Nobody's P.O.V
———————————The night remained peaceful and silent between the two of them, both of them being completely exhausted from all that had happened. Soon, the next day arrived, the light peaked in through the leaves of the trees that were hovering over there, it somehow being able to shine through most of the little leaves and get into their eyes, well Kirishima's eyes more so that made him groan before he opened his eyes, putting his hand up to the sun to try and block it from his eyes as he sighed and sat up. "Jeez..." He mumbled in a groggy voice as he sighed heavily and shook his head. He felt strange but why. He wondered what happened before, for some reason it was something really good but scary at the same time. He looked down and saw a beer mug on the floor and stared at it a bit before his eyes widened because he remembered all they did yesterday and he blushed incredibly. "Ah-!" He was almost going to get a nosebleed from the thought of that. Seeing that side of Bakugou, how Bakugou made him feel for the first time, Bakugou's blushing mess of a face while all this, Bakugou's reactions to what he was doing, what he tasted- He shook his head from those thoughts but he whined because he didn't want to get super flustered but at the same time all of that just seemed so...magical to him. He would've never expected Bakugou to actually like him- well right. He probably didn't. He was probably just drunk and feeling all hot. He debated with himself. But he enjoyed it so much...if this could lead to something big then he would definitely put his nervousness aside to actually have a change to call Katsuki his. No way on earth was he going to let doubts get in the way. And so he was planning to talk to Bakugou about it when he woke up, no matter how nervous he felt. Some minutes later, Bakugou started to wake up as well, his eyes fluttering open and groaning softly from the light of the sun as he sat up and felt different. "Huh..." He tried to remember what happened yesterday but it was all a blur because of how drunk he was. He looked around and saw Kirishima was no where to be found so he tensed up. "Sh-shitty hair...?" He glanced around the whole view bur when he saw nothing he gasped. "Kirishima..!" He was going to get up and start to look for him and panick but then he saw Kirishima coming back with wood carried within in right arm and food in his left hand as he toothily smiled. "Hey Bakugou! Good morning!" He says as he got closer and set the stuff down. "What's wrong you look scared?" He asked.
Bakugou just remained silently frozen, slowly calming down cause he though a human had got him again.
"Oh, I'm sorry if I worried you by just disappearing like that heh" He says as he scratched his own nape once he set all the stuff down, worriedly smiling. But then he started to notice that Bakugou wasn't talking or scolding him like he usually would for little mistakes so he tilted his head. "Bakug-?" He suddenly felt a hug on his chest because Bakugou went over and hugged his chest tightly. Bakugou had stayed there a little but then looked up at him and huffed. "You fuckin scared me you idiotic asshole!" He yelled out lightly while blushing a bit and Kirishima just looked at him, noticing he was very scared and so he thought that was sweet so he rubbed his back, "Hey hey Bakugou it's's okay...what'd you think would happen huh? Nobody's catching this guy just yet!" He says with a toothy grin. Bakugou furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed, "Your a stupid idiot..." He mumbled, blushing softly now at how bright Kirishima seemed to be but he wasn't letting go, not even noticing it himself. Kirishima had laughed at that because it was the usual Bakugou he knew. It was like normal, as if nothing happened yesterday but then that's when he remembered everything again by seeing how Bakugou was blushing.
'That from yesterday...maybe me and him...m-maybe we do...have a chance..." Kirishima thought to himself, noticing the fact that Bakugou was not letting him go which made him want to say 'awe' but instead he found it as a chance to tease him but this time he wouldn't jokingly tease him and so he smirked a bit, looking down at Bakugou now in silence. "Hey...I noticed...m-my chest must be your favorite spot huh...nice and comfy for you to cling onto there? Cause you always seem to go for it...~" He said smoothly.
Bakugou just listened, staying silent but his face was slowly starting to turn a very visible shade of pink blush.
