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"billie where are we going?" i question as we walk through the busy city of atlanta.

"shutup we are almost there" she says back, taking my hand and picking up the pace.

people were definitely starting to notice billie now as her dumbass thought it would be a good idea to go in public looking like a highlighter.

did she not learn from last time?

"billie over here!"

"hi billie"

"oh my god it's billie"

"hey guys, i really gotta go but i love you all so so much okay?" billie says pushing her way though the crowd of people, including the paps who don't stop flashing cameras.

she finally pulls me into an apartment, security stopping everyone else from coming in that was outside.

"you just don't learn" i sigh, watching billie whos practically out of breath.

"it was a five minute walk i really didn't think that would happen" she says with a laugh. "anyways we made it"

i look at her to see if she was joking, but she was 100% serious.

why the hell would she take me to an apartment building?

"come on" billie says, not letting go of my hand and dragging me towards the elevator.

we go up the roof, climbing another flight of stairs until we are outside again. the apartment building was huge, so we were really high up, and if their wasn't a railing going around the whole thing, id be terrified. but the view was actually really pretty, you could practically see the tops of all the buildings, the lights, the subtle buzz of people and cars below us.

i turned around to see where billie went, as she was sitting on a blanket, with more pillows and blankets wrapped around her. there was also a computer, with candy next to it and candles lit up all around the blanket.

why is she doing all this? why isn't she mad i've been ignoring her this whole time? instead she's just doing nice things, making me feel terrible for how i've been treating her.

"i was kinda hoping we would be able to see the stars, but clouds are cool to" billie says making me laugh. "sorry if this is to much"

"no, not at all. this is really nice. but why?" i ask, taking a seat next to her.

i wrap myself in the blanket, staring a billie, waiting for a response.

"i, uh, don't really- sorry i'm nervous" billie says choking over her own words, which i've seen her do like once.

shes never nervous, it's always me choking over my own words, being the nervous one.

she broke eye contact with me, moving her eyes to her fingers were she started to fiddle wirh her rings.

"it's okay, i just don't really understand why your not mad at me, i mean i've kinda been ignoring you-" i say before billie cuts in.

"that's exactly it alex. i said stuff that i didn't fucking mean and i knew i didn't mean it when i lost you. you ignoring me made me realize" billie says, focusing her gaze back on me.

for one of the first times ever, i couldnt read her. i couldn't read her eyes, her face, i had no idea what she was feeling.

"made you realize what?"

"that i like you alex. i like you so so much. i didn't want to admit it at first because i was scared, i thought i was straight, i don't know, but you ignoring me made me realize how much i need you in my life. you make everything, okay? if that makes sense. i have never felt the feelings i have for you for anyone else and it was so scary at first, and i was scared and stupid. but what i realized was how much i missed talking to you, even though it was only three days. they felt like the longest three days of my life. i want you alex. everyone i know, all my friends could leave me right now, but as long as you were here, i could care less"

everything just kinda stopped for a minute, all the loud sounds of the city suddenly faded out, my goosebumps from the cold air were suddenly gone, i was just focused on what billie said to me.

i was replaying each sentence in my head, over and over.


with that, i grabbed the collar of billies shirt, pulling her harshly to me, letting the blanket fall from my shoulders as i placed another hand on billies cheek, pressing my lips into hers.

she reacted almost instantly, kissing me back with just as much passion, wrapping her arms around my neck.

it was pure bliss, my stoumach felt like there were fireworks going off as each seconded passed, it felt like a dream. i dream i never wanted to end.

i pulled billie even closer, so she was now straddling my lap, neither of us daring to break the kiss which was now being deepened even more.

her hands were tangled in my hair as she licked my bottom lip.

"i like you too billie. more than you understand" i say, our lips still practically touching as our foreheads rested against eachothers.

"please shutup and just kiss me" billie says placing her lips back on mine again.

our lips continue to move in sync, as her hands moved from my hair, and down my back. our tongues dancing with each other's.

after like thirty minutes, we finally turned on a movie, that was barley watched as we practically made out the entire time.

it doesn't even feel real.

by mistake // billie eilish Where stories live. Discover now