Chapter 4

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Angel sighed, before telling us what we needed to know since the beginning. 

"Well for starters," she said. "My name is not Sera. It's Angel."

"That's ironic," Brittany muttered, rolling her eyes. Angel ignored her. 

"Yes I know what you guys are thinking," Angel continued. "But it's because I am the key to the world's survival."

Silence. We were stunned for a bit, because we didn't know what to say. 

"It's hard to explain the details," Angel pointed out. 

"Why did you bring us here to tell us that?" Billy asked, annoyed.

"And where are we?" I added. 

"This place is the only place we could talk in private," she answered. "This is my home, per say." Brittany rolled her eyes again.

"Again, what are we doing here?" she asked, just as annoyed as Billy. It was obvious they didn't want to be here. Of course, neither did me or George. None of us completely understood anything that was happening. Why we were there or where we were exactly. 

"Just give us straight answers dammit!" Billy yelled. Angel didn't flinch.

"I need your help you guys," Angel said, ignoring Billy's outburst. 

"Why would you need help from normal teenagers like us?" I asked her. "You are an angel. We are just normal humans."

"Normal is kinda a stretch," Brittany muttered. George sighed. 

"You going through all of that to obtrude with me is not ideal," George stated, sadly. "Knowing that you are an asset to this world, it would seem that you had other ways of coming about your plans." Even though George was trying to keep a poker face in front of Angel, it was almost obvious that he was really disappointed and almost heartbroken. Ange noticed the sad look on George's face.

"Look George," she said, quietly. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. To me, at the time, getting closer to you was the easiest way for my plan to work. Maybe I can make it up to you somehow."

"That will be your decision to make," he said. Angel sighed.

"Anyway," she said. "To answer your question about what your doing here, here is the simple answer: you four are the Chosen Ones."

 We all jumped, surprised by Angel's response. That was not what we were expecting her to say. 

"Long ago, when the world was first created, the world, of course, was out of balance," Angel explained. "Everything was out of order. There was no balance. It was all chaos. The little light there was, was what created me. I was born with the little light that was left. I knew my purpose  as soon as I came onto this planet. In order for there to be balance, I created four special stones. The fire stone, the water stone, the air stone, and the earth stone. They are known as the element stones of the world. For a while, they alone have kept the world in balance. People lived peacefully and in harmony. Until now. There is an evil who knows about the stones. He wants the power to himself and put the world out of balance again."

The four of us were speechless with what Angel has told us. Everything was so crazy but at that moment, my gut feeling told me to trust her. 

"I know it's a lot," Angel continued. "However, I knew I needed to take it up a notch in order to maintain the balance. So you four must help me protect the stones."

More silence. We were so speechless.

"How are we suppose to protect something like that?" Brittany asked, trying to sound pissed. "Why us?" She was obviously more confused and upset. 

"The stones chose you four," Angel answered. "Each stone chose one of you specifically to protect with your lives."

Angel raised her hand and the bright, white light surrounded each of us, one by one. I looked down and I see a beautiful red stone necklace around my neck. Then I look over at my friends. They are each wearing a necklace like mine as well. However, Brittany's stone was a nice light grayish white fog color. Billy's necklace was a gorgeous sparkly ocean blue and George's was a very beautiful and calming emerald green color. I look back at Angel.

"Those necklaces you are wearing are the element stones that chose you," she explained. "Blue is water, green is earth, gray is air, and red is fire."

"What are we suppose to do with these?" Billy asked.

"For now, protect them," Angel answered. "But be careful. These stones are very powerful so I ask that you four just be careful. I must leave now, but I will be back in due time. Good luck." She raised her hand again and the white light surrounded us once more, bringing us back to reality.

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