Nobody's P.O.V
——————————-The night went on Bakugou and Kirishima had eventually decided to go back inside and talk some more, staying up until late at night talking and laughing a lot. Kirishima casually teasing Bakugou and flirting with him without even noticing it and Bakugou either laughing at the things Kirishima would say or getting completely pink and flustered off his words. More time went on and they started to get sleepy around like 3 am. Bakugou saw there was only one mattress with one messy, dirty, and scratched up and so Bakugou didn't want to make Kirishima uncomfortable so he just sat on the floor. "I'll sleep here" He says as he started to lay down. Kirishima didn't really mind at first because he was dragon and never had a reason to be flustered off sleeping next to someone but little did he know he would feel much more different now that Bakugou would be sleeping next to him. So he walked over and went onto the mattress then sat on it but just saw him. "Huh?! What are you doing there?!" He says as he tilted his head. Bakugou just kept laying down, faced the other way. "I don't wanna make you can have the bed." He mumbled as he stayed there. Kirishima shook his head no. "No no it's okay! Sleep next to me Cmon!" He says as he pats the spot next to him but Bakugou still declined. "N-no.." Was all that Bakugou said. After a while of offering and declining, Kirishima huffed. "That's it!"
Bakugou just tilted his head, not knowing what he was gonna do. "Huh?-" Before he even got the chance to look back at him, Kirishima lifted him up by wrapping his arms around his chest from behind and under his arms to bring him onto the bed with him as he flopped down and held him tightly, not letting go. So now Kirishima was laying down and Bakugou was stuck like that, like Kirishima's own teddy bear. But they were super close...That made Bakugou super flustered and pink and as usual when he got flustered, he reacted upset. "L-let go of me you shitty haired loser!!!" He yelled as he tried to squirm out of his arms. Kirishima just tightened his grip, blushing slightly since Bakugou was really close to and he was getting flustered inside, making his heart race and his face feel warm but he was way too busy on playing around with Bakugou so he softly laughed. "No way! No way am I letting you sleep on the floor!!!" He says as his dragon tail wrapped around Bakugou's waist to secure him. "Now goodnight!" He says with a slight giggle as he closed his eyes and pretended to fall asleep. Bakugou spent a while more struggling until he finally stopped and sighed heavily, his face being completely pink as he just layed there. "Goodnight...Kirishima..." He said softly since he thought Kirishima was asleep. Eventually his eyes started to flutter close and he fell asleep, exhausted. Kirishima opened his eyes when he seemed to be asleep and he smiled softly, letting go. "Goodnight...Bakugou...I care about you more than you'll ever fact I.." He chuckled to himself. "Who am I even confessing to heh..goodnight..." He then lays Bakugou down next to him and he began to slowly cuddle him, spooning him since Bakugou was now faced the other way and he wrapped his arms around Bakugou's waist before he fell asleep.The next day, the light of the day started to come in the room and so it got in their eyes. Bakugou started to wake up first, his eyes fluttering open as he then just saw darkness once they were completely open. He was too sleepy to freak out so he just said, "Huh...?" He nuzzled into it a bit because of the warmth. It felt nice. And the was a familiar good scent. He then backed up and then saw that he was hugging and clinging to Kirishima's chest and looked up at Ejiro and since he was asleep, he blushed softly and just admired him from being this close for once. But then Kirishima started to wake up. And before he could even move away, Kirishima opened his eyes and looked down at him so Bakugou froze in his spot. He just blinked at him, his face turning pink meanwhile Kirishima started to blush softly. All of the sudden, Bakugou gasped a bit and he backed up and fell off the bed, making a grunt sound when he did but he just looked up at him. "Ah! I-I'm sorry!" He says as he looks down ashamed, shaking a bit, expecting a bad reaction. Kirishima just looked down at him and he saw how he was panicking so he quickly went down. "H-hey hey it's's okay heh!" He says as he lifts him back up and places him on the bed and then just sits by him. "Are you okay?" He asks and Bakugou just nodded. Kirishima then found the chance to ask him about why he was always so scared about. "Hey...why were