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i wake up before alex, flipping myself over so i can face her.

she looked perfect, her hair was messy, some of it covering her face, her mouth was open slightly but in the shape of a smile.

i get myself to stop staring and drag myself out of bed, surprising myself with how early i got up.

i brush my teeth before getting into the shower and changing.

"sorry if i woke you" i say stepping out of the bathroom, only wearing a towel.

"your good" she says and i could have sworn she looked me up and down.

i smile at her before grabbing a matching playboy set from my suitcase and heading back into the bathroom.

"where do you get your clothes from?" she asks as i sit on the bed next to her.

"i get sent all my shit, i haven't bought actual clothes since i was like 14" i reply.

"anyways, i was thinking-" i begin to say before being interrupted.

"i'm sorry, do you have any gum? i feel like my breath smells, you know, i don't really have a toothbrush" she says making me laugh.

"front desk does, want me to go get you one?" i ask her.

"they do? i had no idea hotels had that shit for you" she responds.

"yeah well when you spend half your life in hotels you start to figure out the ins and outs. ill be right back" i say heading out of the room.

"hey how can i hel- oh my god billie eilish" the young girl working at the front desk says, her eyes lighting up when she sees me.

"goodmorning, how are you?" i ask, laughing at her reaction.

"i'm great now" she says with the biggest smile.

"i was actually just wondering if i can have a toothbrush?"

"uh yeah of course" she says reaching into a drawer and pulling one out.

"want a picture?" i than ask as she nods eagerly.

i head back up towards the room, toothbrush in one hand, my phone in the other.

"here" i say tossing the tooth brush onto alexs lap.


"so what time does the bus leave to michigan? so i can uber home" alex than says as she walks out of the bathroom.

i don't want her to go home. i need her on this tour with me, even if it's only for a couple more days.

i loved her presence, i loved everything she had to bring me, i loved talking to her.

"oh uh, like 9" i say hesitantly, realizing that's only in a hour.

"wanna get breakfast? i hate hotel breakfast" i than say.

"what? hotel breakfast is amazing, you are wrong but yeah we can go out somewhere" she answers, making me laugh.

by mistake // billie eilish Where stories live. Discover now