Chapter 17

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Everyone has been searching. Billy and I went to the police multiple times with no results. George has been gone for a couple weeks. Angel tried to train us, but with George gone, it wasn't the same and we couldn't focus. Our voice of reason was gone. One of my best friends was missing. A couple weeks went by and at that point, all I could do was sit and wait for the police or someone to contact us. I was in my room thinking, when Andy comes into my room. He came and sat next to me on my bed.

"Hey sis. You ok?" he asked me. I couldn't even look him in the eyes. 

"No," I responded. "It's been two weeks and they still haven't found him." As soon as I said that, the tears came. I silently started to cry. Without saying anything, Andy slowly wrapped his arms around me and held me close. 

"I'm so worried," I said between sobs. Andy took a deep breath and just held me.

"I'm so sorry sis," he told me. "I'd go look for him but I don't think I would be much help." 

"No it's ok," I said quietly.  Andy hugged me a bit longer then let me go.

"If you need anything, let me know," he said before getting up and leaving my room. Once he shut the door, I cried for what seemed like hours. Then, a familiar bright light showed up. I didn't even look.

"What do you want?" I asked, wiping my tears. "If you're here to tell me about training tomorrow, I'm not going." Angel sighed.

"No that's not why I'm here," she said. "It's about George." I looked up quickly.

"What about him?"

"The man who killed Brittany kidnapped him." I gasped and quickly stood up.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Where is he?!"

"He is about a couple hours away from here," Angel answered. "In some house I don't know which one."

"We have to help him!" I said. Angel nodded. 

"Yes I know," she said. "But if I use my magic, we will be spotted immediately." Angel thought for a minute. "We need a plan." I nodded in agreement. 

"I'll go back and talk to Brittany. You stay here," Angel told me. "I'll be back in a few minutes." Angel disappeared and I was thinking of how to help save George. Then, it hit me....

"You sure this will work?" Billy asked me, later that night at Mr. Jones' house. Billy and I were hiding in a bush in Mr. Jones' front yard.We planned to sneak into the house to find George, Angel would distract him after she gave us a signal, then we would all escape. That was the plan. I turned to Billy.

"If I didn't think this would work, I wouldn't suggest it," I responded. Billy didn't say anything. I continued to wait for Angel to give us the signal to enter the house. My heart was racing. The whole situation was nerve-wrecking. We waited for about fifteen minutes. Then, we saw Angel appear near the other bush closer to the front door. She looked around for about a minute, then she looked at us and nodded. Then, she disappeared in the house. Me and Billy stood up and ran to the backyard. Of course, there was a fence. I turned to Billy.

"Can you give me a boost?" I whispered. "Then I'll pull you up." He nodded, then cupped his hands together to boost me up over the fence. I climbed up and before I jumped down, I reached over, grabbed his hand, and pulled him up. We both jumped down into the front yard. I quickly headed toward the back door. For some reason, it was unlocked. So I slowly opened it and me and Billy snuck in. The house was quiet. I turned to looked at Billy again.

"We need to split up," I whispered. "George could be in any of these rooms."

"Agreed," Billy replied, quietly. "Lets meet back here if we don't find anything." I nodded in agreement, then we split up. I went toward the downstairs rooms and Billy headed upstairs. As I was searching the living room, I noticed there was a small door near the couch. I opened it and I saw a set of stairs that led to what I assumed was a basement. 

This is weird, I thought as I started heading downstairs.

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