Today Paddy is taking me to a beautiful field in England but, I am concerned because Paddy has been suspiciously nervous all day. Which is weird because he is never nervous in front of me.
Babe as beautiful as it is here what exactly are we doing here?
"It's a surprise!" He said with the cutest smile on his face. Don't worry it is just down there.
"Ok." I said. And then from then on we went on in comfortable silence.
When we got there and I saw the most beautiful picnic arrangement set up. Arranged perfectly to have a gorgeous view of the soon to be sunset.
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Paddy this is beautiful! I said in awe while going to kiss him. Thank you. I said while kissing him again.
"You're welcome! Now let's eat beforethe sun starts to set, and the food gets cold." Paddy said happily.
"Ok." I said smiling
After a delicious dinner the sun started to set. And Paddy starts to get up from where he was laying and changed the song to the song above and put his hand out for me to take it. Now we are slow dancing to the song while he quietly whispers the lyrics in my ear.
And right at the end of the song he gets down on one knee and gets a beautiful ring from his pocket and says:
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I know we are young so don't worry this is not an engagement ring. This is a promise ring that one day in the future I will actually propose and we will get married, and have that beautiful family that you and me dreamed of.So will you one day marry me?
"Yes!" I said in excitedly. Of course I will one day marry you!
Then he slip the beautiful ring on my finger, and we kissed a long passionate kiss.
Thank God you said yes that would be pretty awkward if you said no.
"Yeah that would be a bitawkward." I said smiling.
And after stargazing we went back to Paddy's house happy and excited for the future.