Kirishima just chuckled as he saw this. "And the thing is...your not really letting go..." He says as he slowly wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him more into the hug and leaned in close to his face. "Y-you like this~?" Kirishima asked flirtatiously with slight blush resting on his cheeks, being a nervous wreck inside but hiding it since this seemed to be working on Bakugou so far.
Bakugou's eyebrows furrowed again as he was going to say something but then felt his wrap around his waist now tightly so he looked back at the arms for a second, blushing a lot more. "H-hey hey w-what are y-" He looked back but only to see Kirishima's face super close and leaned in to his. Kirishima was leaned down so their noses were nearly touching. Bakugou's eyes widened a bit and he let go of his chest, arching his back a bit as he rested his hands on his chest, doing a little shift to escape but he couldn't really move at all plus he liked the view from Kirishima up close like only in a dream he'd have even if it was making him incredibly flustered. "W-what the-?! L-let me go you shitty haired loser!!!" He yelled out, not trying to move out but waiting until Kirishima did.
Kirishima sniggered and bit his lip a bit, enjoying the view of the other male all flustered. "What's wrong~? I thought you liked this..." He hummed a bit. "But then again..." He leaned a bit closer so that their noses touched slightly as he blushed softly himself. "Your not really trying to move know what this reminds me of..." He says as he looked up in thought, pretending to think as he hummed again meanwhile Bakugou's face was getting to a point where it was practically filled with blush. Kirishima gasped a bit, "Oh right, that's it!" He leaned in close to Bakugou's ear to whisper, "You weren't really moving away last fact..I think you were begging...~" He says, blushing incredibly himself now at the memory.
Bakugou's eyes widened again, remembering a flash of that so now he was blushing to an extreme point and he put his strength into it to pull away, getting out of his arms as he huffed after just looking up at him all flustered. " shut up!!! You don't know what your talking about!!!" He crosses his arms.
Kirishima eyes widened a bit when he felt him pull away, scared now because he thought he did something wrong to assume that all this would actually mean something but then he saw Bakugou just react like that instead of some kind of scolding and he tilted his head, not sure wether to react or not cause he didn't know if everything was okay at first.
Bakugou saw the look on his face. It was adorable to him. So he looked away and scoffed as he only blushed more, "T-Tch! Wipe that mopey look off your face I-idiot..." He sighed. "Y-you weren't wrong kay...?" He mumbled pretty quietly but quickly huffed after and started to walk over to where the stuff was at and he grabbed his sword. "T-this is stupid lets go get some food cause you fuckin burned it dumbass..." He says because he saw the breakfast Kirishima had made for them and he wasn't wrong. Kirishima had no idea how to cook. "I'll make you some better thing once we hunt something down or some shit..." He says as he grabbed all of the stuff and he tossed one bag to Kirishima, carrying the other one by himself as he started to walk off. "Oh...and thanks...for the food or whatever..." He mumbled out as he kept walking, a bit quicker. Kirishima had just stayed silent but then heard him mumble that he wasn't wrong his eyes widened a bit slightly blushing now and as if that wasn't enough he actually got a thank you for it which made him now have soft blush. "Huh...?" He then grew a toothy grin and chuckled. "Got it Baku!" He followed after him, walking with him happily and now having his hope in him again. They walked with each other all through the forest and they got to a very quiet part where they were all alone. Kirishima found this as a chance again so he got more close by his side and stared at him. Bakugou eventually noticed his stare so he looked over at him with his eyebrow raised. "Eh? What the hell are you starin at shitty hair?" He asked while walking alongside him. Kirishima lowered his eyelids and grinned. "Oh nothing just how cute you are...I swear how has no one just snatched you up already..your so cuuuteee!!!" He pinched his cheek a bit and giggled. "I wanna know so mu-much more about you..."
