❗️•(( Hi, I'm really sorry but my chapters will be all slow like this because school is getting started again unfortunately so it might take me long. So thank you to anyone who still reads, okie)) •❗️
Nobody's P.O.V
—————————-The morning soon came, the sun beaming through the trees in each spot where the leaves wouldn't cover, the birds and other little critters of the forest either making their natural sound or rustling dried up leaves on the grounds of the forest. In a certain spot of the forest where the two, Kirishima and Bakugou, where lying down, cuddled with each other and were asleep. Some minutes passed by until Bakugou woke up first this time as his eyes fluttered open and he took a look around as his eyes immediately went to Kirishima next to him, making a soft smile grow on his face. "Kirishima..." He giggled softly to himself and he stretched his arms and his legs before he laid there and let out a sigh of content while laying on his side to look at and admire Kirishima. "So that really happened huh...who would've thought..." He cracked into a bigger smile and another little giggle before a pair of arms were suddenly wrapped around his waist and he jumped a bit but then saw they were Kirishima's arms when he looked back so then he looked at Kirishima's face again and he saw that a soft smile was resting on Kirishima's lips as he held Bakugou. Bakugou's eyes widened and his face slowly turned pink because he thought Kirishima heard all that. "E-Eh?!? Sh-shitty hair! You were awake?!" He yelled out in his usual tone already. Kirishima let a hum out before he muttered, "Baku...sh..shhh....."
Bakugou just blinked a few times before he scoffed, furrowing his eyebrows. "Y-you think your gonna tell me to shut up?! Oh you a-!" His sentence was stopped by a finger against his lips and that made him both blush more and huff. "Bakugouuu...no yelling it's to early......" Kirishima mumbled as he wrapped both arms around his waist again and moved closer to his face with his eyes still closed. Truth was, Kirishima was still half asleep but Bakugou hadn't figured that out yet. Bakugou tried to move back but he barely could with the arms so he just looked away to the side. "Tch!"
Kirishima chuckled at that usual noise the ash blonde did as he then went closer to his face to that their noses were very close to each other with a sly grin on. "What was that Baku~? You got something to say to mee~why don't you say it to my faceee" He teased in a bit of a dizzy voice.
Bakugou only blushed more at this but he didn't move away. "N-no...I-I mean...damn right I've got something to say to you dumbass!!! That if you don't back the hell off right now, I'll kick your ass!!!" He said back.
Kirishima laughed a bit and he leaned even more closer, making Bakugou more blush like crazy. "Oh really? You'd really do that to me? Your ownnn love~? Your one and only Kirishima...cause...I'm one of a kind...sweetheart~" He said with a shark tooth grin he flashed at Bakugou. At first it worked because it left Bakugou speechless and a blushing wreck but then he realized how Kirishima was closing his eyes and talking in that certain tone, doing things he wouldn't really do at least from what he's seen so far and so he knew now that he was just half asleep so he huffed and shoved him away as he looked away. "S-Stupid asshole..." He mumbled, trying to get over the flustered feeling.
Kirishima huffed when he did that and then he sighed. "Okay then..." He mumbled as he then wrapped his arms around Bakugou like he was his teddy bear as usual and he started to just attack Bakugou's cheek with kisses on the same spot, not stopping and not giving him any space to pull away. Bakugou's face slowly went completely pink as he felt all his kisses and he had tried to pull away but he couldn't as he squirmed even if he knew very well he couldn't escape from Kirishima's grip as usual. After a while he just stayed still, being officially dead from blush as he stayed still, completely given up now. Kirishima opened his eyes slightly and saw his reaction to it and laughed softly. He was still half asleep so he probably wouldn't even remember this or he'd think it was a dream. Bakugou expected that so that's why he just gave in by this point, deciding he may as well show a more open side since he'd forget. But there was still always that little wall in himself that came to anyone even if they were kind and wouldn't hurt him, he couldn't help but still be on guard. Bakugou then growled slightly. "If you don't back off right now I'll-"
Kirishima started to kiss him behind his ear but not in a way that would get certain noises from Bakugou, he kissed him in a sweet way with little pecks behind the ear that would tickle Bakugou instead. And so Bakugou felt that and he snorted as he tried not to laugh, being super ticklish. "S-stop that-!!!"
Kirishima heard that snort and he grinned, letting a chuckle out. "Awwwe! Bakugouuu, your snort is adorableeee! More!" He gave him even more kisses behind the ear, going super quick with the pecks so that he would be very ticklish to it. Bakugou had whined a bit. "I-It's not godamnit!!! D-Don't you even dare you stupid drago-" He felt him do it more and he couldn't hold it back anymore so he started to laugh as he squirmed a bit, smiling big and blushing a lot since he was kissing him and also because of embarrassment. "Pffft- Hahahaha-!! Kiri!!! Haha stop that!" He giggled like crazy.
Kirishima saw how he reacted and he started to laugh as well. "Oh my- Baku, haha, wow your really ticklish aren't you!" He laughed more and he kept doing that even more faster, gaining more giggles from Bakugou and then with one hand he started to tickle Bakugou's waist while the other arm held him so he couldn't escape. Bakugou felt him do that and he instantly started to laugh even more, both his smile and blush growing as he squirmed even more faster then before because that spot was very ticklish. "PfFfFfFfFfF-!!! Hahahaha-!! Kiri-!! Kiri stop it!! Hahah- pfff oh my god!!! Hahaha!!!" He kept laughing like crazy. Kirishima saw him and he bursted into laughter as he tickled him faster on each sides of the waist with both hands now because he knew he couldn't escape from being weak to the situation right now as he then stuffed his face into the place behind his ear and he blew into it to tickle him more, laughing as he did so.
Bakugou felt him do more and his laughter only increased as he got even more louder and he squirmed side to side now since he got both sides of his waist. "HaHaHahHAhahah-!!! K-Kirishima!!! Hahaha-!!! S-stop-stop it!!!" He laughed more, tearing up a bit from how much he was laughing.
Kirishima laughed along. "Hahah, hmmm, Only if you say 'Kirishima is a genius not an idiot at all and I'm all his angry Pomeranian and nobody else's~!" He says with a sly grin, his eyes fluttering a bit.
Bakugou had kept laughing not wanting to say it so at first he shook his head job but then when he couldn't take it anymore he laughed harder. "O-okay! Okay! K-Kirishima is a genius and not an idiot at all and I'm his angry Pomeranian!!!!! A-and n-no one else's haha!- Now m-mercy!!! Please!!!" He said in between laughs, it growing to be almost too much cause he couldn't stop laughing.
