What a Best Friend

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There's only two minutes to go before the dismissal bell rings off. I need to start planning my date with Serenity. It needs to be exactly what I imagined to be. But the thing is, I don't know how to plan a date specifically with the girl I like the most. While I was thinking that thought, the dismissal bell rings it means class is over and we finally get to go home! I slung my backpack's strap and I am ready to go home. I see my best friend Colt who is also ready to go home as much as I do. Wait... Colt? Plan? Date? Wait my brain is still buffering... I'm too late to realize that my answer to my problem is actually in front of me! How stupid of me? Colt is an expert when it comes to dating since he dated some girls. I could really use some of his help.

"COLT!" I called no I mean shouted to call his name since he is already outside. I hope he heard it. I walk outside the classroom to see if Colt heard my call or shout and I see my best friend standing there waiting for me.

"Hey Ayden! Why did you called me?" he asked definitely wants some answer on why I call him.

"Let's hangout in my house. Are you free?" I asked him hoping that he is free and has no business to attend to. I really need his help.

"Sure!" he said and, in a blink, he was gone. He left me so he could go to his car and drive to my place first. Typical Colt. We'll see about that.

As usual, I beat him to my place hence he has an advantage of a head start but I know a shortcut to my house which is an advantage to me. Me and Colt have our student's driver licenses so we can assure our parents that we are already big enough and responsible to drive a car. Even if there are times, we like to drive like those race car drivers we watched on television.

"How did you? I was ahead!" Colt exclaimed since he assumed that he would win this time.

"It's a secret of mine. Better luck next time Colt." I said proudly and left him in front of the house. As I enter the house, I run to a near couch and lie down. I put my backpack on the floor. Home Sweet Home.

"One day I will beat you Ayden. Mark my words." He said determined that he will fulfill that someday while coming inside of my house. Still can't get over it, Colt?

"Whatever you say." I said just to stop him speak that he will beat me. Its getting on my nerves but I don't mind if he beat me someday.

"So, what do you want to do?" He asked me while sitting comfortably on the other couch. He really just makes himself feel at home here and I just like that at his house so it's fair enough.

"I need your help." I said directly. He might not get my point if I ask questions about dates.

"You? Need my help? That's a first!" he said, still shocked from what he heard from me. Because it's always him who ask my help but now it's the other way around.

"So why do you need my help oh my friend of mine?" he asked and I can say he is enjoying this right at this very moment.

"Help me plan a date." I said without hesitation and for the second time he is shocked from what he is hearing from me today.

"What's the date today? I need to remind myself from now on! Oh, it's finally come the day where Ayden has a date with—Ouch! That hurts dude!" he said because I just punched him in the arm to stop him from speaking. He is really exaggerating sometimes you know.

"You need my help plan a date with whom?" he asked, smiling mischievously while wiggling his eyebrows. From the look of him he is giving me, he wants me to tell him who's the girl I want to go out or date with. I sometimes think he is a girl who wants juicy details from something. No offense girls.

"With Se..." I said, not telling Colt the full name. I just want to tease him and it worked. Annoyed is all over his face right now.

"Come on Ayden! Just tell it already!" he said annoyed that I did not tell him the full name already. I laughed and that earn me a glare from him.

"Fine! With Serenity." I said and after that no one said a thing or two. Don't tell me for the third time, he is shocked? I look at him and there's my answer.

"Serenity? The Serenity who is best friends with your cousin Cali?" Colt asked still not believing what I had just said.

"That Serenity." I said to him and smiled just saying her name.

"Why didn't you tell me before? Does your cousin know this?" he said and wait... why Cali got into this? Hmm...

"Yes, my cousin knew in fact she was the one who helped me find out." I said to answer his question.

"Find out what?" he asked. Is this some kind of interview or something? He's the reporter and I'm the star or whatever? So, in the end, I told him the letter leaving out the part of what's inside the letter. That is only for me, my cousin and Serenity.

"You know, I had a friend that can help you with this. We can talk to her tomorrow." He said that made my hopes up with this plan of mine.

"Her?" I asked making sure what I heard from him is correct.

"Yes. She's a girl." He said annoyingly that I just chuckled.

After that, we just do boy stuff like play video games, watch some sports game and many more. When the sun sets down already it was time for Colt to leave.

"See you tomorrow lover boy!" he said amusingly and again wiggling his eyebrows. I glare at him because someone might hear him.

"Just go already!" I said and he just laughed while walking to his car. And in a second, he already left.

What a best friend I had.


Happy Father's Day!


- ingridients

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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