Bakugou blushed tremendously and he looked away shyly. "T-tch! I'm n-not cute!!! D-dumbass...and I don't want anyone else 't-to take me' " He mimicked him a bit. "....A-anyone else at fucking least..." He mumbled super super quietly. But Kirishima was able to hear that spot on. "Anyone else Huh~? So you liked what we...we d-" He was cut off by Bakugou clearing his throat loudly then huffing. "Shut up about that already!!!...isn't it obvious-" Bakugou had mumbled and Kirishima realized what that meant so he grew a big smile but he heard a twig snap and sensed something mad so he quickly turned serious and stopped, grabbed Bakugou by the waist close to him, then looked around, his pupils going a bit thin while being on defense. Bakugou flinched and he just looked up at him. "W-what the hell??? A-are you trying to do what you did earlier..let me g-!" He was going to move away but Kirishima gripped him tighter then carried him bridal style in his arms which Bakugou yelped from and Kirishima quickly hid behind a big enough bush and he held Bakugou tightly like that.
"What the hell?!?" Bakugou said as he blushed a lot and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Sh..." Kirishima muttered as he covered Bakugou's mouth and Bakugou looked up at him about to go on with another yelling session but then he heard a man speak.
"This should be where they were at...this is where we saw right...these damn woods..." The man muttered.
Bakugou's eyes widened and Kirishima held him more closer, his claws coming out just in case. They tried to stay super silent, but then some leaf under them just had to rustle from them being on it for too long and so Bakugou tensed up and Kirishima furrowed his eyebrows, getting ready to attack if he had to. The guy heard and instantly turned his head towards there direction, not seeing them but slowly walking towards the bush. "Hey...maybe-" He was disturbed by another twig snapping from like an animal in the complete other direction so the guy gasped and ran towards that area. Kirishima sighed in relief then uncovered Bakugou's mouth, laying his legs down and putting Bakugou on his lap and they caught their breath from being so scared. Kirishima nervously smiled. "Thank goodness..." Bakugou just sighed in relief but nervously chuckled. "That was close..." They both nervously chuckled together but then once they stopped they realized how close they were and how close their faces were to each other. Their eyes met directly and they weren't moving. It was so silent around them and so Kirishima started to slowly lean down for his lips. Bakugou wasn't rejecting it and was starting to lean up to meet his lips as well as his eyes started to flutter close but then right as their lips were almost going to touch, the sound of a sword being pulled out from somewhere was heard right by them, on the side of the bush that they were hiding on and so they both froze and looked at what did that. It was a guard. A girl with short hair going only to her chin level which was colored dark purple and she had flexible, plug like earphone jacks hanging from each of her earlobes, known as Jiro to others in the village. She had a whip in her other hand and armor on her shoulders and waist only but she wasn't really covered up like the other guards. She held the sword to them but it was shaking, giving off the fact that she was nervous even though she furrowed her eyebrows, she looked really nervous. "H-hey! You two...y-your the guys we were warned about...y-you two are coming with me! Now surrender!!!" She said but her voice was all shaky even if she was trying to be firm. She was blushing though because of what she walked in on and also because she noticed how she was acting but couldn't stop it.
Bakugou furrowed his eyebrows and he was too, blushing a lot out of embarrassment but he was mostly scared and trying to see a way out of this for them. "G-get the sword the hell away from me...if you try shit to him I'll-!!!!!!" He had yelled but was stopped because Kirishima put a hand on his shoulder. Kirishima seemed not to be so afraid and mad like he was around the other guards. He actually looked quite calm because he was choosing to trust his senses. His senses told him that this human wasn't like the rest of them, no negative intentions, just like how he got from Bakugou. He just sensed good and nervousness in her.
"She's...I think she is okay...she won't hurt us..." He mumbled out.
Bakugou huffed. "Wh-what the hell do you mean she won't hurt us?!? She's a fuckin guard!!! All those assholes do is hurt you!!! What the fuck Kiri?!?"
Jiro furrowed her eyebrows more and blushed even more. "W-what do you mean..?! H-how do you know that- I-I mean em h-how are you for sure?!"
