Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Sasuke was the first one up that morning. Itachi had worn himself out by staying up all night doing homework and he also needed sleep so he could go to the party at Neji's house. He had planned on taking Sasuke, but they both knew how that would turn out. But the party was the last thing on Sasuke's mind. It was Gaara he was worried about. He'd seen what Neji did to Haku, and he didn't want that to happen to anyone else, least of all Gaara. But thankfully Gaara seemed strong. He didn't seem like the kind of person who fell to pieces when someone tried to break them down. Sasukewalked into his room and found the redhead standing by the window, gazing outside.

"So Gaara, what do you want to do today? Itachi is going to Neji's party but I'm not since I'll end up kicking his ass." Sasuke managed a weak smile when Gaara looked over at him.

"That would be something to see." Gaara returned his gaze to outside the window. Things were different where Sasuke lived. From his own bedroom he just saw his back yard and streets. From Sasuke's house he could see everything; the skyscrapers, parks, highways.

"What's up Gaara? Are you alright?" Sasuke walked over and put his arms around him. "I'm sorry; that was stupid. Of course you're not."

"No, I'm alright…It's just the whole Neji thing. I mean, I haven't felt this way since the time that my father's friends hurt me." Gaara thought back to the incident. It had been two days before his uncle died. "It's hard to get over. I want to, but I have no one to help me through it." Gaara looked down and was about to cry.

Sasuke felt his heart tighten painfully at the sight. He turned the younger boy towards him and gently wiped the tears from under his eyes. "Don't cry Gaara," he said softly. "I won't let him hurt you anymore. That bastard raped you and I swear on my life that it will never happen again. I'll protect you." Sasuke kissed Gaara's cheek. "I promise."

Gaara looked at the other boy. "You mean it Sasuke?"

"Yes, I mean everything I say to you." Sasuke wrapped his arms around the redhead who hugged him back. "I love you Gaara. I need you."

"I need you too." Gaara hid his face in Sasuke's neck. A light, weightless feeling bloomed in his chest and reach down to his toes. He was so happy. Finally someone knew what it felt like to be him.

"Don't worry I'll help you through everything."

They both walked out of the bedroom and down to the living room where the others were. Their friends couldn't believe that Gaara and Sasuke hooked up overnight. But they weren't going to judge. After they all ate, they went their own ways. Naruto had to go home and do things around the house. He wanted to stay but knew he would be grounded if he didn't do his chores. And Haku needed to get back to Zabuza. His boyfriend was always worrying about him.

Sasuke and Gaara had decided to go to the mall after everyone left. They knew that Neji would come to the house and hang around until the party started back at his place, and being there with him would cause too many conflicts. Besides, Sasuke needed to go to the mall anyway. He had to get new clothes for Gaara, something for himself and Itachi, and he wanted Gaara meet his friends. He pulled into a parking space and got out with Gaara following right behind him. He walked up to his friends, but Gaara stopped in his tracks when he saw them throwing him dirty looks.

"Why do you have him with you?" his one friend said.

"He's my boyfriend, you dick." Sasuke said, glaring.

He walkedpast them and into the store. He knew his friends had a problem with Gaara, all because he didn't look or act like a jock. Why some people were so small-minded, he would never know. Gaara was himself and no one else. Not even Neji could change him, despite all the horrible things he had done. He and Gaara understood each other. He took Gaara's hand, squeezing it tightly. Fuck his friends. They were just mad because he had someone to care about. Actually , when it came down to it, they weren't really his friends at all. They had almost nothing in common except for a love of sports. If he changed at all, they would probably drop him like a bad habit. But he couldn't very well leave them either. Bailing out on his so called friends would cause problems.

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