Chapter 4: A Friend

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Nobody's P.O.V

As Kirishima stretches his wings, Bakugou was adjusting himself, really nervous yet excited to be up in the air. He tried to think of a better way to hold onto him rather then holding on his back. He looked up at Kirishima's huge horns and he thought maybe he could crawl up to get to there. So just as he started to slowly shift himself up to his horns, all of the sudden Kirishima started to use his wings which made a huge air impact on all the trees, making them sway back and making dust fly everywhere as he started to hover above the ground and so Katsuki just helped and he slid back down and gripped onto his back, looking down at how they were off the ground. He thought this was a good amount of flight already but he saw how there were still trees in the way which meant that they had to go higher. 'Fucking great..' Bakugou thought to himself as he then felt Kirishima fly up all of the sudden so he gripped really tightly as Kirishima flew up into the sky, not expecting that but he was trying hard not to scream. However he did yell, "Holy shittt!!!!!!!!"
Kirishima made a little content roar sound, liking the feeling of flying up in the air like that and just getting to feel the strong breeze. Once he was high up he just stayed in one spot for a bit. Bakugou saw how he stopped so he smiled nervously but was relieved. "Heheh! Okay n-now that we are stopped I was gonna say let's get down i c-" He then got cut off by Kirishima starting to fly forward super quickly because he didn't hear him since they were up in the air. Bakugou just gasped and he gripped super tightly. "FUCKKK!!!!!!" He screamed and then hugged his back, stuffing his face into his back and closing his eyes tightly. He felt terrified of what was going on. Kirishima kept flying with that speed and that high up, once and a while contently roaring and huffing because he liked this and he had thought Katsuki was having fun but then when he heard a whimper he looked back from the side on his eye and saw Katsuki like that so he started to slow down, driving at a slow pace as he looked back at him. "Mmh?" He made a little sound in confusion, as a sign that he was asking what's wrong. But he knew it was because he was scared when Katsuki just gripped tighter. So he bended his head and nudged Katsuki a bit to look up. And so Bakugou did and he looked at Eijirou. Eijirou gave him a kind look and one that said it was going to be okay with a little luck on Katsuki's cheek in attempt to cheer him again, as he then looked back in front of him and started to fly forward but really calmly but not too slow that it was boring. He went just the right pace that you could feel a nice breeze on your face. Bakugou then started to look around instead of only on Kirishima and was able to see things now since they were going slow. He saw the beautiful sights like the mountains, the rivers, the forest from up there and it no longer looked like the horrifying place he imagined. A big smile grew on Bakugou's face as he saw all this and Kirishima looked back at him and saw it. He saw how beautiful Katsuki looked in this moment, seeing how the little light that was left from the day in the purple sky, since it was sunset but the sky was a light purple instead, was reflecting onto Katsuki's eyes, making his features pop out as his eyes looked almost sparkly. Kirishima huffed happily as he continued that and he started to wave up and down in the air so that they went up in and through the clouds and then back down to where the view was at which made Katsuki laugh softly. Kirishima then heard Katsuki say, "Faster heh..!" And he felt happy because now Katsuki wasn't so afraid because of him anymore. And so he did a slight nod as he went fast again, a cool yet strong breeze going through both of them. Instead this time Katsuki just laughed more, putting one of his hands in the air for a second to say, "Whoo!" Kirishima went more and more faster, making more of a ride for Katsuki and making him laugh more. Time passed and they both really enjoyed this fun ride, and now the sky was completely dark yet starry. Kirishima finally found a hill to stop on and so he slowly landed on there with Bakugou, making the land shake a bit when he did and he flopped down because of how tired he was but also for Bakugou to get down. Bakugou hopes off him and went on the grass, smiling from that still, laughing a bit too from the thrill of it. "Oh my! That was fun!" He looked at Eijirou and smiled more, hugging his face a bit. "Thanks heh..." He mumbled as he then felt a lick from Eijirou, making him wet again so he groaned softly while Ejirou laughed at him. "Ewww Hah!" He then just sat down next to him, petting his head gently and admiring Kirishima. Eventually, Kirishima found the strength to shift back into his half human half dragon form which made Bakugou now lean on his shoulder so Bakugou blushed and moved away, sitting up and crossing his legs in front of him. "S-Sorry heh"
Kirishima just shyly smiled. "It's okay heh..I really enjoyed today too.." He let out as he chuckled. Some time passed by and they ended up talking for a long while. Until it was three am in the morning in fact. Both of them by this point were laying down next to each other on the grassy hill and looking up at the sky and the stars. They told each other a lot of things and got along well, making their friendship grow stronger. Eventually, they started to get tired. Bakugou's eyes started to flutter close as he chuckled softly. "" He says as he then passed out. Kirishima chuckles as well. "Goodnight Bakugou...thank you for making today so great for me...I'm actually happy for once in a while...I hope that we could be..." He looked to the side to look at him and he just saw Bakugou asleep. "Adorable..." He mumbled quietly and then he fell asleep, a smile remaining.

