Chapter 1

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Hi everyone. I thought of a new story. Sorry if there are a mistakes in the chapter. I don't have a beta yet and I'm looking for one for this story. So if anyone want to. Tell me. I was just thinking about this story two days ago and I already know what I want to happen and who gets who.

Full Summary: They are in three different groups. Two of they are rich and the other lives with his rich family but is poor. Gaara's a 16 years old and is in 9th grade. His family is really mean to him and he also has a cocky mouth. He is a new kid and goes to school the first day. What he didn't know that he'll run in to two guys. They both came from a rich family and they are also popular too. Gaara's going to find out that being around these two. Life is only going to get worse and who knows. Maybe he'll pick one or none. You must read to find out because I'm evil like that lol.

Warnings: Yaoi, bad words, fighting, BTW This story will not have chapters titles since I can't think of any.

Chapter 1

Gaara's POV

Hi, my name is Gaara Kage. I'm living with my brother, sister and so call father. I'm in 9th grade and I just moved here from Suna. I had no friends in my old school. They all use to beat me up or hurt me somehow. I'm also a Gothic/punk kid. My family is rich but I don't get to see any of the money. Which means I'm poor. Nice isn't it.

My father think of me as the son that killed his wife. Since I began to walk. He would beat me black and blue. After I turned six. I learn to not be in the house. I would sit on the roof of my bedroom until he went to bed. Then I would come in and go to sleep. The next morning he'll wake me up. He'll yell at me and hit me. Then I'll walk to school with my brother and sister.

Kankurou who is the oldest next to me. He use to be nice but Temari and father turned him against me. He started beating me five years ago and I'm 16 now. He has his days that I can be safe but I still stay away from him.

Temari is the oldest of us two. She hated me since I was both. She started hurting me but the age of 1. It was all because my mother died while giving birth the me. She thought that I should not have a happy life unless mother was back. Well that a reason why I'm never room and if I am. I hide in my room until everyone falls to sleep.

Well since you know who I am and my so call loving family. I need to get ready for school. This should be a fun day.

Normal time

Gaara got out of his bed and put on a pair of black pant, red fishnet shirt, black t-shirt and his black and red Anarchic shoes. He walked down to the living room where everyone was eating. He looked at his father as he grabbed a pop-tart to eat on the way to school.

"I'm going to school now father." Gaara started walking to the door and open it. But he didn't get to far when his father opened his mouth.

"You better be room tonight. If not, I'll make you wish you were." He looked at Temari and Kankurou and they nodded their head.

"Okay." Gaara walked out the door. He knew that if he stayed any longer he would end up getting beat and then send to school. He tried his best to listen to his father. He didn't want to get hurt. Not yet. He was near the school. He could hear people talking and laughing. He walked pass the people and went into the school.

He walked to the office and told the lady that he needed his thing for class. As he was walking back out of the office. He was heading to his homeroom. As he was walking down the halls. He saw that all the kids were looking at him. He walked into homeroom fast to get away from the looks. He sat at a desk in the back of the room. He looked around that the kids that were in the same room. He didn't know if he would make friends or what. He just put his book bag at the desk and sat back in the chair.

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