you scared? Well like why do you act scared? You always flinch whenever I pat your shoulder or do the littlest things? Are you scared of me? Cause I'm a dragon...?" He asks softly. Bakugou just hummed and he sighed softly, deciding to open up because Kirishima did the night before with no problem. "Well...ya know...I...I'm a thief Kirishima...I hope you don't think different of me but- I just am....and well I don't really gotta home in the I sleep on the streets...and when I sleep there..sometimes I end up getting to close or just in someone's space on accident even when I'm asleep and well they would just beat me up senseless right there and then and well so would the guards or any person who just wanted to because I was a thief and...and the towns little 'pansy'..." He mumbled that last part quietly. Kirishima heard what he said and he furrowed his eyebrows, feeling sad that this happened to him but enraged at the people. He then quickly grabbed his hand and squeezed it and looked him in the eyes, not hearing that last part though. "I'm so sorry that happened to you...but I promise, I will stay by your side to make sure that doesn't happen again..not now, not ever!" He said, determined to keep Bakugou safe at all cost. Bakugou just looked into his eyes, surprised, but he started to blush a lot at his kindness but he also scoffed at it and pulled away, crossing his arms and looking away. "T-tch...Yea whatever..." He muttered. "Thank you..." He mumbled softly as he smiled softly at him for a moment. Kirishima just smiled back brightly and chuckled, "Now Cmon, I want it again, you were like a teddy bear!" He says as he hugs Bakugou by the waist and forces him to lay down again, making Bakugou's face be in his chest. Bakugou just froze and blushed a lot but he sighed heavily and stayed still. "Fine..." Kirishima gasped, "Yayyy!" He says as he cuddled with him a bit, closing his eyes again but not falling asleep. Bakugou, after a little of being in that position, fell back asleep. Kirishima was going to stay like that but then he heard some creaking. His eyes opened quickly. He saw that Bakugou was asleep so he didn't want anything to happen to him. Kirishima could sense another human too. He slowly sat up and he then froze as a man just stood there with a pitchfork for protection. Kirishima growled and he wrapped his tail around Bakugou's waist. "Who are you???..." The man's eyes widened. "Your the dragon..." He huffed as he glared. "Get out, I'm claiming this else I'll kill you and get that prize" He says as he gets his pitchfork ready. He looked at Bakugou and chuckled. "Huh? Defending your little boyfriend???" He says in a teasing manner.
Kirishima growled more and wrapped his wings around Bakugou. The guy then just growled, "Fine then, you want it that way..." He then game towards Ejiro with the pitchfork, swinging it to try and wound Kirishima but Kirishima gasped and quickly slapped him away with his tail and some spikes had came out of the tail naturally for defense but the villager had been able to get three scratches on his wings because of the pitchfork. The guy fell back, making a loud clash sound and he cracked the wall a bit since it was all old wood. Kirishima winced but just stayed like that. "!!!" He yelled out. Bakugou had jumped and woken up at that exact moment, opening his eyes to see darkness again so he tried to pull away but he couldn't. "H-huh?!" He recognized this from earlier though. "K-Kirishima?! What's going on, why are you-?!" He then was cut off by the man saying, "Hey!!! How dare you?! Oh fuck you now you are really dead!" He says as he got up weakly. Kirishima growled lowly. "Bakugou s-stay" He demanded firmly and Bakugou stayed still as he said but was shaking a bit. "Kiri...kiri please please just let me-" His eyes started to water a bit because he had no idea what was going on but also because he was powerless and couldn't protect Kirishima. But when Kirishima heard the guy his eyes widened and he got ready to hit him again but the man got in top of Kirishima, pinning his tail down and squeezing it to hurt him which made Kirishima yelp and he then unwrapped his wings around Bakugou, making Bakugou fall off the bed. "G-go! Run!" Kirishima yelled as the guy tried to stab his face with the pitchfork but Kirishima was stopping him by holding his hand back, trying to push it away as he glared into his eyes with rage. Bakugou's eyes widened and he quickly got up and ran to the closet, knowing there was weapons there, as he grabbed a sword he found and he kicked the guy off Kirishima, making him fall on the floor and drop his pitchfork. The