you?" Zeke cut in smoothly, his genial attitude a natural balm to his brother's closed off expression. "I wanted to be the one to give you away; even if it is to my brother. Would you let me do that for you?"

Reaching forwards, I tugged on a Zeke's sandy brown hair which had found time to grow past his shoulders. "I would love nothing more. Why don't you go and grab yourself a drink – one drink – and I'll catch up with you in a moment."

"I'd rather catch up with my nephew first. Where's Danny?" he asked, leaning to look around the side of the wardrobe.

"Outside. With his Pegasus." I commented lightly, ignoring the raised brows. Shooing him towards the doors, I lifted my gaze up to the stony face before me. "Hi."

Gabriel nodded his head. He too had taken a drastic change, his head was completely bald, a large scar was etched into his eyebrow, and his nose was lightly crooked. My hand stretched towards the scar but he flinched back from my touch.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it." I replied, hating the discomfort I still caused him.

Gabriel and I had been in a relationship; we had been married and in love. He was Danny's father. And while I loved him for giving me my son; my love for him now was only as a friend. I had had my memories modified by Zeke and it had changed everything. While I now knew of our past, the emotions from our time together were faded to a mere echo. Gabriel had not had the same treatment.

Those eyes met mine for a long second before he sighed, "I know. I'm sorry." Gabriel replied, his eyes sad as he looked down at me. "I really didn't mean anything by it. The injury is an adjustment."

Hell's Throne (The Devil's Assistant Series - 5 ) - UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now