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You pulled back from Jimin's cheek abruptly when you heard a loud gasp behind him. Looking around his shoulder, you saw Taehyung with his eyes wide and his mouth covered by his hand. Before you knew it, he was rushing up to you and grabbing your face, kissing you wetly on the cheek before pulling you into the living room.

"Jimin is winning at the game of thrones and I'm in second place!" he yelled loudly, "Nut up, bitches!"

Yoongi looked highly confused, "What are you rambling on about, fool?"

"Y/N kissed Felix but he doesn't count because he goes home but then Chim asked for a kiss and she kissed him and so that's more points then when I kissed her but it still counts and now everyone has to count their points which is zero and -"

"Whoa whoa, back up," Yoongi held is hands up to interrupt Taehyung's rant, narrowing his eyes, "Did you just say you...kissed...Y/N?"

Taehyung suddenly went quiet under Yoongi's gaze, "Well yes...b-but...only because Jimin..."

"Because Y/N kissed Jimin," Yoongi nodded, "I heard you."

You were feeling  a bit confused, "It was just a kiss on the cheek," you held your hands up innocently, "It didn't mean anything."

Jimin looked at you with hurt eyes, "It meant everything!" he gasped, "You kissed Felix because you love him, and so you should also love me if you kissed me!"

You realized he was getting different kinds of love mixed up, "I do love Felix," you admitted, "But in a friendly love. Like best friends." You turned to Jimin, "I can love you like that, too, if that's what you want."

"Then it shouldn't be a problem for you to kiss all of us," Yoongi lifted his shoulders, proud of his own genius, "You can love all of us. It's not a big deal."

"Umm..." your forehead creased, feeling like you were missing something, "O-okay...that makes sense I guess."

Yoongi stood, up, walking to you with confidence bordering on swagger, "Don't you want to be my friend, YN?" he dropped his voice, making you shiver, "Jimin can't win before the game even starts. We have to even the playing field."

You felt like your chest was heavy, his eyes and his smile making it hard for you to breathe. You were jittery and nervous, but not the way you usually were with hybrids. It wasn't so much fear as...excitement? Your hands trembled as you balanced them on his toned shoulders, and you held your breath as you stretched up slowly.

Softly, almost as light as a feather, you brushed your lips over Yoongi's pale cheek. He laughed lightly as you pulled back, patting you on the head. You blushed as he stepped out of your space.

"That'll do for now, Kitten," he rumbled, stepping to your side, "Now, go on," he motioned to the rest of the as they lined up, "Give everyone a friendly kiss and go to bed."

You nodded your head, feeling your skin heat up as you looked up at Jin's soft smile. You had to tip yourself up a bit higher, your hands landing on his chest rather than his shoulders, a soft giggle rolling from his mouth as you kissed his cheek. Namjoon stepped forward, smiling wide, and you rushed up to plant a kiss directly onto one of his dimples, just like you had always wanted to since earlier that day. Hoseok was shaking with excitement, giving out a quiet squeal while he ran in place as you kissed his cheek. Taehyung's kiss was fast and sweet, his grin spread from ear to ear as he received it. Jeongguk was last, his hands clasped behind his back while he toed the ground and blushed wildly. You were slow and careful, afraid that you might scare him off, as you let him step up into your space. You had to hold one side of his face with your hand, his breath rough in your ear as you tilted your head.

Kissing him softly, You whispered in his ear bashfully, "Goodnight, Kookie."

"That's enough for tonight," Yoongi chuckled, placing his hand at the small of your back, "Time for bed, Y/N."

You couldn't figure out why, but you couldn't seem to resist when Yoongi spoke to you in his deep, gravely voice. It as like it put you in a trance, dulling your senses and pulling at a part of you that wanted to be both primal and submissive. Your brain told you that you were the one in charge, in your house and of your own choices, but your body responded to the opposite. Your skin sparked under the fabric of your clothing as Yoongi left his hand on your back and led you down the hallway. Stopping at your door, he walked around you and reached for the doorknob but didn't turn it.

"Tae's still winning," he said, seemingly out of nowhere because you were confused. He looked at you and smirked, "Everyone else has had a kiss from you, but Tae got to kiss you back, so he still has more points."

"Oh," you realized, "I s-suppose he does."

"Would you mind?" Yoongi looked at you with his dark eyes big and shining, "If I kissed you back?"

Your breath came out in a shudder, tingles forming on your skin as you nodded your head in permission. You let your eyes flutter shut, offering your cheek and tilting your head to the side ever so slightly. You felt his warm hands cup both side of your face, lifting your chin a little before his pouty lips meet yours. 

Your body stiffened in surprise, eyes snapping open as a muffled yelp was lost on his lips. You saw how his eyes were closed softly, his cheekbones catching the light in the dim hallway, felt how his thumbs stroked the skin behind your ears so gently. He was so...beautiful. You melted into the kiss, closing your eyes and sighing when he swiped his tongue over your bottom lip, granting permission and clutching his shirt weakly when he brushed his tongue against yours. He wasn't your first kiss, but you'd certainly never experienced one as sweet and erotic as that one before. He didn't press into you or get aggressive, though a small growl came from his throat when you boldly tongued him back at the next pass. He pulled back after a short minute, smiling as he saw you try to follow his lips for more.

"Next time, Kitten," he whispered, kissing you lightly on the end of the nose, "Sweet dreams."

He bit his lip, looking like a schoolboy in love, as he opened your bedroom door for you. With a smile and a wink, he bid you goodnight and shut the door quietly. You stepped to your dresser in a daze, pausing twice as you changed into sweats and a tank top to run your finger over your lips and smile. Even as you crawled into your huge bed and snuggled under the covers, you felt the lingering buzz from that kiss follow you into your dreams.


You woke to a small knock at your door, the room still pitch dark as you called for whoever it was to come in. Hearing the door open and close, you let your eyes adjust to the little light that was let in from the waning moon outside. As you realized who was standing before you in our room, you suddenly felt concerned.

"Jimin?" you rasped, your throat dry from sleep, "Is everything okay?"

"I'm not used to sleeping alone," he mumbled, rubbing his tired eyes with his fist childishly, "Can I sleep in here? Ill go into a cat if you want."

He looked so cute and fluffy, his hair sticking out in a thousand directions and cheeks puffy from being tired, you couldn't bring it in yourself to tell him no. Scooting back more on the bed, you lifted the covers and patted the sheets below you.

"You don't have to do that," you cooed, "Just sleep comfortably."

His pouting lips turned into a smile, the bed shifting as it took on the extra weight. Crawling in with you, he instantly reached out and slung an arm and a leg over you, the pillow he had been holding squishing between your bodies. He nuzzled his face into the back of your hair, making you sigh at the comforting touch.

"You smell nice," he mumbled, drowsiness thick in his voice, "I love you, Y/N."

Your brain didn't have time or energy to compute what he had said, his warmth and low purring lulling you back to sleep almost instantly.

You Belong to Us - OT7 fanfic (Retold from OmgBTSAbsTho) - ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now