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fin, claudia, andrew, and alex were now on their fourth game of uno, while i've been bored out my mind quitting two rounds ago. uno is stupid and i always ended up with the worst cards i swear to god it was rigged.

i've just been sitting in my bunk, drawing whatever random shit came to my mind.

"hey bil" i than hear a familiar voice say, instantly lifting my mood.

alex hopped on my bunk, placing her head on my shoulder as she watched me draw.

"you ever draw like nice or happy things?" she snickers.

"nah" i simply reply.

"well i'm boredddd" she says again grabbing the pencil from my hand.

"hey, i was using that dumbass" i yell, trying to grab the pencil out of her hand.

i push alex down against the bed playfully as i was kneeling between her legs, trying to reach for the pencil she was holding above her head.

i take my eyes off the pencil, and focus on alex who's laying below me.

i don't understand how someone can look so perfect, she has absolutely no flaws, and every time i look into her eyes my world just kinda stops.

and i hate it.

"bill- oh, uh sorry, didn't mean to interrupt" finneas says, opening the curtain.

i quickly sit back against the opposite side of the bunk, me and alexs face both turning bright red.

"you didn't interrupt anything shithead. what do you want?"

"just wanted you to hear this chord progression but you can do it later if th-"

"shutup, i can do it now" i say quickly, hopping off the bunk.

"what the hell was that?" finneas asks lowly, making sure no one else in the bus can hear as we get into his bunk.

"nothing dude"

"billie you were litterly ontop of her, both staring at one another like you were eachothers worlds"

"she took my pencil and i was just trying to take it back from her, you don't need to make it all weird"

"i'm not making it weird billie, i saw what i saw. listen i'm not trying to say i know what your feeling, but i have never ever, in the 18 years i've known you, seen you act like this around anyone" finneas shrugs, opening a file on his laptop.

"i don't know what your talking about"

"the way you talk about her, the way you act around her, the smile you have on your face everytime she comes in the room, the way you just look at her bil. i'm no love expert, but it's pretty obvious there's something there"

"i'm fuckin straight fin, what the hell do you not get about that. she's my friend, i don't fucking like her like that" i say louder now, not really meaning too.

"alright, i'm sorry" he finishes before clicking play.


by mistake // billie eilish Where stories live. Discover now