man tried to reach for his weapon again so Bakugou quickly kicked his hand away and accidentally swung his sword in doing so, causing a huge wound across the guys stomach. The guy then passed out because it was a big wound that was bleeding, but Katsuki thought he had killed him. His eyes widened and he dropped the sword, backing up. "Oh my...I-I..." Bakugou couldn't get words out because he never actually killed anyone no matter what his threats were. The guy woke up but he heard Katsuki panicking so he pretended to still be like that, so that when Katsuki got distracted he would strike him. Kirishima gasped a bit. "Oh no...did you...B-Bakugou you..." He didn't know what to say. Bakugou started to back up and he looked at Kirishima all scared. "P-please don't be scared of me, I swear I didn't mean to-" He got ct off when all of the sudden the man came running towards him and tackling him down, punching Katsuki's cheek only since he was weak at the moment but repeatedly. Bakugou tried to escape from his grip and couldn't but then Kirishima got up and kicked the guy off, knocking him out with a hard and final punch. He looked at Katsuki. "A-are you okay?!" He asked as he helped Bakugou up. Bakugou nodded and blinked a bit to get his thinking back to normal from the hard punches. Bakugou then just huffed and started to pack up some of their stuff into a big bag.
"What are you doing..?" Kirishima asks as he watched him do this.
"We have to go now...this guy has found this's only a matter of time till others do too..." He says as Kirishima nods and helps him. When they were done they started to quickly walk away. They roamed through the forest for a few hours but eventually they finally found just a spot in the woods where it was grassy and there was trees covering from up above so they set their stuff down. Bakugou sighed heavily and scratched his head. "Well I guess this is where we will be now..." He said.
"Yea..." Kirishima mumbled as he stretched his wings and winced.
Bakugou tilted his head. "What's-?" He then noticed the deep scratches and his eyes widened. Then that's when he remembered they left the med kit so he huffed. "Dammit!" He says with a growl. Kirishima just nervously smiled. "It's okay really-"
Bakugou then thought of something. 'Maybe I could go to the but that would be leaving Kirishima alone...but last time he came-' He then remembered what village they were close to. A village that he had visited before and had a 'crazy lady' claiming that she knew how to do magic. Usually Bakugou would call these things a load of crap but he didn't because he witnessed this for himself. One time he had gotten beaten up really badly, his ribs fractured but then he was taken in by that old lady who worked her magic and kissed him to heal him which was strange but worked. 'She isn't against dragons...' He thought to himself as he sighed. "Okay may have to come to the village with me..theres this lady...she can heal you...m-magically don't make fun of it's only if you want to I'm not forcing y-" He then was interrupted by Kirishima gasping and nodding quickly. "Yea sure! Despite the horrible people the village had actually really nice stuff! Like the shiny things hehe...hehehehe...hehehehehehe-" Kirishima fanned over the shiny things and Bakugou just looked at him and raised an eyebrow at the weirdness but chuckled. "Your an idiot. Now cmon let's go" He says as he starts walking. Kirishima grins big and follows after him quickly after transforming into his human form. Hopefully the same thing didn't happen this time. They walked until they arrived at the village. But this time they were way more cautious. Bakugou put his usual tough act on and walked ahead of Kirishima making sure it was safe as he kept walking, on guard but wasn't too worried because this village didn't have that much guards. Or so that's what he thought. Bakugou kept walking and was making his way to Recovery Girl, seeing how Kirishima's eyes would sparkle at every shop because they had even more shiny stuff and I chuckled softly to myself. "Keep walkin we aren't here to shop this time" He said so it made the red head look down and nod. Bakugou didn't like that so he added in, "Well not that much at least.." He mumbled and Kirishima's eyes sparkled again. "Yay!!!" The dragon and human hybrid yelled excitedly. As they were walking there Bakugou bumped into someone and he looked up at them. He saw a certain guy with three people behind him. He did a snarl face once he saw them. "Watch where your fucking going." He said to the other male. Kirishima wondered why Bakugou acted this way around him.