Kirishima grinned big and then he continued it for a little longer before he finally stopped and looked at him with an innocent smile. "Good boy" He pet his head and then pulled Bakugou close to his chest and hummed.
Bakugou was still laughing a little but then he calmed down after a while as he looked up at Kirishima with a smile. "Pffft! Dummy!" He hugged his chest and snuggled against him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before he just looked down, blushing incredibly. Kirishima just smiled bigger at the kiss. "Yay...now I can die peacefully..." He joked as he then drifted off into full sleep again. Bakugou scoffed as he giggled and then laid there, looking at him for a little while longer before he then sat up very slowly so that he wouldn't wake up and he decided to try and find something to make them breakfast since they didn't get to have breakfast yesterday because of how bad Kirishima had cooked it. Bakugou carefully slipped out of Kirishima's hold and after Kirishima just groaned and hugged the leaves on the ground even if it was all sharp he couldn't really notice that right now because he was sleeping. Bakugou looked down at him when he got up completely and he just chuckled. "Stupid idiot..." He then took off his cape, now without any clothing on the torso area, as he then covered Kirishima with the cape so he could hug it instead so he wouldn't get hurt and Kirishima just hummed with a happy smile as he continued sleeping. Bakugou smiled softly to himself as he grabbed his sword and went on into the forest to find some food but not too deep in and he started to find somethings that they could eat. Some time had passed by and Kirishima had finally completely woken up, his eyes slowly opening as he looked around, taking just a little while to remember everything from yesterday and that made him smile big. "Yyyesss!" He put his fist up in the air as he then remembered this morning. "Aw~..Baku...~ heheh-" He froze. "Wait wait where is he..." He looked around side to side. "B-Bakugou...? Bakugou..???...Bakugou?!" He started to panic a bit but then was disturbed by a bit of a faint yelling. He looked towards the direction of it and he then saw Bakugou...yelling..at a..bunny. Kirishima just stared at him for what seemed the longest time before he ended up laughing. Bakugou had been yelling at a bunny who was just trying to steal some of the bread he cooked that he found from the other day. "Go to hell loser!!!" He yelled as he tried to get it away but was hesitant to do anything because he was a bit scared of it.
Kirishima walked over to Bakugou and slowly hugging him from behind, wrapping his arms around his waist as he leaned his chin on his shoulder. "Mm...Good Morning Baku...~...whatcha doing over here yelling at a bunny?" He asks before he broke into laughter a bit again.
Bakugou blushed incredibly as he froze and stopped yelling at the bunny, instantly going quiet for a little before he whined slightly. "H-huh....?!?!?!?!?" He huffed hard as he looked over his shoulder to see Eijirou with the biggest grin on as if he wanted to both laugh and tease him with some usual flirts. Right at that moment Kirishima made eye contact with him and that cocky grin on, letting a quiet snicker out under his breath which Bakugou heard since they were so closed thanks to the hug which made Bakugou awfully flustered and so he looked down a bit to try and hide his face. "W-what are you doing dumbass...better get off me before I end y-you..." He mumbled while looking down, very shyly.
Kirishima leaned closer to his ear and chuckled lowly right into his ear. "Awww is someone...shy~?" He whispered that last part into Bakugou's ear.
Bakugou's face went to an almost impossible level of blush. "N-no! Shut up! Shut up!!!" He shakes his head, trying to not be flustered as he squirmed a bit, reminding himself what he was doing in the first place. "The damn brat is stealing the food you idiot!" He yelled as he looked at the bunny and glared at it.
Kirishima tilted his head. "Damn brat...? Oh do you mean the bunny there? Oh no don't worry he won't hurt you sweetheart no need to be so scared hehe" He giggled softly.
Bakugou quickly tensed because he was feeling scared of the bunny besides the fact he was stealing their food. "I-I am not scared you shitstick! Let me go damn it!"
Kirishima raised an eyebrow. "Shitstick? That's new...strange for sure" He laughed and Bakugou just growled a bit, getting more flustered. "What are you laughin at?!?-" He then felt Kirishima put his lips against his cheek so he froze again, silent, and getting more pink.
Kirishima grinned against his skin. "It's amazing how that works so well... and oh by the way I'm laughing at you~" He laughed a bit and Bakugou said nothing but a quiet whine since he was so flustered. Kirishima hummed. "Now I asked you a question...are you scared of the bunny? Or is your heart just beating like crazy because your so flustered with me~?" He nuzzled his cheek a bit.
Bakugou huffed, knowing it was both of those things but right now he didn't want to admit the flustered part the most so he looked down. "T-The bunny damn it..." He mumbled.
Kirishima smiles. "Good puppy! I may seem cruel right now but I just want you to know you can trust things with me without me actually making fun of them even if I do laugh sometimes, I would never actually mean it in a way that would hurt your feelings okay?" He kissed his cheek. Bakugou blushed more but he bit his lip before he lightly smiled. "Thank...you..." He mumbled once again.
Kirishima blushed softly and laughed a bit out of happiness. "N-No problem Baku!" He said sweetly. Bakugou saw his blush over his shoulder and he smiled softly to himself for a moment before looking away so that Kirishima couldn't catch it in time.
Kirishima just cleared his throat after. "Anyways, em how was I acti- oh right..." He hugs him tighter as he leaned his chin on Bakugou's shoulder from behind. "Why are you scared of the bunny~? He is...he is just a little bunny Bakugou...or do you Pomeranians not like bunnies?" He asked.
Bakugou growled. "Listen you-!!!" He was disturbed by Kirishima saying, "Ah Ah Ah- no...no doing that puppy or else I'll keep this little act up for the whole day until your burst and officially become the meaning of blush~"
Bakugou heard and he froze as his face went mode pink and he just growled lowly under his breath and Kirishima smiled and giggled. "Awww good! Now, what's scary about it Bakugou? Answer truthfullyyyy" He said next to his ear.
Bakugou huffed. "W-well I never know what to expect in here...clearly...I h-haven't been here in a lo-..I-I've never been here...and well last time I saw this little brats in the village I simply walked past one and the damn thing flew on me and attacked me! These things are always trying to get the food! But watch just watch, these dumb things will never do that again look at him just look at him he's laughing at me can't you see it in his eyes?!? Go tO HeLlL!!!" He yelled the finishing parts out as he started to try to charge towards the bunny's direction but ended up squirming because he was being held back by Kirishima who was still hugging him by his waist tightly. Kirishima had listened as he spoke but then started to get nervous as his tone was raised louder to yelling then when he tried to charge towards the bunny his eyes widened as he tensed up and he held him tighter, trying to stop him. "H-hey! Man don't d-do that to the poor bunny nooo! No! Bad- that's not the way to solve things!!!" He says back and Bakugou tried to shove his face away with his arm but in the end it couldn't work because the bunny just laid down instead in the sight of Bakugou trying out so Bakugou eventually ran out of breath and strength as usual in Kirishima's arms so he just flopped down, Kirishima's arms around his waist holding him from dropping on the floor. Both of them panted a bit and Kirishima just looked at him and he started to laugh. "Bakuuuuuuu! What was that!!!" He continued laughing until he stopped and just lifted Bakugou up after but in a bridal style way as he looked at his face. "Bakugou...no." He sighed.