Kirishima hummed. "Well besides your reaction...and the fact that you didn't slash us as soon as you saw us...I sensed it from you..kindness and well- mostly nervousness but nothing bad...why haven't you? And why is it your so nervous huh?" He asked.
Jiro was blushing a lot like Bakugou now and lowered her sword slightly. "W-well Gus weren't really d-doing anything wrong or looked like you guys were kissing..." She mumbled.
Bakugou blushed tremendously and Kirishima blushed softly so now all three of them were.
"W-we heard you guys were going around and destroying c-cities..burning them down...but it doesn't really look like that y-you guys just look scared really..." She lowered it more. "A-and..I'm really only a guard who's still training...I just wanted to help and save people...but it doesn't look like looks more like we are causing you trouble lately... like a-apparently you two are described as a big beast who kills anyone in his way and an aggressive thief by his side...well I mean..I guess aggressive is right" She chuckled softly.
Kirishima chuckled. "Yup this guy can get way worse like try treating him like a puppy" He pets Bakugou's head and Bakugou blushed more out of embarrassment. "Sh-shut the hell up!!!!!! I'm not that aggressive you losers!!!!!!" He yelled in his usual voice which made them laugh a bit.
" guys aren't actually that bad...and plus...the other day they treated me and my friend really badly.. that stupid king...he thinks he basically owns us... she doesn't see it because she thinks what they are doing is good and believes in him b-but I can see it...I-I mean last time he didn't even care that her life was risked from that fight back at the village..." She admitted and put her sword down completely with a sigh. "I'm not a horrible person..I just wanted to help people...cause I just think it's so cool to just help people...but it seems it won't happen in this job...which is why..." She looked at both of them. "You guys seem like you are trying to fight for something good...against this in the end of your need to promise me that you'll help guards like me and her get free from this King's hold...once you win. Do it for me...please...and in return..." She put her sword away. "I never saw you guys..." She turned away and smiled back at them. "You can go back to kissing but be careful" She giggled and waved. "See you guys later" She then walked off, calling the guards to go the opposite way.
Bakugou and Kirishima were just completely frozen that a guard could be that nice. Bakugou was super confused and a blushing mess as he tilted his head. "Huh?-"
Kirishima had a huge smile and sparkles with stars in his eyes. "Ah! She was soooo nice!!! I thought you were the only good human here Baku!" He chuckled. "Well we got lucky!"
Bakugou huffed. "Yea...but...that thing she said about us...being"
Kirishima did a toothy smile. "Yea! That does seem...really nice to me strangely...maybe we can make that happen..a promise is a promise..." He clenched his fists now determined and in response Bakugou smiled slightly for a second and nodded. "Shit we've got to move if they are even in this area!!!" Bakugou said.
Kirishima remembered what danger they were in. "Ohhh Yea! Okay okay let's go let's go!" He looked at Bakugou and just softly smiled since he was still sitting on his lap. "We can do this position later for cuddles Baku~" He winked.
Bakugou's eyes widened and he blushed more. "Sh-shut up!!!!!!"
Kirishima chuckled. "You didn't really move away from earlier...I-in's got me thinking...m-maybe we can-" He was about to admit but he got cut off by Bakugou who got to flustered and got off him then started to walk. "Follow.." He muttered and then Kirishima quickly got up and followed after him with a laugh. The more they walked, the more later it got and the sky got darker to now a purplish color. It looked really nice but they weren't speaking to each other like they usually would about it. They were completely silent. It gave them enough time to think about things. And sadly, their thoughts started to drift to bad ones. Kirishima started to think that maybe Bakugou wanted to avoid the topic because he didn't want them to actually be together in a romantic way. 'Maybe he just liked us as friends. Or maybe he just wanted me to play around with sometimes..I-I mean I wouldn't mind that but that is actually...I wouldn't want that..I..want to be more! I love him...but he doesn't love me back does he...he's into guys..but he's just not interested in me....." He thought to himself as his face saddened and he looked down while walking.
