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"Hyung." Little Ryeowook cried as the other kids surrounds him, stealing his food.

The kids are bullying him always and he doesn't even know why. He's being nice and kind to them but why are they like this to him?

Then suddenly the kids around him disappeared as his brother stood firmly in front of him, fists curling while sending a death glare to the bullies.

The kids scrambled to run like they are running for their lives and leave the poor Ryeowook alone.

Ryeowook whose eyes is closed, opened them and saw his brother standing before him. Then his brother crouched down as he patted him in his head and gave him his most beautiful smile.

"They're gone, Wookie ah. Don't cry anymore."  His brother wiped off his tears and ruffled his hair affectionately.

Ryeowook smiled, with a few tears still lingering under his eyes, he hugged his brother.

"Thank you, hyung."  Ryeowook smiled brightly at his hyung and his brother cooed at his cuteness. He pinched his cheeks.

"Aigoo! You cutie! Didn't I promise you that I will always be your hero and I will always protect you?" Ryeowook beamed at his brother and nodded as an answer.

His brother piggybacked him. Ryeowook and his brother left the playground happily and singing.

Now that was one happy memory to reminisce.

"Hey, you're not listening are you?" Ryeowook snapped out of his reminiscing.

"Uhhh, what is it?"

His brother chuckled at Ryeowook's confused face and Ryeowook had to puffed his cheeks out of annoyance.

His brother reached out for his cheek as he pinched them. "Aigoo, you're still cute even if you are going now to college!"

"Not cute!"

"Really cute!" Ryeowook just groaned at his brother.

They're inside a café right now. His brother insist on going with Ryeowook to wait for Ryeowook's scholarship exam result.

The university is a prestigious one but his brother doesn't study there. WU is his dream university. If he will passed, surely he'll take his dream course too.

After internalizing what his college life would be, his gaze fell upon his brother. His brother who is his saviour. His brother was the best brother everyone could wish for. Never in his entire life he fought with his brother seriously, just playful fights. He is considerate,loving and protective. It's a bonus that he is handsome too.

"You're staring at me. Am I really that handsome?" A bit narcisstic too, but oh well, that's okay with Ryeowook, cause his brother's really handsome.

Ryeowook just snorted at his brother who just chuckled at him. He rolled his eyes and decided to tease back. 

"Psh. I'm more than handsome than you, hyung."

"Eh? You're not. I mean, pretty suits you more. You're pretty."

"Why am I pretty—" Their bickering was paused when Ryeowook's phone rang.

A sound coming from the phone indicates that he got a new message. He picked up his phone and unlocked it.

Congratulations, Kim Ryeowook ssi. You are one of the students who passed our scholarship exam. You are one of are scholars now, sponsored by the university. We are hoping for your presence at the main office tomorrow for further discussions about your scholarship. Welcome to Wangja University. THANK YOU AND CONGRATULATIONS!

Ryeowook stared at his phone for a minute, still sinking in that he passed, he passed and now can study to his dream university.

His brother grinned at him, proud at his little brother. He doesn't need to ask Ryeowook anymore, for it was evident on the light shining onto the younger's eyes.


"I know. Congratulations, Wookie. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, hyung."



They are now walking back to his hyung's car. Yes, his hyung has a car, their father gave it to him as a gift. As you can see, his father favors his brother than him. He doesn't know why, but he never felt jealousy towards his brother. As Ryeowook stated, they never engaged in a serious fight, everything his brother has, he shared it with Ryeowook. About his father, he's okay with that he thinks, his father loves him of course and Ryeowook.is thankful to have a family like he has.

"Hyung," Ryeowook called at his brother as they reached his car.

His brother opened the car's door for him. "If you're gonna say thank you to me, don't even bother. You know that I will do anything for you, right?"

Ryeowook beamed at him. He is just so lucky to have a kind of big brother like his brother.

"But I still want to. So, thank you, Yesung hyung."

His brother, Yesung felt something exploded inside his chest when he saw how his little brother is glowing under the sunlight.


So this is for the first chapter. I am not expecting many reads for this book but if anyone who will spare their time, reading this book then thank you very much.

Hope I could finish this *cross fingers*

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