Bakugou was pouting as he looked at Kirishima's arm. "Put me down damn it..." He mumbled.
Kirishima hummed, ignoring that. "So...your afraid of the bunny because of a bad experience...walking past them huh? Doesn't sound like something a bunny would do unless....hey what age did you happen to be around this time?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. Bakugou heard him and he bit his lip as he looked down. "I was... six years old..." He mumbled lowly. Kirishima hummed. "Thought so and Baku...be truthful...did you just walk by the bunny or you know...being a young child who couldn't have known any better...try to interact with it?" He asked. Bakugou huffed. "I...I tried to pet it...okay?! Happy?!" He scoffed. Kirishima laughed a bit. "Yup...awww Bakugou I'm sorry about that...you couldn't have known better...but listen, that doesn't define all bunnies okay? Just like one other aggressive dragon the village has dealt with doesn't define me, right? See what I mean?" Kirishima explained softly. Bakugou tensed a bit and he looked up at him. "I-I know I know...I'm sorry..." He says, a bit ashamed. Kirishima smiled, seeing how different Bakugou was from the other humans he's seen. He laughed a bit as he started to peck Bakugou's cheek with kisses before he stopped. "D-Don't be sorry silly! I didn't mean to scare or scold you, if anything i'm s-sorry heh!" He looked at Bakugou was still looking down and with blush on his face as the only difference from before. "Okay..." He mumbled, a bit scared by instinct he did something wrong and telling himself that over the bunny. Kirishima sighed softly and he sat on the floor in front of the bunny, putting Bakugou to sit on his lap. Bakugou just looked up at Kirishima, tilting his head a bit. "Huh?-" He looked the other way in front of them and he saw the bunny just sitting up and staring at both of them so he tensed. "A-Ah...K-kiri-" Bakugou looked back at Kirishima but Kirishima just shushed him softly and he wrapped one arm around Bakugou's waist as the other patted the ground next to them, signaling for the bunny to come to them while making a little click sound with his tongue. Bakugou looked back at the bunny and then suddenly the bunny dropped the bread from its mouth and calmly walked to them and went on Bakugou's thigh, looking up at both Bakugou and Kirishima. Bakugou gripped on Kirishima's vest with his free hand but Kirishima just caressed Bakugou's waist in sign that it would be okay. "Sh..sh...it's okay...it's okay...look..." He said in a soft tone remaining as he then gently pet the bunny's head and the bunny actually snuggled against his hand. Bakugou was surprised that the bunny actually didn't mind it as he stared, fascinated. Kirishima looked at Bakugou's reaction meanwhile he did that and he thought it was so adorable. After a little bit he stopped and slowly held Bakugou's hand. "Come on...go ahead..." He says softly as he caresses his hand. Bakugou bit his lip but Kirishima made him feel safe so he softly sighed before he raised his hand and he started to reach over to pet it. The bunny just looked up at Bakugou's hand and they were a bit tense since Bakugou was yelling at them earlier but they stayed there now, just looking adorable and clueless. Bakugou then gently and carefully pet their head and he was so surprised when the bunny actually started to snuggle against his hand so he started to smile. "T-the little brat...it's...it's so cute...!" He says, not seeing them as scary anymore as he kept petting the bunny and the bunny just kept snuggling their hand. "Awww..." Kirishima said as he watched Bakugou and the bunny connect. "He really likes you Bakugou!" He chirped out happily. After a few moment the bunny started to slowly walk off Bakugou's thigh and back to the spot where it was before. Bakugou and Kirishima were just looking at it with a smile resting on their lips. Kirishima hummed. "See what I mean Bakugou... as long as I'm here...you'll never have to fear anything..." He mumbled softly in his ear as Bakugou just looked up at Kirishima and stared into his eyes before they both started to lean in and their eyelids lowered before their eyes closed completely when they felt their lips finally connect, sharing a sweet kiss. Kirishima blushed softly and wrapped both arms around Bakugou's waist. Bakugou blushed deeply as he slowly wrapped his arms around Kirishima's neck and kissed him sweetly, smiling lightly into it. Kirishima opened his eyes to stare at him like this again and he laughed happily into the kiss. Bakugou heard the laugh so he got shy and he stopped kissing him as he turned pink. "W-what are you laughin at?!" He said. Kirishima just whined. "Nothinggg! I just...l-like you so much..." He snuggled against Bakugou's cheek as he then leaned his chin on Bakugou's shoulder and they both looked back at the bunny. That made Bakugou so happy to hear as he just stared at the bunny with content, almost completely forgetting that the bunny was trying to steal their food. "So cute..." Bakugou mumbled.
