twenty four

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A/N: Again I'm so sorry for taking too looong. Keep streaming HYLT and voting for the pinks, guys!
Twitter: @mandunini_ (trying to be active these days)


"You're drinking again," Rosé sighed as she entered Lisa's unit, not even surprised because seeing Lisa drinking isn't unusual these days.

It's been two weeks since the latter went to New York.

"Because it hurts again," Lisa scoffs, raising the bottle of alcohol to her lips to take another sip.

The Australian frowned while walking towards the drunk blonde, plopping herself beside her before snatching the bottle with her own hands.

Lisa was too drunk to focus, her vision doubling as she glared at her friend. "Hey! Give that back Chaeng!"

Rosé took a swig from the almost empty bottle, emptying it on purpose, then placed it back to the table.

It's not the first time she did this, either. She hates not knowing how to make it hurt less for Lisa, but she definitely tries to always be there for her-she and Jisoo.

With her eyes red, either because of alcohol or suddenly tearing up, Lisa rubs her face quietly. Then come the sniffles and the sobs which once again, makes Rosé feel how broken Lisa is.

"Oh, Lis," she placed her hand on both of Lisa's shoulders soothingly, leaning on her back to hug her.

"I-I thought five months was enough to prepare myself for this," Lisa's hoarse voice tugs on the Australian's heart, making her hug Lisa tighter. Lisa sniffled a cry, hiding her tears behind her hands that she buries her face on whenever she cries like this, "Dammit Jennie."

She let Lisa cry it out, hoping someday, although impossible to happen anytime soon, hopefully someday she wouldn't have to cry and drink herself to sleep anymore.

She knows Jennie isn't doing any better when the latter is avoiding Jisoo's calls and messages too. She doesn't have to fly all the way to New York to know she's suffering too, but somehow she thinks it's only fair. They love each other, both of them must be hurting so bad.

Of course, she's right.

But unlike Lisa, Jennie had to act as if she have her life intact. It has been another five months since Lisa came to New York, and after all the crying, she decided to numb herself and drown in her work and studies.

"Jennie can you send me notes about the recent meeting?" Chahee, her workmate, leans on her cubicle.

"Already did," Jennie gave her a small smile.

Chahee sighed with a grateful smile, "Jennie Kim, you're always one step ahead. I see why you easily got promoted. Congratulations!"

"Thanks," Jennie, this time, smiled sincerely.

"We should celebrate," Chahee suggested.

"I wish I can, but my examination week starts the day after tomorrow," she politely declines.

Chahee pouts but nods, "You work and study too hard. Take some rest whenever you can, okay?"

"Thanks, Chahee."

That night she went home exhausted from work. She sighed as she entered her empty apartment, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore. After changing into comfortable clothes, she brought out her school materials and brought them on the table to study when her phone buzzed.

It's Jisoo, calling.

She's still trying her hardest to avoiding calls from her these past few months, but she really missed her bestfriend, so she decided to just accept it this time and put it on loudspeaker.

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