Meanwhile Bakugou was thinking to himself, 'We...we did that thing yesterday...I-I remember it...and it was...n-nice..-okay really nice...but it probably doesn't mean anything...he probably doesn't even want to be anything else..maybe he liked that only...probably..even if.....we couldn't be's been proven again I...I bring him nothing but more time I spend with him and he...who knows he'll get killed!" His eyes widened a bit at the thought. 'For him...I-I..have to say goodbye.....Because' He thought but he shook his head. 'Love?! N-no way not love!!!' He huffed and sighed sadly when he got an idea. Soon they arrived in another empty spot that was more deep in the woods, a lot of trees hovering around them. But by this time there was nothing to hunt because it was night. So Kirishima groaned and just flopped on the floor, not even caring if that hurt as he stared up at the trees above and groaned more. "Ahhhhh that killed me it took forever to get hereeeeee" He heavily sighed. "Oh well..." He sat up and he set down the wood they took in their bag then put the bag down and used his dragon abilities to start a little fire on those sticks and he sighed. "Well sit down Baku, you must be tired too..." He looked up at Bakugou who was still standing. But he saw how serious Bakugou looked, sensing sadness and a troubled feeling. "Bakugou? Something wrong?" He asks softly. Bakugou slowly looked over at Kirishima and sighed. "Let me...make you the food first..." He mumbled before he grabbed one of the bread from without the bag and started to cook it over the fire, making it really good because he was very good at this stuff. Kirishima just stared at him all confused as he tilted his head, "You sure nothings wrong?" He asked, receiving no answer which made him more concerned. When Bakugou finally finished he cut it in four separate pieces since it was a big loaf of bread and he gave them to Kirishima. Kirishima smiled and got one of them, setting the other three down on the ground. "Thanks man!" He says before he quickly took a bite off the bread and offered him some. "Want some? How come you didn't make any for you?" He asked with his mouth full but he swallowed it all at the end. Bakugou just nodded no and looked away. Kirishima pouted for a second before sighing a bit heavily and he didn't like this setting of Bakugou being so closed off so he just asked, "What's wrong? Your still standing seem so serious...I...I sense your sad..what is it Bakugou?" He asked gently.
Bakugou bit his lip and he got his sword, facing the forest. "Kirishima...I-I...I have to go..." He mumbled.
Kirishima tilted his head. "What do you mean you gotta go?"
Bakugou sighed shakily and looked down, deciding he'd sit and explain to him nicely so he sat down in front of him with a saddened yet soft look on his face as he looked down. "Well...I was just thinking you know...I enjoyed our time together more than anything in the world...I lo-love..being a-around you...y-you've been my first real friend for the first time..ever really..." He smiled lightly at the thought but quickly turned serious at what else was on his mind.
Kirishima thought this was a love confession for a moment so he smiled big. "A-and???????"
Bakugou rubbed his own shoulder. "More like...but...I...have to...leave..." He shakily sighed. "All I do is cause you problems and being you trouble...the village didn't even know of you before and now they do...! We shouldn't do this...I'll only bring you'll have to leave...and ignore my feelings for you..." He looked up at him with watery eyes. "I-I'm sorry!" He says as he got up. "A-and...I-I...I really did hope too that yesterday could be something for us! B-because I-I do have feelings but we have to split ways so goodbye shitty hair!!!" He yelled before he started to walk, some tears coming down as he walked.
Kirishima's eyes widened and he was just super surprised. He felt really shocked that Bakugou felt that way but also glad that he had feelings for him. He would be happy but he couldn't have the most precious thing in his life leave. The one that made him happy. All these thoughts ran through his head as his heart was racing but he quickly got up and ran after him, a bit too fast so he pulled his arm from the side which accidentally brant Katsuki down and made Kirishima fall down and so Bakugou ended up landing on top of Kirishima and Bakugou's eyes were widened from the suddenness. "W-wha- what the hell Kiri?!? I-I need to go!!!" He yelled and just as he was going to leave Kirishima wrapped his arms around Katsuki's waist so that he couldn't leave so Bakugou just squirmed a bit, blushing embarrassedly because his tears were showing now face to face.. "K-kirishima let me-!!!"
