The beginning of a long night(prologue)

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Gotham City... people's opinions about it are as split as their options about the new vigilante. Some say that it was a fantastic city back during the golden ages before the Waynes were murdered and that it can be wonderful again. Others are more skeptical saying that gotham's lost's it shine and that it will never be as great as it once was. With criminal gangs everywhere, the police force being more corrupt than ever and this new bat vigilante dealing out justice like it's "the wild goddamn west".

One of the criminals plaquing gotham city was a man wearing a white suit with black stripes. A white blouse with a black shirt underneath, a white tie and a black handkerchief in one his coat pocket's. This man's name was Roman Sionis A.K.A Black Mask.

One month earlier

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One month earlier

Gotham docks

"Black Mask sir the boats are all loaded " stated one of black masks lieutenants a man named Tobias Whale. He was a big man wearing a black sweater with black pants he wore a golden necklace and wore two golding earrings.

"Great then move it quickly I want these boats moving in half an hour" Black Mask ordererd being very excited about this potential deal and not wanting anything to go wrong this night

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"Great then move it quickly I want these boats moving in half an hour" Black Mask ordererd being very excited about this potential deal and not wanting anything to go wrong this night.

"Sure sir! But if I can ask you something boss why are we putting so much focus in this one shipment? We run dozens of shipments per week not that I question your judgment sir, but we are spending a lot of manpower and money on this which is putting a strain on our other operations. The feds are also looking into this quite well. If we are not careful this could leave us to be exposed." Tobias asked quite curious what his boss was planning. Hè was aware that Black Mask was no fool otherwise he wouldn't be working for him, but he was still curious about his motivations.

"Who do you think you're talking too kid this isn't my first rodeo! Besides this deal is indeed important while I control most trade that goes across america the same can't be said for other countries. While penguin has a foothold in Engeland and has control of their drug and weapons trade which is an advantage against me. This I cannot allow. I have just secured a deal with a Chinese businessman. If this deal goes through than that means It will be the beginning of a fruitful business relationship in China, but not just that this person is also connected to various other influential people across the world. This will allow me to gain a monopoly across most of the world. Big rewards require big risks." Black Mask stated. While this was true there was also the fact that black mask didn't want to disappoint this mysterious client. As while they were a powerful ally they were also a dangerous enemy. Black Mask wasn't easily frightened, but he would rather have an ally then an enemy.

"I see boss, but I still think it's too risky with the police-" before hè could finish that sentence black mask cut him off. "Loeb is in my pocket despite my relationship with him being a bit strained the past months hè still owes me a great deal he'll inform us if the cops makes a move. Do you feel more relaxed now kid?" Black Mask asked hoping he cleared his subordinate's concerns.

"I Guess so sir." The thug stated "Great now let's move it! This shipment is very rare if we lose it I will have to make up to them in some other way!" Black Mask ordered "The boss makes a good point, but I have a bad feeling about this" Tobias Whale thought to himself

Little did hè know that those feelings were validated. As Batman was listening on the whole conversation.

The Batcave

In the batcave Batman was listening to multiple different news channels.

"Hello people Jack Ryder from GCTV here letting you know that christmas is soon on its way and to wish you an early merry christmas. Now on to sports the gotham patriots are finally making a comeback news that has everybody without a doubt excite-" Said Jack Rider from GCTV as Batman switched channels to a interview with one of gotham's most wealthy businessman.

"Vicki Vale here reporting from the Iceberg Lounge with a very special guest Oswald Cobblepot." Said the reporter Vicky Vale professionally and energetic

"Call me Oz please Vicky can I call you Vicky?" Said oswald with elegance like a gentleman.

"Certainly now I came here to question you about your recent success with the Iceberg Lounge now being gotham's number one nightclub how did you do it?" Asked the reporter very intrigued with cobblepot's answer.

"Oh nothing complicated I just think of my ancestors who build this very city and realize that success is in my very DNA" Said Oswald arrogantly and proudly

"I hear you're planning a party to gotham's most influential people is that correct?"

"Yes my dear it will be the party of the century far better than what the Wayne's or the Falcone's-" Oswald stated while Batman switched the TV to the police interview

"This is a great day for Gotham city with the crime bosses of the albanian syndicate under arrest. Alright now unto questions." The elderly Commissioner Loeb stated.

"Commissioner loeb what do you have to say about the reports that police have been letting criminals go under bribes?" One of the reporters asked which changed the commissioner's face to a frown.

"These charges are false rumors that the media created that is all" Commissioner loeb stated to everyone at the press conference. Which only aggitated the reporters more.

"Commisioner! Commisioner!" All the interviewers asked wildly and out of turn

"That's all we have time for." The commissioner stated before leaving the press conference.

"Master bruce the Batwing's repairs have been finished" Batman's loyal butler Alfred stated

Batman started to walk to the batwing as Alfred stopped him.

"Master Bruce I thought you were going to take the day off?" Alfred stated in a non surprised tone

"So did I Black Mask disagreed apparently but it's fine I rest better when I'm on the job " Batman stated " Can't you let the police handle this one?" Alfred asked concerned for his young master.

"No this one's mine" Batman made clear as he hopped on the cockpit of the batwing "But I prepared páte and lasagne sir. Don't you know it's rude to leave food lying around?" Alfred asked, but he was ignored by Batman as hè started the batwing and flew away.

"Bloody hell what am I ever going to do with that boy?" Said Alfred while holding his feeling very tired of having to deal with his masters social problems, but he loved the boy no matter what and would not give up on him.

Meanwhile Batman flew to where Black Mask's shipment was determined to put a stop to it. What he couldn't have predicted is that this would have long ramifications for the both of them.

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