Kirishima hummed as he looked at Bakugou. "I-I can show you more...around the forest...with just us..alone...if you'd l-like..I-I-I hope you'd like it....." Kirishima said as he nervously smiled and blushed a lot because he was asking him this in a romantic way. Like a date. Bakugou looked up at him and he squinted his eyes a bit in a thinking process on what exactly Kirishima was planning here since he was blushing and all nervous but then realized what it sounded like. "H-hmm...like a date huh?" He said, raising an eyebrow. Kirishima did this huge dorky smile. "Y-yes! Yes! Like a date!-" He then froze and blushed incredibly. "T-that is if you'd like to even go on a date! If you even want any of that yet!!!" He tried to say firmly but mostly said it shakily. Bakugou then just grinned slightly to himself as he reached up to pet Kirishima's head. "Idiot..." He ruffled Kirishima's hair like crazy, making some get in his eyes. Kirishima just gasped dramatically. "M-my hair!" He couldn't see so he tried to fix his hair. Bakugou then blushed so much and he kept his pout on as he felt his face get that warm. The reason he messed up his hair like that was so that Kirishima didn't see when he blushed like this. By the time Kirishima finally fixed his hair back up, Bakugou was looking away towards the direction of the bunny. Kirishima just tilted his head. "S-So is that a Yea-" He then got disturbed by the bunny running away with the food anyways. Kirishima groaned and Bakugou huffed. "Little bastard..." He grumbled as he then looked down with that same blush. Kirishima whined. "Oh well-" Before he could continue talking Bakugou disturbed, "Looks like...we will have to...g-go and find some other food...and a nicer bunny than that little brat...deep..in the forest....alone...we have no choice but to...do that...a-and I suppose...bugging some other title shits with you whining nonstop will seem fun so...y-yes...I...have no choice b-but to accept..." He softly mumbled, fidgeting with his hands now as blush covered his cheeks and over his nose, trying to keep looking down to avoid eye contact since he was flustered and also trying to not smile since Kirishima asked him out on a date. He did really want to just say yes until he ran out of breath but he, as usual, wasn't really the open type to his feelings, especially when he was that flustered. Kirishima stares at him. "Huh...Baku-" He then realized how Bakugou was really feeling and he smiled softly but soon after couldn't help but cockily grin for a second before he put on a innocent and gentle look on his face as he rubbed Bakugou's shoulder. "Hey...we don't have to go on this date if you don't want...it very much sounds like your forced and don't want to...so it's okay...I guess...I won't be that sad and heartbroken...just reject me...it's okay..." He said softly to tease him as he put on a fake sad puppy eye look and looked down, acting. Bakugou looked at him and he froze, starting to blush a lot more as his eye twitched. "N-no!- I mean whatever- n-no n-not whatever i- y-you-a-w-a-" He started to stammer a lot, letting little grunts slip between his stammers as he struggled to find the words to say. Kirishima wanted to laugh so badly, loving this as he looked back up at Bakugou with those same puppy eyes and wiped a fake tear away. "W-what is it Bakugou...? Is there something you need to say?.. Something you yearn to???..?!" He says dramatically in a light voice as he leaned down to get more closer to Bakugou's face, their noses a very few spaces away from each other. Bakugou kept stammering as he then saw Kirishima get that close and his eyes widened, his cheeks really stained with blush by now as he then shoved his hand right in Kirishima's face, facepalming him roughly basically to block his eyes and mouth and to try and push him away since he was so close. Kirishima groaned and whined. "Bakuuuuuuuu!!!" Bakugou huffed as he closed his eyes tightly, his whole face just a really bright shade of pink now. "Y-you i-idiot!!!" He huffed shakily. "O-of course I want to go with you damnit now let's go you hopeless s-shithead!!!" He yelled as he then gave Kirishima's face a push so that Kirishima would fall back slightly and he got up off his lap, grabbed his sword as usual, and started to walk off very flustered so he was clenching both of his fists while furrowing his eyebrows and grumbling to himself things like, "D-Damn Kirishima thinks he's so handsome...Tch...dumb g-good looks is all that idiot is he's got hair for brains...that little...l-little...ugh!"
Kirishima had fell bad but he just sat up again and looked at Bakugou walking off. "Heyyy!!!" He pouted as he then huffed and grew a big grin. "Coming Bakugou!" He stood up and ran after him, giggling cause he was really happy that Bakugou agreed. As time went on, the day was passing by and the sky now had a pinkish mixed with a purplish color. Kirishima looked up at the sky, smiling. "Wow...I love when the sky is like this...look Bakugou look!" He says as he pointed to it. Bakugou was just trying to keep his eyes out for anything they could use as food and it was starting to frustrate him. "Ahhhhhg! Damn bunny, if that little brat never took our food we could've brung our food along with us and just found a place and then we could already been in a nice spot for our damn date but now it's ruining everything and Kirishima is gonna regret ever asking shit and it'll all be one big fuckin disaster..." Bakugou grumbled to himself and he went on, seeming to be really mad because he didn't want that to happen. He only dreamed of this stuff happening with him and Kirishima and now that it was finally true he wanted things to go perfect so that Kirishima would actually really like him. Kirishima looked at him and could tell how stressed he was as he then heard him grumbling and understood what he said due to his good hearing from his dragon senses as he then gasped a bit. "Bakuuu..." He sighed as he then just hugged Bakugou's waist from the side and stopped walking so that he could stop Bakugou too. Bakugou froze as he got stopped and he huffed as he then looked up at Kirishima. "The hells up with that Shitty Hair I-it's getting darker and we've got to do this d-!!" He was interrupted by Kirishima leaning close to his face which made him blush incredibly. Kirishima lifted Bakugou's chin so that he could
look up at him while his other arm held his waist. "Sh sh sh...~" He rubbed his thumb against Bakugou's lips to try and calm him as he looked down at his lips, biting his own and blushing softly. Bakugou looked into his eyes and his blush grew darker, seeing where Kirishima was looking. "E-Eh?!? I-idiot you better back off now-" Kirishima sighed once he saw he didn't calm down and so he let go of his waist and chin and he just cupped both of Bakugou's cheeks so that Bakugou can look up into his eyes as he looked back into his and looked at him with a gentle look that was full of care and love with a soft smile, blushing more from how cute Bakugou looked right now, as he usually did but especially with his cheeks squished a bit like this since they were adorable chubby cheeks and he looked it, Bakugou reminded of him a little puppy right now. "Hey hey...it's okay...just calm down okay...take a moment and tell me once you've calmed..." He says softly. Bakugou could feel his cheeks getting really warm as he then sighed softly and he calmed down. "O-okay...okay...godamnit...I-I'm calm now...or whatever..." He looked down to the side a bit with his eyes. Kirishima smiles a bit. "Good...what's wrong Bakugou? Why are you so stressed? Today is just about us being happy together so Cmon...tell me what's bothering you..." He said in a caring voice. Bakugou blushed even more from Kirishima's sweetness as he then sighed a bit. "I-it's just...well...I-I never thought this would happen...a-and now that it's finally happened...I