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"Fine." There was no point arguing anymore. Ladybug had already made her mind up, and Adrien knew he wouldn't be able to change it. "We'll leave her behind. On one condition, though. We find her somewhere safe."

Ladybug nodded, even though they both knew there was nowhere safe to leave her. "Okay. But we need to get moving early tomorrow morning, though."

The teenagers walked back over to the little girl, who had her arms wrapped tightly around the kitten. Neither of them could bring themselves to tell her what they had decided, instead staying silent. As they got closer, Adrien began to move away from Ladybug. Even though he had been the one to give in and agree with Ladybug, he couldn't help but feel like she was trying to accomplish her goals at the expense of everyone around her. First Alya, now this girl. Who was next?

Adrien crouched down in front of the little girl, speaking gently to her. "We're going to find somewhere to sleep tonight, so you need to listen to what we say, alright?"

The little girl nodded. Adrien stood back up and looked for Ladybug, only to find her already scouting out buildings. He offered his hand to the little girl, but she didn't take it. Instead, she walked towards Ladybug, unaware of the choices that had been made about her.

A creak filled the empty house as Ladybug pushed the door open. It seemed sturdy enough, and there wasn't much time to spare after their encounter with the little girl. Speaking of, Ladybug realised they still didn't know her name. Maybe it would be easier if it stayed that way, though. Less personal attachment to get in the way of what had to be done.

"This building should do." Even though she hadn't checked the upper floors, Ladybug knew this would be the safest place she could find tonight. The light was just about gone, and the sooner they got moving in the morning, the sooner they would arrive at their destination.

An hour later, Adrien was lying awake in his sleeping bag, trying to talk himself into leaving the girl behind. There was nowhere safe to leave her; he knew the hospitals had either been taken over or destroyed, his father had spoken about it enough. All the time he had spent alone during the short weeks before his father rose to power had given him more than enough opportunities to listen to the conversations that had taken place.

Despite everyone's efforts to keep him in the dark about everything going on, he had been determined to find out, and had stumbled across many dark things. He knew his father wasn't perfect, but he had done things that Adrien could barely stomach just thinking about them. All the damage his father had caused, all the people he had hurt and killed.

And now, he was going to abandon a child, just like his father would.

His mind still active, Adrien tried to drift off. The longer he focused on clearing his mind, pushing everything else aside. Unfortunately, that left space for Adrien to listen to the other breathing in the room. Two other people, breathing deeply as they slept.

He should be used to this, after all, Alya had only died this morning, but he knew that tomorrow night it would only be him and Ladybug. No more Alya, no more sick children. But he couldn't worry about that now. Not that much time had passed since he himself had heard Ladybug say they were leaving early. He would need the rest.

Finally, sleep began to settle on him, descending like a dark wave. He allowed it to consume him, hoping it would wash away the events of the past few days. They stuck like mud against his skin, not letting go for anything.

Ladybug woke before the others. She opened her bag and pulled out some food, pushing everything else deeper into the bag. Hopefully, she could save some resources. They had already expended some of the valuable first aid kit last night on the little girl's injuries, at Adrien's insistence. Though she knew it was better to save supplies, Ladybug had attempted to help the girl, if for no other reason than to relieve Adrien's guilt.

Adrien woke up shortly after Ladybug began cooking. Neither of them said anything, only making the situation more awkward. They moved around each other, careful not to get too close. Tensions from yesterday's decision were still high, and neither wanted to admit defeat and speak first.

They ate in silence, occasionally glancing at each other over their food. A few times, their eyes met, but both glanced away, hoping they weren't caught. It wasn't making the situation better and they both knew it.

Finally, Adrien caved. "Emma is still asleep, should we wake her up?"

"Emma?" Ladybug looked up from her bowl, confused. She didn't know anyone called Emma. In fact, the only time she had even thought about the name was when she was thinking about her future children's names.

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