it's now 6am and i have to wake up for stupid school and be in the same car as Alejandro. I'd rather take a bus if i'm being honest, this is the last day in this house where so many weird memories were made with him. i'm so happy we're moving, if i could i'd burn the house down to ashes and make it into a shop or something. i got changed into some joggers and a sweat shirt and threw my hair back in a low pony tail. i went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then i grabbed my stuff and walked to the bus stop, i messages Astrid telling her that i was taking the bus and her being her she wasn't awake so it's cool. when i was at the bus stop i checked for when the bus was coming and thankfully it was coming in two minutes. school is unfortunately really far but i saw a bunch of my old school friends, they all said hi and then walked off to school. i don't understand why they're out so early but it's non of my business so i just put on some music and got on the bus. it was around 10 stops before i made it to school but i made it just in time.
"y/n! why haven't you been replying to my texts?" i hear Daniel say, to simplify if: i don't care anymore.
"oh sorry Dani, my phone was completely turned off for the night" i lied. i'm weirdly a great liar i guess i get that from my parents. Daniel obviously believed it.
"oh cool well then i'll see you in tutor!" he said enthusiastically. he's so cheerful and i don't know why... is he planning something? he wouldn't he's so innocent but then again why would he be in this shit house? is he apart of another mafia? i decided to just text my maid to get someone to research him, he told me his full name was Daniel Hudson so i just sent his name. i then saw Astrid and alejandro and they looked tired as if they didn't sleep at all. as soon as Alejandro saw me be turned around and walked around me.
"hey what happened with you guys? you look like zombies" i asked sounding curious.
"your dad made us stay up all night to make sure the new house was perfect" she said rubbing her eyes, i could see that her black eyes were coming through
"oh god i'm so sorry, come to the cafeteria i'll treat you to some coffee" and then i lead her to the cafeteria.
quick update since i can't sleep because of a certain someone
what will happen at the cafeteria?
will Alejandro come to his senses and man up?
who will apologise first?
find out next time on That One Night
word count:489