"No!!!!!!!" Kirishima yelled back and he squeezed him tighter, some tears coming out of his eyes too as he held Bakugou closer to his chest and closed his eyes tightly for a moment. "I'm not letting you go!!! I can't loose you too!!! Please Bakugou please!!!" He huffed. "I'll stay with you through it all! For the rest of my life! By your side! Please Bakugou, let me do that please!!!" He said as he opened his eyes and looked down at him.
Bakugou stopped squriming and just froze, seeing how he made Kirishima cry. "Oh...but Kirishima...D-dont...please don't..."
Kirishima clenched his fists tightly while holding Bakugou close. "I-I will try my best not to get hurt and make you worry so much I promise!!! Just please ... please...!" He says as him and Katsuki's eyes meet each other. Bakugou furrowed his eyebrows in a way that made a worried expression and he just hugged Kirishima's chest. "I-I won't...I promise..." Kirishima froze but sighed in relieved and hugged him, rubbing Katsuki's back. "G-good..." He sniffled.
"Don't worry...I'll stay...and protect you...even if you don't feel the same...I'm sorry if that makes you feel uncomfortable though.." He mumbled as he cried a bit into his chest at the thought of it but quickly stopped himself once he realized he was literally crying about Kirishima not liking him back while being on top of Kirishima.
Kirishima's eyes widened a bit. "F-feel the same?! So it's for sure..! B-Bakugou...I know it's a lot to assume but after all of this I'm pretty sure I have evidence" He chuckles. "D-do you like me?" He asked softly.
Bakugou blushed a lot and looked down with a sigh and he nodded. "Y-yes...I do...a-a lot..." He said lightly, there being obvious blush on his face as he clenched his fists, a little pout growing against his puffed up cheeks from trying to deal with how shy and flustered he felt right now.
Kirishima heard him which made him softly blush and seeing how adorable he looked in that moment made him smile. He just leaned in and kissed Bakugou's nose which made Bakugou blush incredibly and flinch a bit, closing his eyes for a second but then open them back up to look up at Kirishima confused. "H-Huh??? What was that f-"
Kirishima cut him off by gently saying, "I-I like you too..."
Bakugou was shocked and super surprised, overly flustered but he was super happy. He just didn't want to sow it much so he softly smiled. "Oh...heh...-"
Kirishima could tell how he felt so he chuckled as then leaned in to softly kiss him, closing his eyes into it.
Bakugou's eyes widened a little as he blushed deeply but then melted into the kiss, closing his eyes and kissing him back softly. Kirishima gently wrapped his arms around Bakugou's waist and Bakugou had slowly wrapped his arms around his neck, both of them holding each other close. The fire was warm, making the air have a little warmness in it but mostly it was a cold breeze yet a calm one. However they couldn't even pay one bit of attention to their surroundings at the moment. All their focus was on each other. They bring warmth to each other and eventually as their chest were pressed against each other, they could feel both of their hearts beat while being pressed that close. Both of theirs were racing fast with this passion and intense feeling they felt for each other, both of them feeling the beats from each other's hearts punch their chests. The kiss and moment was passionate yet so sweet. They were kissing each other passionately yet very softly and gently, treasuring this moment, wishing it could last forever.
After a few moments, they pulled away from each other for air as they looked into each others eyes. Bakugou blushed even more meanwhile Kirishima's smile grew. They then both laughed from how sweet this was and how happy they were right now.
