heart ache

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                                                             luisa's pov

is Rafael ever going to stop talking about the hotel. I get it you want to do some renovations and fix up a couple of rooms. "did you get all of that information written down?" Rafael asks "yes. now can I go to my room it's been a long day?" it really hasn't but I need to take a break he's been talking for over an hour about things I don't even really care about. "alright fine but remember you have a meeting at 8am tommorow." Rafael looks at me like I would have forgotten about this. " yes I know." I get up and walk to my room. when I open my door I notice a package of powdered donuts sitting on my desk. it can't be rose? I killed her I watched her die! I have been trying to forget about her and suddenly she just decides that now is a good time to show up! I pick up the donuts and sit on the couch and cry.
"We need to go" susanna barges into my room
She started taking of her mask!? I stood there wondering wtf was happening.
"You never stopped loving me luisa and I never stopped loving you." Rose looked at me she was gorgeous but God damn why is this happening to me I keep on trying to get her out of my life.
   Back to real time
Before I knew it I was curled up and exhausted I fell asleep with the donuts in my hand.
Authors note...
Hi everyone this chapter was really short but I have good plans for it.
Hope you enjoyed feel free to comment.
Instagram is roisa.love I make edits mostly.

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