just want everything to go well...a-and I thought maybe you'd get impatient and leave or cancel cause you are bored of just wandering around..." He mumbled softly. Kirishima heard him and he sighed as he then caressed Bakugou's cheek with his thumb. "Hey listen...first off, I am like..falling apart inside because I never thought this would happen either and I just feel so...AaaAah! Y-you know what I mean??!" Kirishima said. Bakugou raised his eyebrow slightly. " 'AaaAah?' " He said. Kirishima blushed embarrassedly. "Y-you know what I mean..oo nervous! There there...Yea I-I'm really nervous cause....I want to be perfect for you and impress you and stuff and make you do that adorable blush...I really want to see you smile I love it so much but I'm just trying to keep a smile on other wise I think I'd be squealing heh!" He laughed nervously, feeling nervous and happy. "W-we are both new to this and that's okay! I know it seems weird getting it from a dragon person but believe me I understand! B-but you know what...I was actually thinking the same things too..that you would get bored or irritated of me but...y-you haven't left yet! And I have that! And I-I feel super happy now! Just try to focus mostly on the good feeling that I'm here with you if I make you feel any joy at all okay..? And also..I-I feel better now that I know your feeling the same! It supports me and you...and I hope you feel the same but you might not be reassured...one thing I can reassure you though is that..." He got closer to his face. "I'm not going to leave you...not now..not ever..." He says in the most gentle voice. Bakugou listened to him and he blushed so much that his blush reached to the tips of his ears now. "D-d-Damn it Kiri...I-I feel the same..ugh..t-thank you..." He says softly as he then softly smiled at him for a moment before forcing himself to stop, growing more blush but it was obvious he cheered up and felt way more happy now. Kirishima saw that and understood, despite his little defenses, so he smiled as he blushed more. "Good Bakugou..." He then leaned in and pressed a soft and gentle kiss on Bakugou's forehead. Bakugou closed his eyes and blushed tremendously as he felt his forehead get kissed but he just looked into Kirishima's eyes again when he backed away and shyly smiled at him. "Y-your an idiot you know that..." He giggled slightly. Kirishima blushed so much but smiled. "Yea I know adorable...now..this kinda gives me an idea...I proposed this date so now..I wanna take control...~" He then let go of his cheeks and turned around then kneeled down on knee as he looked back at Bakugou. "Get on my back!" He chirped out happily. Bakugou's face turned more pink. "Ah-?! No way!!!" Kirishima whined. "Cmon Bakuuu I want tooooo~I really dooo, let me take care of you just for todayyyyyy~~~" He did puppy eyes up at him. Bakugou's eye twitched as he then sighed hard and went on Kirishima's back. "F-fine damnit..." Kirishima grew a huge smile from seeing how Bakugou got on willingly. 'More progress made!!!' He thought to himself as he then stood up. "Holddd on Baku we are about to go faster than light!" He says as he grinned bigger with his sharp teeth. Bakugou had been setting himself up, wrapping his legs around Kirishima's waist slowly and holding onto his shoulders but then he heard that and his eyes widened. "W-wha?! What does that m-mean-?!" Before Bakugou could finish speaking Kirishima interrupted with a loud and happy sounding, "Lets go!!!" He yelled a bit as he then held onto Bakugou's thighs and he started to run super fast. Bakugou gasped and he held onto his shoulders the tightest he could as he screamed a bit shakily. "AaaaAaAck-!! K-kiri! Ah!" He kept that up and Kirishima just started to laugh like crazy at Bakugou's reaction and how high pitched the screaming was, it killed him. Kirishima then grinned bigger with his sharp teeth and ran even more faster, fast enough to mess up their hairs a bit and wonder how he hasn't fallen yet. Bakugou squeaked as he did that, "Eek!-" Without meaning to his instinct was to wrap his arms tightly around Kirishima's neck from behind but not enough to choke him. Doing this made the sides of their faces get super close to each other so now Bakugou was leaning his chin on Kirishima's shoulder while their cheeks were rubbing together, making both of their little chubby cheeks go out. Kirishima felt the warmth and he looked to the side for a moment at Bakugou right next to him and Bakugou did the same thing at that moment. They looked eye in eye, with their faces super close to each other. In this moment, everything seemed so sweet so Kirishima flashed a toothy smile at him and Bakugou shyly smiled back. They both blushed from each other's smile so they could feel the warmth of each other's blushing because their cheeks were against each other which made both blush more and more so they just ended up laughing together. Bakugou just stared at how adorable and happy Kirishima looked right now, he loved it with all that he was which just made him happily laugh nonstop. Kirishima saw how Bakugou seemed to happy as that laugh that warmed his heart filled the echoes of this once lonely forest that now was brought beauty by the love of these two. That thought just brang light and butterflies inside Kirishima and he was sure he never wanted to see this side of Bakugou go away. He wanted to make this precious moment last longer so he ran even more faster as he held on more tighter to Bakugou's thighs, his own hair starting to mess up. Bakugou screamed a little more but it kept on getting disturbed with laughter, thinking this was really fun and loving this, so did Kirishima. Bakugou kept laughing with his eyes closed and a big smile on his face, blush remaining on his cheeks because these new feelings were new but he was sure he loved it. Kirishima remained with that big grin on his face, his eyebrows slightly furrowed in determination of the moment as he ran faster and faster each moment, keeping his eyes straight upon the path but once and a while looking over and Bakugou, doing all this with soft blush on his cheeks. The two went on through the forest. You could hear laughter and sounds of just joy which made the forest seemed more lively despite the history of what had happened there before with the dragons. What had seemed so dead for years, was now brought back to life with the pair's radiant joy and love that they shared and spread to others as it was seen by others. It was truly a lovely thing. Once they finally arrived at the spot in the forest Kirishima had in mind, the sky was already getting more and more darker, the pink and purple fading to mostly blue but at the moment it looked like a fusion of all of those colors at once with the way the clouds were colliding with each other. Kirishima looked around and smiled. "Yea that's it" He said to himself as he then set Bakugou down on the ground so he could stand on his own again but he rubbed his shoulder just in case Bakugou was still dizzy from all that running as he looked at him with a caring look. "You okay? There's a log over there if you need to take a seat" Kirishima offered in a sweet voice. Bakugou wasn't even aware of the dizziness anymore at all, he was distracted by the beautiful view there was. It was a more green part of the forest and there was all types of trees with all different designs, shapes, and sizes that some had little stones in their trunk parts but mostly had all types of fruits up in their leafs or tall branches. On the floor there was just some green grass with different varieties of flowers but mostly daises taking the spotlight. Bakugou was amazed by this sight, he had never seen it before no matter how deep he's been inside the forest and he has especially not ever seen this many fruits before, despite the fact that he barely saw food in front of him due to having no money. Kirishima just