The next day came and the sunlight hit the two strongly. So at the same time they woke up and they turned there heads now facing each other while laying down, letting out a soft groan as they then opened their eyes and saw each other. Kirishima just blinked a bit and blushed slightly since they were pretty close because their noses were almost touching but he just smiled shyly. "O-oh heh.." Bakugou blushed incredibly and he smiled lightly. "M-morning..." He says as he started to get flustered so he sat up quickly and he stretched his arms. Kirishima tilted his head before he sat up as well and scratched his head, looking around and back at Bakugou. "Oh yea..we are here...from yesterday...that was really fun heh..!" Bakugou just nodded and smiled softly. "Y-Yea it was...I really liked it or whatever.." He shyly admitted was he looked up at Kirishima. Kirishima just stared at him. "Well...I was hoping...maybe we can have more days like that..." He looked down. Bakugou nodded again. "Me fact..I was going to ask you to take me back to the village but.." Kirishima then looked back at him and at the same time they both said, "I was hoping maybe we can be friends..?!" They then just looked at each surprised because they were thinking of the same thing and they both shared a laugh right after. Bakugou scratched his head. "W-wow I didnt th-think that-" Kirishima laughed softly. "Y-yea well...I...I just really like spending time with you..." Bakugou chuckles and nodded. "Yea m-me too..." Kirishima thought a bit of how his heart was beating, it was something he never felt around anyone like this so he knew he was special. He grabbed Katsuki's hands and looked at him. "I can tell that you are going to be a good, I promise to stay by your side!" He says happily but then he sees Katsuki's face pink and tilts his head before he just realized they were holding hands and he blushed before letting go. "Heh..! Sorry.." He then realized. 'Wait why was his face pink..?!' Before he could even ask, Katsuki just cut him off. "Well then..! Why don't you show me around...f-friend..." Kirishima just grinned with his sharp teeth and nodded. "Yea sure!" He got up with Katsuki and grabbed his hand again unknowing of how flustered it made Bakugou as he scrolled through the forest. Showing him all the sights but you close. Like his favorite animals, reptiles, critters, harmless creatures that he had bonded with along these years as he talked with Katsuki. Everything was good between them, in fact, it felt like paradise already. One or two days passed by of just being in the forest and connecting more and currently they were in Ejirou's cave. It was the daytime and Bakugou was thinking about his village, wondering if Kirishima would like to see something there. So he asked. "Hey idiot...wanna go visit my village today?" Almost instantly, Kirishima smoked big and nodded. "Yes! Of course!" His eyes were sparkling because he was more than happy to learn more about Katsuki, and now of where he came from.

Eijirou's P.O.V

I was all happy, but then I remembered...humans. So I looked down and sighed. "Oh see...humans aren't really nice to me- well heck...they hunt me down Bakugou..." He said sadly as he saw Bakugou just look at him.
"Well then...I'll protect you..! Plus you can go in disguise! I just- I feel like you might like things there and I was thinking since you showed me around your loved forest already..." Bakugou said.
I just looked back at him and I blinked a bit. 'How could I resist him?! He looks so..cute..!!!' I then shook my head yes. "Okay okay! Well then..let's go..!- oh wait but first..I have a human form right..! So I can just......" I then started to transform into my human form and I looked at him. There was a pink on his cheeks and I wondered why. Maybe it was hot in here..?
Bakugou had been blushing because now that Kirishima was in that form, he was surprised that Kirishima's level of beauty could be in a human so he just blushed, seeing basically his dream partner up close.
Kirishima just then helped Bakugou up and he started to walk where Bakugou led him. Eventually, we got there and I looked around, amazed on how everyone was doing things and was all just new to this. Bakugou chuckles at me from how excited I looked so I slightly blushed. But little did I know, there was a revealed spot on my nape since my hair was up that was just red and scaly from my dragon form. But neither me and Bakugou noticed as I asked to go to the shops he would speak of and so we started to walk there. But however, when we walked past some guards, they seemed to notice because they got more tense and were starting to mutter things to other guard as if they were getting ready for something...

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