𝖞/𝖓'𝖘 𝖕𝖔𝖛
I've just signed into my new school's system since i had to transfer half way through the school year. My family has always been travelling so i'm comfortable with making friends and if this doesn't sound cocky: i'm good at making them. Although i'm good at making friends, I've never had a boyfriend or anything close to one, i'm great at comforting myself since my mum is always working and doesn't really look after me. I can't blame her after all she has to pay for the rent,me and food and more. My dad passed away when i was only 4 years old, it's been 12 years but it still traumatises me. Anyways enough of that, my mum says that we can finally stay here in London instead of moving everywhere.
I step into the school and i immediately see a guy in a black hoodie on top of another guy punching the hell out of him, my natural instincts kick in and i pull the guy off of him and dragged him out of the crowd.
'' Who the fuck are you?'' he says, his voice is deep and hoarse which kinda attracts me but i'm here to focus on my GCSE's so no boys.
'' The bitch dragging you out of there, what was that? And what did he do?'' i say sitting down next to him on the bench. There's a small pause until he speaks again.
'I don't even know why i'm telling you, i don't even know you'' he says looking down at his black air forces that weirdly haven't been creased from the fight. He looks back up to me slowing dragging his hood back and stares into my eyes. I admit, i got the butterflies but i held it in. He sighs and then i decide that i should speak.
''You could get to know me'' i say in a light voice. He chuckles and then looks at me again. He has jet black hair that curve on his left which he's grown out, he has a killer fade yet it doesn't seem too fresh so it seems comfortable. He has deep emerald eyes with long full lashes which go straight down. He has absolutely no facial hair which seems cute but he's definitely not a softy, the slit in his right eyebrow says so. His lips look so soft but not wet, he's a dream to look at if i'm being honest.
''Alright then, what's your name for starters' He says snapping me out of my daydream.
'' Y/n L/n, what's yours?'' i ask back.
'' i go by anonymous, i don't say my name'' he says resting his back on the bench, as weird as it sounds, him saying that makes him seem that much fitter.
''what year are you in?'' i ask him, turning my head to see him.
''11, you?'' he asks me looking back at me in my eyes.
''same, i just transferred from LA. that's why i'm here so late'' i say dragging my eyes to his lips then back up to his eyes.
''oh that's why i haven't seen-'' he says as he gets cut off by some blonde girl walking up to us.
'' holy shit, we could cut the sexual tension in here with a spoon'' she says, she has a soft voice yet her appearances says much different. Her hairs bleached blonde, she has two slits in her left eyebrow and she has honey brown eyes.
'' shut up ,Astrid. No one invited you to this conversation'' anonymous says glaring at her.
'' you shut up, i invited myself because if i didn't you'd be fucking her on the bench in a second.'' she says gliding her eyes to me and winking causing me to blush.
''um, well i'm y/n it's nice to meet you Astrid. Me and Anonymous were just introducing each other'' i say trying to stop them arguing.
''well i'm Astrid Sawyer. And i'm lesbian so you don't have to worry about me stealing Anon from you.'' and winks at me again causing me to blush even more and anonymous to call her a cunt.
''Anon?'' i question since i thought he didn't tell his name.
'' Short for Anonymous since this shit doesn't like his birth name. Not even the school board knows his name.'' Astrid says flipping off Anon.
''Shut up, Astrid. i don't give things up that easily, unlike you.'' he says laughing it off.
It seems like they both have a history with each other but i shrug it off.
''oh yeah, y/n. what classes do you have? and what set are you in? me and anon are in set 1,'' peaking at my timetable.
'' umm for first period as a double i have french set 1. everything seems set one except technology. '' i say handing her my timetable for her to look at.
'' ohhh perfect! anonnn~'' she says in a flirty voice.
''what'd you want'' he says not even lifting his head to look at her.
'' you and y/n have the exact same timetable, you should walk her to class everyyyday.'' she says smirking.
'' fucks sake, i might aswell walk her to school and back everyday.'' he says then instantly regrets it as he quickly looks at Astrid.
''fuck off, she probably doesn't even live near me or in my postcode!''he says backing away from her leaning into my lap. he lays on it then looks into my eyes while he's down there. i expected him to lift his head off after but he didn't so i just put my arms around his head while looking at Astrid.
'' well, where abouts do you live?'' she says while winking at me and looking at my lap with Anon on it.
''just around ..... park'' i say shrugging and then i start playing with anons hair, it's so soft with not a hint of gel.
'' oo, so does Anon.'' Astrid says.
''i'll leave you guys to talk about where you're going to meet and when. Au revoirr'' Astrid sings, skipping away to a group of girls who then look at us in awe.
''we can meet at the bus stop around the park if you'd like? or i can just pick you up at your house.'' he says with his eyes closed, you can see his lashes well like this.
'i don't mind really. you can choose'' i day still playing with his hair.
''i'll pick you up at your house at 7:40 so we can be at the bus stop at 7:50 to be at school at 8:20 being just in time.'' he says.
''that's a deal, sir. it's woodland street 51'' i say giggling.
''oh i live in woodland street 53. we're neighbours'' he says, opening his eyes to stare into mine.
'' how convenient, i'll see you on monday then. bye, Anon.'' i say sitting up and waving while walking home.
i turn my back but then i feel warm hands wrap around my waist.
''wait i'll take you home, it's too late for a pretty lady like you to walk alone'' he says spinning me around, taking my hand and then walking home with me.Narrators note:
Hey guysss it's hannah and i've just finish the first part and i won't lie i got butterflies from the description of Anon. I know that Anonymous isn't one person but daddy anonnn 🥳. Anyways i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you in the same time part.Word count: 1256