Chapter 19- Surprises

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling does. Otherwise Fremione wouldn't be AU.


Hermione and the rest of the Weasley family gathered at the table at the Burrow. She still couldn't believe that the war was really over. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had been battling with Voldemort for several years, and it was now truly over.

She sat next to Fred and George, and Fred immediately rested his hand on her knee underneath the table as dishes were passed around the table. They got several curious looks, but so far nobody was saying anything to them.

Mrs. Weasley was about to take a bite of her food when she suddenly dropped it. "All right, what happened between you two down by the lake?"

Hermione's eyes met Fred's and they both grinned at each other. He squeezed her hand affectionately and her heart danced happily.

"I asked Fred to marry me," she said when he nodded at her.

Ginny squealed and danced in her chair, and Mrs. Weasley's face turned into shock. "What? Fred, you're supposed to ask the girl to marry you!"

Hermione chuckled, and Fred looked exasperated. "I gave her a ring, mum."

"It really doesn't matter how we propose," Hermione assured her, as she held Fred's hand. "I just want us both to be happy still."

Mrs. Weasley looked like she wanted to say something else, but Mr. Weasley gave her a look and shook his head.


Dinner was over without any more remarks, and Mrs. Weasley started clearing the table. Once she was in the kitchen, Hermione looked over at Fred. "I'm going to help your mum out with the dishes."

Fred looked startled. "You do realize she can do them with magic, right?"

"I know," Hermione said, grinning. It was a known fact that she actually liked washing the dishes the muggle way. "It's just..." she paused, not sure how to phrase her next words. "She's about to be my mother-in-law soon. It's a polite gesture."

Fred looked like he was thinking about her words when he nodded finally. "You want me to come with? Make sure that the conversation stays safe?"

Hermione shook her head. "No, I think I should handle this one on my own." She pressed a kiss against his cheek.

Fred still didn't look assured about this, but he waved Hermione away and Hermione walked toward the kitchen.

Mrs. Weasley was washing the dishes, though she kept looking out the window distractedly and didn't notice when Hermione had arrived with the last dishes from the table. "May I help?" Hermione asked her politely.

She jumped when she realized Hermione was there, though she nodded. "You may dry the dishes," Mrs. Weasley said, giving her a smile.

She continued washing the dishes in silence, and Hermione found a towel and started drying them by hand slowly. She took her time to allow any conversation to happen.

Finally she couldn't take it anymore and looked at Mrs. Weasley. "I'm sorry if Fred and I disappointed you in any way... but I love your son very much," Hermione said softly.

Mrs. Weasley's gaze softened as she turned around to face Hermione. "It means a lot to hear you say that," she said finally, brushing some of Hermione's hair away from her side. "You've always been like another daughter to me. I always had a feeling you would actually be one someday. I'm just surprised that you're going to marry Fred."

Hermione's heart melted at the thought of marrying Fred. "Believe me, I'm just as surprised as you are," she said, reassuring Mrs. Weasley. "I just..." she broke off and looked away.

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