The other male just chuckled and grinned while looking down at him. "Well if it isn't the little Pomeranian himself...Cmon, the least you can do is say hi to your friend Haida" He pointed time himself. "But then again...with the type of person you are you'd want more..of course...typical pansy..." He said coldly in a chuckle as he looked at him.
Bakugou huffed. "S-shut up! That's the last thing on my fucking mind you ass! Now fuck off before you pay for that!" He yelled back as he crossed his arms, trying hard to keep on his toughness. He tried not to show it but those comments about him that he had heard all his life hurt him incredibly. He either wanted to cry or attack the guy but he couldn't do either.
Haida just chuckled softly, "I can tell...your practically on the verge of crying..I know you Katsuki, you can't hide it..." He looked back at his friends. "Cmon, we've got more important stuff" He said as the guys behind him nodded and started to walk off. But before Haida walked off he got really close to Bakugou's ear and he grabbed his butt, squeezing it very tightly, digging his nails into the pants a bit so it hurt him. "Better not to telling your new boyfriend or anyone about me or I'll fucking destroy you" He whispered coldly into his ear. Bakugou tensed up and he just gripped on his own pants, doing nothing which was very unlike him as he looked down. Kirishima saw that and his eyes widened but before he could do anything Haida let go and started to walk off. Kirishima growled. "Hey-!" He was going to go after him but Bakugou held him back by putting a hand on his shoulder and nodding no. "'s fine. Just ignore that asshole, lets keep walking.." He says as he let go and started to walk again, signaling for Kirishima to follow. Kirishima huffed again because he couldn't protect him but he slowly nodded, not wanting to make thinks worse for Bakugou as he followed him.
Things were silent until Kirishima asked, "Who was that guy?"
Bakugou hummed a bit. "No one important.."
Kirishima just huffed once again, really angered. "Why'd your let him do that??? And what did he whisper in your ear? How do you guys know each other? What happened? What's a pans-" He was cut off by Bakugou nudging him a bit. "I'll tell you when we get back..." He said quietly because everyone was starting to stare again. 'One thing about this place its great but...' Bakugou looked around at all the people staring, almost glaring a look that said you should be ashamed at him only. '...It's extremely homophobic..' He thought to himself as he rolled his eyes. Kirishima didn't know what they had against Bakugou but he glared back at them which scared some people off because his glare was pretty terrifying when he was really mad. When they arrived at the old lady's house, Katsuki looked up at it. "We're here...follow" He says as he goes in and Kirishima follows him. The place was really old but not messy it just looked creepy from how old things were. Kirishima kept following Bakugou until the arrived at a room with an old lady.
"Oh hello dear...oh who is this? Have you finally got a partner? Good for you" She says with a warm smile.
Kirishima waved but tilted his head, not knowing what she meant at the moment. Bakugou blushed."N-no he isn- okay, well anyways can you please heal him and your magic shit because..." He then started to explain what happened. She was surprised to know that this was an actual dragoon but she nodded. "Of course I'll do it" She says as she sits Kirishima down on the bed. Kirishima sat there happily but then started to feel weirded as he felt her kisses. "Huhhh?!?" She just chucked. "Don't worry dear, it'll be over soon..." She says as she gave big smooches, magically making them heal. Bakugou just chuckled. "I'll be back" He says as he left the place. He decided to get Kirishima something since he was begging for it so he walked around shops, managing to steal shiny stuff like jewelry or clothes or souvenirs. A lot of souvenirs. As time went on, he came back with a bunch of bags, surprisingly no one noticed he was stealing. He arrived back and they were done. Kirishima gasped at that, knowing what he did and hugged Bakugou. "Thank you thank you thank you!!!" He says. "I-I'm feeling way better too because all my cuts and stuff have been magically healed thanks to the magic old lady so thanks for this too!" He says as Bakugou blushed. "Yea yeaaa don't worry about it..." He mumbled. They left after a little and walked around the village. It had been night by then. There were bratty kids laughing or whispering things about Katsuki to each other but Bakugou ignored it while Kirishima would glare and scare them off. The shops were closed but the restaurants and food shops and stands were open. This was the time where everyone would have dinner so mouth watering and warm scents of food cooking roamed through the air as the little dim lights hung up on people's homes for decorations just added to this heart warming scenery under the beautiful and starry night sky. It all looked so pretty. Kirishima admired it bur Katsuki admired him very much instead. Bakugou hummed. "Want some food Shitty Hair? I have a feeling you