Chapter 14- Christmas at the Burrow

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A/N: I don't own Harry Potter, and this is definitely AU.

Hermione spent the week leading up to Christmas at the Burrow. She almost didn't want to go, but the twins had talked her into going by promising they would be there as well.

Unfortunately, she didn't get to spend as much time with them as she would've liked to. Hermione hung out with Ginny most of the time, and Harry a little bit, but she carefully tried to avoid Ron. They would always have awkward silences whenever they were near each other. Fred and Hermione did get to sit next to each other at meal times, and that was the most they saw each other most of the time.

This made her happy though. Their arms and knees would casually bump into each other whenever they passed the dishes around, and every once in a while they would hold hands underneath the table when they were certain that nobody would notice.

The first couple of times they held hands, Hermione blushed and she was certain that Ginny had raised a skeptical eyebrow at them. But Hermione played it cool, and Ginny thankfully didn't question her. She tried not to blush when they held hands again.

Christmas morning arrived, and Hermione got up when it was still dark out. The house was quiet when she slipped out of Ginny's room. She had decided that she wanted to surprise Fred since they hadn't been able to spend any time together since their first night there.

She slowly opened the twin's door and walked in quietly. George wasn't in the room then, but Fred was sleeping soundly. Hermione hesitated for a moment before bravely deciding to slip under the covers and snuggled up next to him. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping, she thought as a smile played on her lips. She almost didn't want to ruin the moment, but she had to admit that she liked the idea of these stolen moments.

She leaned down and pressed her lips on his, and he stirred awake in surprise. "Hermione," he said in a shocked tone. His arms drifted toward her sides and he held her close. "What are you doing here? Not that I mind..."

"I just wanted to surprise you...and say Merry Christmas to my boyfriend," she said as she ran a hand through his hair.

He continued looking astounded at the fact that she was there. "Consider me surprised...this is very scandalous, especially for you," he pointed out.

Hermione blushed and looked away. "This was a terrible idea...I should just leave," she muttered as she started to get out of the bed.

Fred caught her hand and pulled her close to him again. "No, no... stay. At least for a few minutes. Please?" he gave her his most charming smile and she could feel herself being pulled toward him like a magnet.

"All right... for a few moments," she responded finally before snuggling against him again. She grinned when she looked up at him.

"What?" Fred asked curiously.

"Nothing, nothing," Hermione said quickly, knowing that Fred would tease her if she told him what was on her mind.

"You just had a thought about me," Fred whispered in a pleased tone. "I could see it in your eyes. Tell me, please."

Hermione sighed before moving closer to whisper in his ear. "Have I ever told you that you look incredibly sexy without a shirt on?" She rolled on top of him.

" didn't," Fred replied teasingly. A gleam appeared in his eyes as he traced circles down her arm. "Do you have any other thoughts to share?" he asked hopefully.

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