stared at Bakugou, liking how he looked so taken by this view and even thoughts could tell he was impressed, Kirishima couldn't help but be nervous and wonder if he really liked it. "O-oh right!" He said to himself as he then ran over to the one spot where there was no flowers and where the grass was a little short but it was still pretty, with a tree by it and very long leafs hovering over that spot which looked almost specifically designed for people to sit down at. He made sure it was clean before he ran back to Bakugou and gently pulled him along to that area to reveal it to him as he carefully sat Bakugou down in that spot and then he looked around and tried to grab whatever flowers he could as he then came back and fixed his hair a bit and then went in front of Bakugou and got on one knee while holding the flowers like a bouquet, offering it to Bakugou as his other hand gently took Bakugou's hand and he softly kissed it, looking him in the eyes but blushing incredibly from being a nervous wreck inside. "M-my lovely~" He tried to say smoothly but his voice was super shaky and his voice cracked at the end so he huffed as he blushed more. "D-dang it...!" Bakugou just looked at him and he blushed incredibly at his words and actions but mostly his effort, really appreciating it but he could notice his nervousness. He thought it was adorable and also wanted to laugh at him so badly especially for the voice crack but he didn't want Kirishima to feel bad cause there was also a part of him that was worried for Kirishima since he seemed so nervous. So instead of laughing, he let out a little quiet snort before he raised an eyebrow and ruffled his hair. Kirishima gasped a bit since he tried so hard to put it up perfectly for Bakugou. "H-heyyy!!! Ugh Bakugou! Now it's g-gonna fall apart! I-it's gonna look bad Cmon..." He groaned as he sat down in front of him and just tried to fix his hair but it was hopeless because his hair was starting to break loose anyways put even though he desperately ran his hands through his hair, pouting as he puffed his cheeks a bit. Bakugou sighed softly and he gave him a little rough playful tap on his head. "You idiot. I told you, I'd stay with you no matter what. Well fuck...e-everything you do m-makes me...makes me f-feel like my h-hearts gonna p-punch the hell out of m-my chest before it breaks it d-damn it! I-I mean d-did you s-see what y-you just did r-right now with the st-stuttering and th-the i-impressing a-and s-stuff with t-the nervousness a-and l-like a g-gentleman thing l-like-! U-ugh! I-it was like f-fuckin a-adorable like agh! S-serious I-it- a-di-Eh-" He started to stammer, his face getting slowly covered with blush as he tried to explain his feelings which is why he sounded like he was frustrated about something because it was hard to say it out and the feeling of being flustered made him feel like having a heart attack. Kirishima just stared at him, really surprised as he blushed tremendously. He was surprised that Bakugou thought all of this but he kept looking at him to listen to him. Bakugou sighed hard to stop himself. "Look Kirishima...you don't have to..e-ever try to be something your not with me...I'm not saying that there's not a side of you that is a g-gentleman or some shit, there is but I-...well I just want you to do what doesn't drive you down...because when it does you get so stressed like this and I-I hate seeing your d-dumb smile gone...Tch...I'm happy with you just as long as you are yourself I told you I'll stay unconditionally damn it! And if your worried about me not being impressed w-well I-I fuckin am, I'm still in shock if anything!" He started to roughly tap Kirishima's forehead over and over as he blushed so much but was trying to go through with this by making it seem as if he was fighting with Kirishima cause that was the easiest way to do this for him, through aggression. "U-ugh! And your so worried about me and you forget yourself I-I mean I hate it!! B-but I also love how sweet that makes you...but I hate that it makes you doubt yourself! Because y-you are perfect Kirishima a-and if anything I'm the one here who is f-fucking lucky to even be here with you even if your a-a fuckin dragon! S-so just show me all you are and don't hide from me, I-I'm giving all of me to see all of you because I am sure I'll love it!" He tapped his forehead even faster. Kirishima's eyes were a little sparkly, trying not to get emotional as he stared at him now with love as he let go of his hair, letting it fall loose for the first time in front of Bakugou.
"So l-let your hair fall down, what the hell do you mean bad?! W-why can't you see what I see damn it cause it's really-!" Bakugou was yelling this out of frustration when all the sudden he got interrupted by Kirishima leaning forward and grabbing the hand that Bakugou was poking his forehead with towards himself so that he could connect their lips, blushing softly as he wrapped his arms around Bakugou's waist and closed his eyes, deeply appreciating his words because they were what he's always needed to hear, being someone who had trouble with his self confidence, that meant so much to him right now. Bakugou's eyes widened a bit but he blushed deeply as he started to melt into the kiss so his eyelids lowered as they then closed and he kissed back, slowly wrapping his arms around Kirishima's neck. The shared a kiss, a loving and sweet one with also some passion put in by Kirishima who just wanted to show his love to Katsuki desperately now as he kissed him both softly and a bit deeply. They kissed for a little longer until Kirishima pulled away for air so he slowly did, panting a bit as he opened to his eyes to look at Bakugou. Bakugou felt him pull away so he slowly opened his eyes and panted lightly, blushing too much. Kirishima saw him and he just flashed a smile at him as he then sat by him and hugged him from the side. "T-thank you...!" He said sweetly, sounding really thankful. Bakugou just looked at him and he scoffed a bit. "D-don't thank me idiot..." He mumbled as he then hugged back. When they pulled away Bakugou just stared at Kirishima with his hair down and he blushed so much more. "......I-it looks really pretty or whatever...b-beautiful..." He mumbled. Kirishima blushed a lot as he smiled, fanboying a bit over that inside, he wanted to squeal so badly. "T-thank you!!!.." He said. Bakugou just smiled a bit as he then looked around the forest again. Kirishima looked around too but then he remembered and now he had more confidence to say it so he turned a bit more to Katsuki and he took his hand to kiss it again. "My little Pomeranian~ how do you like th-the place?~" He said as he looked at him with love. Bakugou blushed so much but he just huffed. "I-it's nice...it's really nice...I've never seen this view before in my life and it's...amazing..." He smiled. Kirishima blushed and smiled happily as he then got up. "I'm glad! Now what's our date without some food~" He says as he then went over to the one of the trees that had fruits but instead of choosing from the tree, he went down to the ground and picked some flowers by it instead. "Don't worry, these are the finest I've ever tasted hehe!" He says as he kept picking them out, they were so pretty but not really eatable. Bakugou tilted his head a bit as he then giggled slightly. "Idiot! What are you doing, those are flowers!" He said loud enough for him to hear. Kirishima kept that happy smile on. "Yea?! So, It's great isn't it, they are good I've ate them a lot when I couldn't find meat but they are also really spicy!" He says, humming happily to himself. Bakugou raised an eyebrow and laughed a bit. "I-I don't think you supposed to eat them!" He says, getting up and walking over to Kirishima to stop him by giving him a little rough pat on the head. Kirishima closed his eyes as he felt the pat and accidentally dropped the flowers in some