might like the food here when it's actually warm" He says but he actually just wanted to see Kirishima happy. Kirishima quickly nodded. "Yea sure!" Bakugou nodded too as he then walked through the section where there was more stands of those things. Kirishima's eyes were lit up as he walked through but then stopped at one stand, his tail wagging as he smelled the scent, it making him drool a bit. "Mmmmn...this one this one this one..." He says and Bakugou went back to him and looked up at it. Bakugou just chuckled at the stand as he put his hand on his hip. "Of course..." It was a food stand with mostly meats. All kinds of meats like chicken or beef, all of that. Bakugou and him went towards it and heard Kirishima say what he wanted so he ordered that for him as he then got something for himself. Kirishima got a chicken thigh on a stick and was already biting it off the stick and chewing it while Bakugou just got bread and was monching on it. As they walked they froze because there was suddenly so much more good stands ahead of them. They were new stands so both of them were surprised and they quickly just started to go crazy in there. By the end of it they were walking out side by said with a bunch of things in there hand. They had a lot of food, mostly meat for Kirishima. There was also a lot of desserts for them both. And there was an incredible amount of beer mugs for Bakugou. They stole all of that but yet we're just talking to each other, laughing at what they were saying to each other and having fun. The guards started to notice them so they gasped and started to run back to the forest quickly with only a few guards chasing after them. Eventually, they got away and made it back to their spot, laughing like crazy from how they escaped that. "That was fuckin close!" Bakugou said as he laughed more.
"I know right!!!" Kirishima says back as he laughed as well and helped set there stuff down on a blanket they stole from the treehouse and also put sticks together and used his fire breath to put a little fire as they discussed they would do back at the village. They both sat down, still laughing and Kirishima's laughing slowed down as he saw Katsuki keep laughing with his eyes closed and Kirishima just adored him because he looked so joyful. The sight of seeing the boy happy just warmed his heart and made it beat fast, but it wasn't the fire that was making him feel all warm inside. Kirishima blushed softly as things calmed down and they ate. They spoke to each other joyfully while eating. Kirishima was eating a lot meanwhile Bakugou wasn't really eating so much, he was mostly drinking and finished with two mugs, now on his third. Kirishima got curious about earlier so he hummed. "Hey that we are here can you tell me about the guy?" He asks softly while looking at him.
Bakugou just looked at him and sighed. "Yea Yea okay fine..." He hummed as he looked at his beer, seeing his own reflection. " and that guy..when I was a little kid, I was new to the village like around ten..but met him when I was like was before I had this really lame friend called Deku, I had another friend in another village..and that friend was Haida..the one who was like that. He was my first friend because everyone would treat me different for being new there to that village. But he was w-welcoming...and kind..we were friends for a little while- well like months and he was my best friend or what the fuck ever and at the time I didn't know l-labels or like much stuff- I was confused...em...well..I of course had some...romantic feelings towards him..." He gripped tightly on the handle of the mug, hoping Kirishima didn't judge like everyone else. "So like...I was like dumb and outgoing as I child so I said I liked him and..since we were alone, he seemed to accept it and he kissed my cheek and would like em...well the guy was in his preteen age so he was going through some would like rub my thigh or just grope me roughly like that and my dumbass hah, I-I thought that was a sign that he liked me back I let him do all that and pretended everything was fine..but then the next day I tried to hold his hand in front of his friends and he pushed me, scolding me and making fun of me, all that and that was the last day we ever talked..he would just tease me like that and shame me for who I am the rest of the time like you saw...but when no one was looking, he'd do that...he's a fucking scumbag...but there's just some things you can't change..." He sighed heavily. "So yea, that's the guy who was one of the things that taught me to be like this...didn't make the same mistake of being nice with Deku when I met him...I wasn't gonna let someone trick me like that again..." He says as he looked away. But he saddened a bit. " can leave now if you feel uncomfortable with being with someone like me...y-you'a fag' apparently..." He said as he looked away and down at the ground. Kirishima was both heartbroken and enraged at this story. When he heard Bakugou say this he quickly put his hand on his shoulder and Bakugou flinched. "Hey..." He then held Bakugou's chin gently to make him face him. Bakugou blushed softly but looked into his eyes, not pulling away.