Kirishima stared at Katsuki laughing, adoring and cherishing it as he then wrapped his arms around Katsuki tightly like a teddy bear and he rolled a bit from side to side which made Katsuki laugh more and they did that for a while, filling the quiet environment with nothing but laughter and sounds of joy. Kirishima leaned down and started to gently kiss Katsuki's past tears away which made Bakugou's face turn more hotter so he whined silently for a moment but then cupped Kirishima's face shyly and gently wiped his past tears away as well, giving a bright smile up at him when he was done and Kirishima blushed more but smiled back as he then laid Katsuki down by his side but turned to him and wrapped his arms around his waist again, making Katsuki's forehead lean against his own chest as he rested his chin in Katsuki's fluffy hair and sighed contently. Bakugou just let him and instead of pushing away and he nuzzled his face into his chest, hugging his chest with a smile. "Your an idiot...but that was amazing..." He mumbled.
Kirishima laughed warmly and he snuggled more into his hair. "Your idiot hehe...and yes it was..." He giggled and closed his eyes. "Your hair is so a little little Pomeranian if I'm your idiot..." He laughed more. "Goodnight little Pomeranian..." He mumbled before he passed out with a soft, happy smile remaining on his lips.
Bakugou blushed a lot more. "It can't be that fluffy!!!" He had yelled back in response. "Tch...stupid..." He saw he was asleep so he huffed. "Of course I'll be your P-Pomeranian m-my adorable" He couldn't say it out so he just stuffed his face in his chest again and closed his eyes, humming happily before he fell asleep, a warm smile resting on his lips. And so they stayed like that for the whole night, in each other's arms feeling nothing but joy like they never had in their lives for each other, an intense feeling of love shown through just a soft smile at each other and their heartbeats. The stars in the sky, that was visible only when the trees were blown a bit by the breeze that hit them every once and a while, only got brighter and so did the moon, seeming like the sky was just meant for only them, making this beautiful memory stay in their minds and hearts forever.But Back at the village, Jiro was being thrown on her knees by the other guard, in front of the king's throne. Her wrists were in chains and she looked up at the king in the throne in front of her al scared. "H-hey!" She huffed. "I-I swear I didn't do anything I-!" She was going to lie again but got cut off by the kings low and cruel chuckle which echoed through the whole castle which was nothing but dark, the only little specs of lights coming from the windows where the moonlight gave the light or the faded out or dying candles that were in the pitch black hallways of the huge castle and though the moonlight only hit the spot of where the king and his throne was at, somehow there was still so much shadow going on the thing that none of his features were visible except his cold, scary, blue eyes that glared down at Jiro with a grin. "What's the point in lying...either way your dead now..." He said lowly, Jiro's eyes widening. They had discovered that Jiro lied about not seeing Bakugou and Kirishima. "N-no no no no please...!" Jiro begged. Dabi, the king, hummed. "Well...unless you tell me where the two are...~"
Jiro furrowed her eyebrows and she sighed shakily before looking down. "I-I..." She looked back up at him with a scared yet determined look, putting her trust in the two of them. "I know nothing about their whereabouts...and even if...there is no way on earth I'll tell you! They'll save us, just you watch, they are gonna save us all from you!!!" She yelled at him. Dabi sighed, "Too bad..." He looked away. "Take her away" He says simply yet coldly as they guards then took her away to the dungeon, yelling and chains rattling being heard from her as she tried to escape but couldn't. Dabi stares out at the window behind himself. "So they are some kind of heroes huh?..." He chuckled and turned serious instantly. "Fucking disgusting..." He hummed. "Won't be so high and mighty when I catch I know where you two are headed at...see you soon...heroes..." He chuckled kore to himself, remaining in the dark as he sent more guards to search all through out the forest.

Fantasy Au Kiribaku~ ( Discontinued )
FanfictionEdit: I wrote all this in 2020 so I'm just keeping it for memories now [!•This story has fluff, a little angst, action, sensitive topic: *homophobia/harassment/abuse* , kinda gore, and smut•!] Well, I'm bored so I decided to write a Kiribaku fanta...