Ch. 8

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*one month later*

It is now December first. Harry and I have been officially dating for a little over a month now. A week or two after we got laid off from the cafe, Harry had asked me to be his. I of course said yes.

We both now had jobs, too. I worked at a record/cd store and Harry worked at the restaurant next door as a part time cook and waiter. The boy really could make good food.

Eleanor had texted and asked why I wasn't working with her anymore. I told her the truth, to which she hated. She damned Luke's name, and tried to quit, but I had convinced her not too. I told her she needed the job and to not jeopardize anything just because of me. We still see one another and hang out.

Lottie knows about Harry and I. She smiled and hugged me when I had told her. I was truly lucky to have her support...

I told my mum and dad I quit the job at the cafe, leaving out the truth. They seemed unsure but accepted it anyway. My dad thinks I no longer see Harry.. But boy is he wrong.

I see him just about every other day. We work next to one another, so we take the same lunch. I'll go to his flat after work and spend nights with him saying as my curfew wasn't until the early morning.

I sadly drove by the cafe every time I went to work saying as it was on the way. It was a bitter-sweet. I missed the job and working side by side with El and Haz. But I didn't miss Luke or the homophobic vibe that was now there.

Calum and his mum are no longer members of our church. My mum was actually sad about it, saying as his mum and mine were friends. I was just counting my lucky stars Calum hadn't said anything... Yet.


Currently I was sat at the dinner table with my family. I was hardly listening to the conversation my mum and sister carried on. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate. Then again. And again. I quickly dug it out of my pocket to see Harry calling me. Shit.

"Who's that sweets?" My mum asked. I clicked ignore.

"Oh umm... Just El." I shrugged, lying. "I'll call her after dinner..." My mom nodded. Lottie gave me a knowing look though.


After dinner I jogged upstairs pressing the call button to phone Harry. He picked up within a few rings.

" hey baby," he rasped. His voice was even deeper on the phone.

"Hi Haz. What's up? Sorry I couldn't answer... Dinner."

"Ah... Well I wanted to know if you could maybe come outside? I have someone I want you to meet." I frowned.

"Outside?" I questioned as I walked to my window, peaking out from the curtains to see Harry's range rover parked across the street.

"Yup. I need to take you to my flat though."

"Haz..." I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose. "I'd love to meet this... Person... But I can't. Family is still awake." He was silent for a moment.

"Sneak out." I could practically hear his smirk I'm sure he was sporting.


"Please babe? This person isn't always around... And they won't be for a while again." Now my curiosity was getting the best of me.

"Fine." I gave in. I then hung up without saying goodbye rolling my eyes slightly. But it was fond. This boy really was crazy.

After locking my door I slipped out the window, running across the street then hopping into the passenger seat. Harry greeted me with a few kisses before driving off. "So who is this mysterious person?" I mocked. I watched as he tried to conceal his smile that tugged at this lips. His large hand came to rest on my knee.

Take Me To Church - l.s. AUWhere stories live. Discover now