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she's gorgeous damn.

i remeber telling sabrina that if i ever met billie i would simply ask how she is, and if she's doing okay. that's exactly what i did.

"hey, how are you? you okay?" i ask her, pulling away from the hug she gave me.

she gives hella good hugs and smells hella good.

"i'm good mamas, even better now. how are you?" she asks, her hands not leaving my waist.

her eyes are gorgeous, they are a shade a blue that are so easy to get lost in, her skin is flawless, and her black hair that fell over her face made her even somehow even more perfect.

all thoughts of sabrina completely left my mind as i got lost in billies beauty.

"you good?" she asks snapping me out of my trance.

"yeah sorry, i'm good. well kinda, i actually got stood up today. i was supposed to meet someone here" i tell her honestly making her laugh.

"no shit? that's bogus as hell. what if we called her and i yelled at her" she suggested.

"that would be funny as fuck, lets do it" i say finally breaking eye contact from billie and grabbing my phone from my pocket.

it's crazy how close billie is with her fans. how she was willing to do this, she's probably exhausted from her show and a whole ass meet n greet and still showing so much energy for me.

"also your skin is perfect, how the hell you so tan? i live in LA and i'm still pale as fuck" billie says making me blush.

"lucky genes" i say shrugging makes her smile.

her smile is fucking perfect.

this is going to sound hella weird, but for someone reason she was giving me sabrina vibes. like the way she talked and shit.

holy hell what am i talking about.

"okay, here" i say pressing call on on sabrinas contact.

right when i did it, billies phone starts to ring.

that's a coincidence.

she reaches in her pocket, pulling her phone out and putting it to her ear.

"hello? alex?" she says as it rings through my phone.

wait. what?

"alex? it's sabrina? hello?" she says again with the biggest grin on her face.

i have no words, i just stare at her. am i dreaming this right now?

she hangs up, shoving the phone back in her pocket as she looks at me, still laughing.

"w-what?" i stutter.

no fuckin way.

"i'm sabrina, alex. you mistyped your number and i decided to play along. i told you i'm someone i'm not well because, i didn't want me being a celebrity to change how you acted or anything" she says as i'm still trying to process what the hell just happened.

by mistake // billie eilish Where stories live. Discover now