Kirishima sighed softly. "First of all...I'm really sorry all of that happened to didn't deserve that at all...and I know you might be terrified to trust someone again after that horrible experience or whatever else you've gone through in your life...but I can can trust me...I will never take advantage of you unless I have your consent...I never want you to feel uncomfortable around me ever because..your the thing that keeps me happy...I would never do anything to harm you in any way, emotionally or physically...and opening up wasn't a mistake..I'm sorry he made you see it like that but one person shouldn't define who you are..don't let him have power of you over deserve so much better..." He said while rubbing his thumb against Bakugou's chin and looking at his lips for a moment but forcing himself to look back into his eyes. "And I'm not forcing you to trust me...I'll happily die by your side trying to make you smile the slightest bit..and I'll gain your trust eventually heh...I promise I won't do anything bad with it.....and..Baku, I'm not uncomfortable at all! I like you however you are! Your my best friend...and plus, heh, I'm gay too" He said softly. Bakugou just looked at him and he softly smiled. "Thank much my best friend too..I-I..I trust ya a bit okay you idiot..." He mumbled shyly which made Kirishima's eyes sparkle. Bakugou's smile grew as he blushed even more when he heard he was gay, feeling a chance of..hope? He shook his head. "W-well that's great to know..." He says as the red head just looked at him in awe. Bakugou laughed at him as he continued talking about other stuff which made them laugh again and he began to drink even more mugs. A while later, Bakugou was on his eighth mug meanwhile Kirishima was trying to sip down his first one and was half way. "Mphhh, how do you like this stuff.." He whined. Bakugou laughed at Kirishima, seeing his scrunched up face. "'s fuckin good you shark boy" He slurred as he laughed more now just laughing randomly. Kirishima laughs a bit at how he was acting but then just noticed that he was starting to get to drunk so he hummed, putting his drink down and scooting over to him. "Nope Nope, that's enough..just.." He tried to take the mug away but Bakugou snatches it back. "No!" Kirishima nervously smiled. "Cmon Bakugou..." He says as he keeps trying and the same thing kept happening and so eventually it led to them being on the floor and Kirishima on top of him, still trying as he had his leg in between Bakugou's legs so he couldn't get up and run off with it. "Cmon just give it Bakuuu!" He said, still trying. Bakugou giggled and kept dodging his grabs but then Kirishima just pinned down his wrists to the ground, making the mug fall out of his hand and onto the ground and Kirishima smiled proudly. "Aha!" Bakugou looked at it and whined. "Awwww cmonnnn!" Bakugou then looked back at him. "Whyyyy though???"
Kirishima sighed. "It's for your own good" He says. But then something strange happened. They just looked into each other's eyes and stayed there staring a bit.
"Why are you so sweet to me..." Bakugou asked softly, breaking the silence as he blushed softly from his close they were. "I appreciate it so much but..I feel like I don't deserve it..."
Kirishima just nodded no slowly. "I'm sweet to you because that's how I really feel like you should be treated...and I'm not trying to be sweet, but I'm just treating you how you should be Baku...and I told deserve so much deserve the world..." He says gently.

Fantasy Au Kiribaku~ ( Discontinued )
FanfictionEdit: I wrote all this in 2020 so I'm just keeping it for memories now [!•This story has fluff, a little angst, action, sensitive topic: *homophobia/harassment/abuse* , kinda gore, and smut•!] Well, I'm bored so I decided to write a Kiribaku fanta...