really wet soil by there and he huffed. "Heyyy now they are all ruined" He whined a bit. Bakugou pet his head after gently. "Good cause there are fruits here! There are so many- it's amazing!!!" He looked up at the leafs that had a bunch hanging out of them. Kirishima just tilted his head. "F...r..uits...?" He asked, sounding it out because he never had or heard of a fruit before, out of usually eating meat as a dragon or just mostly finding flowers when he could. "You..don't know what fruits are?" He tilted his head and Kirishima shook his head no. Bakugou was surprised but he smiled lightly as he kept looking at the tree. "Well they are this like food and I-it's really healthy for you and it can be really sweet but also somewhat sour sometimes and they are all pretty juicy I think, but these are more then I've ever seen or tasted so this should be good!" He said excitedly. Kirishima's eyes sparkled. "Well then let's get f..fruit!!!" He chirped out happily. Bakugou nodded and he reached up, trying to get it but he was too short. He huffed and tried to jump up maybe to reach it but still couldn't. Kirishima raised an eyebrow and just cheekily grinned. "Need a hand?" He asked. Bakugou refused to get help, way to embarrassed to ask for it as he blushed more and kept trying. Kirishima sighed and chuckled to himself as he then grabbed Bakugou from behind and lifted him up until Bakugou was sitting on his shoulder and he grabbed his waist so he wouldn't fall off. Bakugou yelped a bit as he was lifted up suddenly like that and he just looked down at Kirishima who was smiling innocently up at him as if he wasn't just carrying him at all. "H-how are you doing this, I'm heavy?!" He says, really surprised. Kirishima just tilted his head and he nodded no. "Nope your not heavy at all actually, I can do way more tricks to prove how not heavy you are if you'd like to see" He says. Bakugou tensed a bit in the thought of Kirishima just flipping him around and stuff and he shook his head no. "T-this'll do shitty hair!" He says as he looked up at the trees again and he was finally able to get the fruit down from the tree and he smiled to himself. "Y-yay...!" He mumbled as he then started to pick a bunch out, getting slightly carried away in the thought of tasting these but mostly because he wanted to have Kirishima to have the best first experience of trying this. Once he was done there was like a bunch in his arms and he was about to drop them so he was nervously whining. Kirishima was confused. "Huh..you okay up there Baku-" All of the sudden Bakugou almost fell back but thankfully Kirishima caught him back on the position they were in but he was still struggling to carry all those fruits. "EeeEehhHhHh KiriiIIii g-go sit is down at the place now!" He says nervously and Kirishima gasped a bit and he then quickly went over to the spot and sat both of them down gently yet quickly on the couch and sighed in relief as he saw Bakugou slowly put them all down in front of them. "Phew...thanks...I guess..." Bakugou mumbled and Kirishima smiled at him. "No problem!" He looked at the fruits and tilted his head. "So what are these???" He curiously poked a peach that was in front of them and he shuddered a bit. "It feels weird how fuzzy it is coming from a fruit but at the same time it kinda reminds me of an animal I've eaten!" He says innocently with a smile. Bakugou's eyes widen a little in the thought of innocent Kirishima doing that to an animal but he didn't see him any different and so he just giggled quietly at how he poked the fruit like that. "W-well! You poked it, now eat it idiot!" He says to Kirishima. Kirishima whined a bit and he slowly picked it up, scared. "EhhhHh...okayyyyy..." He then slowly sunk his sharp dragon teeth into it and he bit it off and ate it, slowly chewing it as he hummed and overtime it started to change into a bit of a whine. "I-it feels weiiiirddddd" He whined out with his mouth full. Bakugou huffed. "W-what do you mean?! Peaches taste great...well last time I tasted them...okay okay just swallow that piece and I'll let you choose next" Bakugou said as he looked at Kirishima. Kirishima nodded and he next leaned over for the plum which he bit and it ended up making a huge squirting mess since he didn't know how to eat it at first and some of it got on Bakugou's face and he gasped a bit as Kirishima just laughed at him and bit it more so more squirted. "Hey!!! Idiot quit it!" He yelled as Kirishima only did it more with a dorky smile. Bakugou chuckled a bit from his smile and he huffed. "O-Oh that's it, your getting it Red!" He yelled as he then started to give Kirishima a noogie and Kirishima gasped as he tried to get out of it, laughing and they started to just mess and play around with each other, forgetting about the fruits as they ended up running around and playing tag where Bakugou was it and Kirishima was constantly running but other times it would be where Kirishima was trying to tease Bakugou and Bakugou didn't want to be teased out of the reason of getting flustered as usual so he would try to run away while Kirishima desperately chased him. They spent a long time doing that, them laughing a bit really loud but they couldn't care less as their laughter was enough to echo through the whole forest. Eventually, after hours, they finally came back because Kirishima finally caught Bakugou in his arms by holding him like a teddy bear as usual and he happily laughed to himself as he sat them both down again. Bakugou was trying to be mad but he just couldn't as he laughed nonstop, panting a bit as well was Kirishima. "God I'm so thirsty!" Kirishima says as Bakugou still laughs quietly, trying to calm down but he grabbed a watermelon and offered it to Kirishima. "H-here hehe..." He says as he smiled. Kirishima loved how much Bakugou was smiling today but he decided not to say anything because he didn't want Bakugou to hide it. Kirishima looked at the watermelon and he hummed. "Well this looks interesting!" He grabbed it and then he looked at it. It was a half piece of watermelon so he bit into it and as his teeth were still in it he felt the taste and his eyes sparkled, stars showing in them as he gasped a bit into it. "M-mmm! Mmm! Thism is so goooooddd mmm!" He spoke muffedly as he then bit it off, eating way more especially since he was really thirsty. Bakugou just laughed as he raised an eyebrow. "Well your sure into that" He looked around as he then just grabbed an orange and he peeled it super aggressively but really quick as he then started to eat it slowly, eating little bits of it. "It's weird, I don't even know how we found all these fruits in one tree but it sure as hell is good" He spoke muffedly as he had a soft smile remaining, feeling really happy right now.
Kirishima giggled. "Yea usually I don't see these fruits on regular trees!" He says as he finished and pouted when there was no more watermelon but then he saw a strawberry and he gasped a bit. "...what is that?" He pointed to it. "It's so pretty..." He mumbled. Bakugou tilted his head but then looked at the strawberry. "Oh it's a strawberry thingy, h-here" He says as he grabbed it and offered it to Kirishima then giggled a bit more. "Pfff..It looks like your hair..." He mumbled. Kirishima gasped. "Yayyyyyy! My hair must look really pretty!" He then took the strawberry and ate it. "Mmm!!! This is even better-! Oh m-!" He then started to grab a bunch, eating them super quickly and not even caring they had the little leafs at the top still.
Bakugou laughed a bit. "Nooooo, That's not what I meant-" Bakugou's eyes widened as he saw Kirishima eat that fast but he smiled more to himself, happy to see Kirishima like this as he then stared at his orange and put it down. Kirishima just looked up at Bakugou and tilted his head. "Why are you eating so little?! This is the luxury right here!" He says. "Are you sure you don't want some?!"
