New Students Old Friends:Chapter 18

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~America's POV~
Russia walked me home as it began to get dark. "See you tomorrow ame" Russia giving me a hug. "See you tomorrow" I replied hugging him back. I watched as Russia began walking home. I then turned around and opened the door. I walked into the house and closed the door behind me and took my jacket off. "America Mon bébé Canada told me what you've done" My mom said as she must of heard me enter. "M-Mom I'm fine" I tried saying. "America please tell us what's been going on you've been acting differently ever since you came" Canada said walking up. I watched as the both stared at me my heart racing and my breathing getting faster. "America please" I heard my mom say. "I-I..." I spat out. "America is ok you can tell us" Canada said putting his hand on my shoulder. "It was dad" I whispered out. "What"
"D-Dad he....he" I tried saying looking down at my fingers as I messed with them.
"He did what America, its ok you can take your time"
"He'd come b-back from the bar.. Drunk I'd be so scared sometimes I even tried to h-hide and when he wasn't drunk he won't even acknowledge me..."
"Dad is the reason" Canada said in shock.
I looked up and him not even realising I was crying and slowly nodded. "Oh America he should have never brought you with him" My mom said hugging me. "I should haven known something like this would have happened"
She then processed to wipe my tears away with the sleeve of her shirt as she brought me in for another hug.
"You okay bro" Canada asked. I let go of my mother's hug and nodded as Canada proceeded to hug me.

~3 weeks later~
~Narrators POV~
(For what's about to happen in the next few chapters thank you PineBiscuit555 for the idea)

Ever since his family found out America. Began to gain some confidence back and felt good about himself.
America walked into his school and up to Russia. "Russia" He said hugging him. "Hey ame" Russia replied hugging the smaller country. "Did you hear the news" Russia asked. "News?" America replied. "Yeah where getting some new students in the school" 
"Oh nice"
"Yeah well I've gotta go to English what do you have" Russia asked
"Geography" America sighed as he hated that class.
"aw well I'll see you in maths we have that together after" Russia said giving America one last hug before he was of.

America walked to class and sat down. He wondered if the new students would be in some of his classes. The teacher eventually showed up. "Hello class good morning. Today we have some new students North Korea and South Korea do you want to introduce yourselfs"
America immediately looked up North Korea was one of the new students. His brother wasn't so bad quite nice actually. He helped America a good few times after North Korea took a betting to him. He watched as they walked in and introduced themselves. North Korea then made eye contact with America. He seen North Korea smile and a feeling of dread hanged over him.
"Oh boy" America whispered to himself.
Edit: 22k+ reads you all are amazing tysm ❤️❤️


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