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Third week of November
8:59 am

Kakashi Pov

It's been a sleepless week since then. I woke up feeling dizzy and my shoulders, heavy. Even Hana noticed the negative changes on my physical features. Like my eye-bags. Which is literally the only thing anyone else can see when my black mask is on. Apart from her.

"Are you alright Kakashi?" She rose up the bed we were sharing that morning and held my forehead to check my body temperature manually.

"Yeah..." I replied lazily.

"It seems like you're fine, but you don't look like it. Is there something bothering you?" She looked very worried so I forced a smile and kissed her forehead in return.

"I'm just sleepy I guess. It's been hectic these past few days." Hectic my ass. I scolded myself. Yeah I've been busy. Busy stalking another girl who isn't free for the taking, every single time I've finished a mission at the break of dawn.

I don't really understand why I'm doing it though. Nor why I'm keeping her existence a secret to the person she was very eager and have all rights to meet, despite the fact that Itachi and I are both members of the Special Assassination and Tactical Squad.

I see him frequently yet whenever I imagine (Y/N) being tortured by the guy, I always end up changing my mind.

"Why don't you take a break from those intense training sessions. Bring your students to the riverside and create some bonding with them for a day. Trust me, it's good for the mind and body."

"Thanks Hana. That is actually a very good idea. What am I gonna without you?" I grinned and cleared a strand of hair blocking her left eye and leaned forward to kiss her lightly on the lips.

"I know right? I'm the only one who understands you Kakashi. So you better learn from your past mistake. I'm not a saint and I will not give you another chance." She warned me in a playful tone. It made me reminisce how I got caught making out with a naughty neighbor at the backyard of her house.

To ease the growing awkward atmosphere, I've decided to leave earlier than usual and inform my team about the plan for the next day.

Right after informing the kids about the plan, Sakura was more than enthusiastic while Sasuke was her opposite. Naruto agreed to come but Sakura complained about her being the only girl in the group.

"Kakashi Sensei, why don't you invite (Y/N) too?" My eyes widened at her, "She's probably gonna feel lonely without Sasuke around."

Great. Just like when I thought I'd be able to avoid watching over her for a day at least. I contemplated for a bit if I'll let her join or not but I eventually gave the permission to add an outsider to the group.

"Alright, Sasuke. Please invite her on tomorrow's camping trip. Also, bring your own tents, we're staying overnight."

Sasuke only nodded in agreement. I bet he's still pissed about what happened a few days ago. Although there was nothing to be mad about because I did nothing wrong. Yet.

"What about food Sensei?" Naruto eagerly asked. "Can I eat ramen?"

"No." I sighed deeply after noticing his dejected facial expression. "You have to gather food in a traditional way or it will defeat the purpose."

"So this is still a part of our training." Sasuke interrupted our conversation on a straight face, "How to survive in the woods without resources readily available. I like it."

"Can we team up in fishing Sasuke? I don't know how to reel a fish." Sakura begged Sasuke for help, flashing her puppy eyes to the uninterested introverted boy.

"I can help you Sakura." Naruto offered but instantly got declined before he even finished talking. I sighed again and hoped that everything will be fine.

It's just a day anyway. What can go wrong?

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