Bakugou just hummed as he nodded no. "I'm okay..." He said, his stomach feeling slightly weird in the though of food. Kirishima frowned a bit, sensing Bakugou holding back so he grabbed a strawberry. "Here, lets eat it, it'll be good Bakugou" He says sweetly as he then say closer to Bakugou. Bakugou shook his head no. "N-no no they're your strawberries!"
Kirishima huffed a bit as he then gently picked Bakugou up and he sat him on his lap, getting a strawberry and he bit onto the side that had leafs, pointing the end side at Bakugou so that he could take a bite. Bakugou just tilted his head but then he thought it was sweet so he softly smiled as he then leaned in and shyly took a bite off the strawberry, chewing it and his stomach actually felt better by the way Kirishima was trying like this. Kirishima smiled as he saw them both start to chew to the middle so he made it seem as if they were gonna kiss so Bakugou was blushing so much but then he bit it off, separating and grinning to himself and Bakugou huffed with more blush on his face. "H-hey! Tch! Whatever!" He looked away.
Kirishima chuckled and he then cupped Bakugou's cheek gently with one hand and got another strawberry with his other hand. "Nope Nope Nope...I-I want to kiss too! So if you still want to..then you'll keep eating with me heheh!" He says innocently as he offered some strawberries. Bakugou raised an eyebrow, his face turning so much pink as he started to tremble from the shyness a bit but he wanted the kiss and plus the strawberries were looking really good so he giggled. "F-fine only cause I wanna get more strawberries it's got nothing to do with you stupid!" He says with a smile as that made Kirishima smile big and they started to eat the strawberry like that together again. They kept eating like that over and over, their faces and cheeks really pink as they laughed and made jokes, talking and talking for what seemed hours as the night went by. Some time later, they were done with mostly all the fruits and they had been just laying down next to each other on the grass, on their backs, facing up to the sky and admiring it. After hours of laughing nonstop, playing a round, and talking about all kinda of things, they were finally just cuddled in silence, loving every moment, deeply appreciating only these little moments they had. The sapphire colored sky had stars that seemed to shine more bright then ever tonight as they both were smiling freely around each other. "The sky is so pretty..." Bakugou said, mesmerized by the view and the moment but really content as he ever has been but he just getting more like that as days went on with Kirishima by his side.
Kirishima smiled big. "Yea...it really is...but.." He looked at Bakugou. "Nothing in the world is as pretty as you are..." He says softly, not even meaning to flirt but speaking freely, that even being considered something that accidentally slipped out from his mind.
Bakugou blushed incredibly as he stared at Kirishima. "T-Tch idiot! Mphhhh..." He trier not to get flustered. ".......Kiri..." He really just stared at him, realizing how thankful he really was right now and he clenched Kirishima's vest a bit really tightly. Kirishima tilted his head. "Huh...w-what's wrong Baku-" He got a bit really worried but then suddenly Bakugou hugged his chest. "I-I..I lov-" He realized what he was about to say so his eyes widened but he changed it up. "I...love...tonight's date...you made it..so incredible" He says, loving both him and the date but of course loving Kirishima more, but point is either answer it was both very truthful. Kirishima's heart raced as he said that, smiling big and feeling really happy that Bakugou enjoyed it as much as himself did. "Y-yay! Yay I'm glad you-! Ahhh! I did to I- ahhhh!!!" He then couldn't hold it back anymore so he started to peck Bakugou's face all over. Bakugou felt all these kisses and he started to blush too much by this point. "A-ahhhh! Kiri!" He said as he started to break into a soft laugh. "Hehe! Y-you missed Kiri!" He says.
Kirishima froze and blushed incredibly as he heard that and stopped as he looked at him. "W-what was that???!"
Bakugou was giggling as he looked at him. "Y-you missed idiot..." He mumbled as he then grabbed Kirishima's by the collar of his vest and he kissed him shyly and softly, blushing so much since he was the one who made the first move for the first time.
Kirishima blushed so much, getting flustered a bit as he then immediately kissed him back, closing his eyes as he smiled bigger and wrapped his arms around Bakugou's waist tightly yet lovingly so not to tight to squeeze him.
Bakugou giggled into the kiss as he smiled big and then he wrapped his arms around Kirishima's neck, then sharing a very loving kiss, the cool yet wild breeze, that brang this sweet moment some passion too, went through their hairs, making it flow around as they kept kissing. After a little they then stopped and slowly pulled away from each other. Bakugou smiled shyly as he looked down to avoid eye contact as Kirishima then smiled brightly and he leaned in to softly place a kiss on Bakugou's forehead. Bakugou giggled and he slowly started to snuggle into Kirishima's chest, letting Kirishima have this truth that he usually did this, just for tonight. "G-goodnight shitty hair...your amazing..." He mumbled as he closed his eyes, his face really pink and Kirishima could tell because it reached to the tip of his ears.
Kirishima blushed incredibly but he just laughed happily and wrapped his arms around him, holding Bakugou close as a smile remained. "Goodnight...my beautiful dandelion..." He says sweetly, both of them blushing more and feeling each other's beat of the heart because both of theirs was racing as they then fell asleep in each other's arms, happily and giving each other beautiful warmth.The next day came and as the sun was up, there wasn't the usual sun that would shine into their eyes. Instead it was a really warm room and there was no light at all except the one that peaked in through the broken wood door. And the floor felt like it was hard but had some dirt on it even if it seemed like an awfully cluttered and small room. Bakugou's eyes started to flutter open, noticing these conditions and that when he saw a figurine from the other side of the room. It was slowly coming to them and so Bakugou gasped as he opened his eyes and looked around, seeing they were in some kind of small shed or basement filled with supplies like shovels or just little things like that and it was really dirty and small. Bakugou was going to freak out but there was a rope tie around his wrists, tying them together and he looked Over at a sleeping Kirishima that was in the same condition. He knew him and Kirishima had been captured so he got really tense as he looked at the figure with furrowed eyebrows. "W-Who the hell are you?!?! Let g-go of us how before I break your dumbass legs so you never run again!!!" He yelled loudly, trying not to sound scared when he really was, especially for Kirishima, trying to see who the figure was, wondering what they would do to them next...

Fantasy Au Kiribaku~ ( Discontinued )
FanfictionEdit: I wrote all this in 2020 so I'm just keeping it for memories now [!•This story has fluff, a little angst, action, sensitive topic: *homophobia/harassment/abuse* , kinda gore, and smut•!] Well, I'm bored so I decided to write a Kiribaku fanta...