Chapter 4- A lifetime Quidditch ban

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A/N: Warning: This chapter is AU. I do not own Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling does.

Fred had been moping on the couch hours after everybody else had gone to bed after the first Quidditch match of the year. He hadn't been able to sleep when he first went to bed. George and Lee's snores had annoyed him, so he decided to go to the common room for some peace. He still couldn't believe he had been banned from playing when he hadn't been doing anything. Fred knew that he would've attacked Malfoy if he had the chance for insulting his family though.

Fred suddenly heard stairs creaking. He saw Hermione standing in front of him a few moments later.

He normally loved the fact that Hermione had graced him with her presence, but he really wanted to be alone right then. "I don't need a lecture from you, Hermione," he said, sighing as he turned toward the opposite direction.

"I wasn't going to lecture you," Hermione said softly.

Fred's eyebrows flew up in surprise. "Really? You aren't going to say that the professors are always right and need to be worshipped? You aren't going to say that I deserved what I got? I did want to fight him after all. Isn't that breaking a rule in your book?

A hurt expression appeared on Hermione's face, and Fred immediately regretted snapping at her. He knew Ron and Harry often blew up at her, and she didn't deserve it from anybody else.

"I was going to see if you were all right. I saw a light on down here and figured it was you or George. But if I'm such a bother, I'll just go back to bed," Hermione snapped, turning to leave.

Fred stood up quickly and reached for her hand. "Hermione, wait. I'm sorry. Don't go."

Hermione hesitated. Fred saw that she looked unsure, so he began talking quickly. "I really didn't mean to snap. I get like this whenever I'm frustrated, and I know I shouldn't have taken it out on you. It's not your fault that my broom is locked up in Umbridge's office. You didn't kick me off the team. Redheads have fiery tempers," he offered as a last resort.

This caused an eye roll from her, but Fred felt relieved when he finally got a reaction from her.

"I understand," she said as she sat down at the edge of the couch. "I'd be upset too if I were you. You loved flying."

Fred nodded. "I didn't love it as much as pranks. But it was still an important part of my life."

Hermione's expression turned dark, and Fred couldn't help but wonder what she was angry about now.

"I hate her," she grumbled angrily. "You didn't deserve this. Malfoy didn't even get into much trouble. He started this."

A smile started to spread across Fred's face. It was almost worth getting in trouble to see Hermione's reaction.

She narrowed her eyes as she saw him grinning at her. "What?" She asked skeptically.

"Nothing," Fred said innocently. She looked at him like she didn't believe him, so he decided to change the subject. "Want to go down to the kitchens with me? I'm starving."

Hermione looked startled when he asked her that, and it took her a moment to recover. "You might get caught," she answered slowly.

"Where's the fun in life if you don't take risks, Granger? Come on, live a little," he said in an encouraging tone.

This earned him another glare. "I've taken plenty of risks, thank you," she said haughtily.

"One more won't hurt you then. I won't get you in trouble," Fred answered.

"All right," she said, sighing. "But if we get caught, I'm going to pretend like I have amnesia," she warned, following him through the portrait.

Fred just smirked at her and let her pass first. "Ladies first," he sang out.

"I must be crazy," he heard her mutter as she walked passed him.

Fred resisted the urge to say, "Yeah, crazy for me." He thought she wouldn't go through with this if he teased her about it, so he settled for smirking again as he led her toward the kitchens.


A/N: Thanks for reading!

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