Chapter 5- Dumbledore's Army

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Hermione hadn't been happy with how Professor Umbridge was teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at all. Fred and Harry's detentions made her more upset, and she had decided to do something about it. She had gotten the idea that Harry should teach them, along with a few others. Fred and George happened to be the first few people she told. She had been kinder to Fred since their last meeting, though she still avoided being alone with him whenever they happened to be in the same room.

Fred happened to catch up to Hermione after she delivered the news to him and George. "You are aware that this sort of thing might get you expelled, right?" He whispered in his ear.

"Yes, I am," Hermione said, keeping her head forward as they walked together.

"You're telling me that you are actually willing to be expelled if this fails?" Fred asked in an awed voice.

Hermione sighed as she looked around them to make sure that nobody was listening. "Some things are worth getting expelled for," she muttered, looking up at him. "We're in a war. We have to defend ourselves," she said defensively.

Fred held his hands up quickly. "I'm not arguing against your logic. I'm just surprised that a prefect like you is willing to break a bunch of rules, and decrees."

"People can surprise you," she muttered quietly, as she started walking away from him again.

"Yes they can," Fred answered, shaking his head. "Hey, Granger!" He called out after her. Hermione sighed as she turned around to look at him again.

"I'll see you later," he said, winking at her before he went to catch up with George and Lee.

Hermione could feel her cheeks turning warm, so she quickly turned and started walking to her next class. She couldn't help but feeling pleased by the fact that he had winked at her.

Fred's POV

The first few meetings of Dumbledore's Army had been successful. Fred admitted that he came to most of them to see Hermione, though he wouldn't tell anybody about that. George didn't even know that he was falling for her. He thought that he still had feelings for Angelina, though Fred had gotten over her a long time ago.

Harry was now teaching the group how to stun people, though he was teaching everybody in pairs. Ron and Hermione were the second pair to have practice it.

Fred couldn't help but smirk as he watched Hermione step toward the center of the room. "One sickle," he muttered in George's ear. Fred and George had been placing bets against Ron ever since they were thirteen and he was in his first year.

George looked at him and grinned. "You're on."

They watched in anticipation as Hermione focused on the spell before she waved her wand and shouted, "Stupefy!"

Ron flew backwards across the other side of the room, and Fred chuckled. "Thank you," he muttered triumphantly as George slipped him a sickle.

"Shut up," George muttered, narrowing his eyes at him.

The meeting ended awhile later, though Fred didn't want it to end. He liked these meetings because he knew they were actually doing something that Umbridge really wouldn't like. He also loved having an excuse to be in the same room as Hermione was in.

He lingered in the room for a few minutes as everybody started to clear out. George waited impatiently to get going on their next invention they were working on. But when Fred didn't join him immediately, he headed over to him.

"You all right, Freddie?" George asked, raising an eyebrow.

Fred shook his head as he looked over at his twin. "Yeah, sorry. I thought I forgot something." He glanced involuntarily over at Hermione, and George followed his gaze.

"I'll bet you have," George muttered quietly, smirking as he crossed his arms expectantly.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

Fred sighed as he started walking out the door. This conversation wasn't one he wanted Hermione overhearing. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said, though he knew George wouldn't buy it. He could tell when Fred was hiding something.

"You like her," George said teasingly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's complicated," Fred answered as they walked down a staircase. "I just don't think she likes me like that. She always gets weird whenever we're alone."

George's eyebrows flew up at the last two words. "You've been alone with her?"

Fred sighed again. He really didn't want to get into this right now. It was confusing, and he was hungry. "Let's go to the kitchens," he said, changing the subject. George looked like he was about to say something to him, but he thought better of it and nodded.


A/N: Thanks for reading!

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