Ch. 20

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*Harry's POV*

I had been calling Louis' phone non stop since he hadn't come home. He got off at 10:30, it was now about 11:45. At first I didn't worry. I thought maybe he just got caught up. Or there was traffic. But then his phone stopped ringing, it just going to voice mail. When he left this morning his phone was fully charged and he hardly used it at work, so I knew it wasn't dead.

I started to pace the floor raking my fingers through my curls in distress. What if something had happened to him? I knew he kind of freaked out when alone, especially at night... Then again I was most likely over reacting... But he was my baby, so of course I overreacted to things like this; I wanted to protect him. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if- my thoughts cut off as my phone began vibrating in my back pocket. I quickly pulled it out expecting to see Louis' caller ID, but instead I saw Charlotte's... What?

I picked up. "Hello?"

"Harry! Oh thank- thank god you-" she was crying and pretty hard too. "I just- I'm so scared for him and- and I don't know- they won't,"

"Woah, woah, Charlotte what's wrong?" I asked with wide eyes. An uneasy feeling rose in my chest.

"It's- it's Louis..." She sniffled. I swallowed thickly and shuffled on my feet nervously.

"W-what.. What do you..." I hardly ever stumbled on my words. I was beyond nervous to hear what was going to come out of her mouth.

"Just- Harry I don't know they wouldn't tell us... He's- he's..." A new round of cries.

"Charlotte please!" I practically begged.

"He's in the ICU! The doctors won't tell my mum and I anything and-" holy fuck.

"He's what?!" I yelled. I just heard her sniffle and hum. "Okay.. Okay I'm going to be on my- fuck! I don't have the car, Louis had it... I'll call a cab. Hang tight Charlotte I'll be there soon." I rushed out hanging up before she could reply.

I dialed the cab and told them to be here as fast as possible. I then proceeded to get together a bag full of things needed. I got a change of clothes for myself and him (for when he got out), our tooth brushes, and some shower necessities. I didn't know how long he would have to be there but to be in the ICU obviously meant he wasn't anywhere near okay.

Finally the cab arrived. I hopped in and told the driver to take me to the hospital. I was a bundle of nerves the whole ride.


Once at the hospital I paid the man and jumped out; bag in hand jogging up to the doors. The automatic doors slid open as I rushed to the front desk. "Louis Tomlinson," I panted. The lady looked slightly annoyed and bored. She sighed.

"Sir, visiting times ended hours ago. They start at 12 pm tomorrow. I'm sorry-" I slammed my fist on the counter top.

"No! I'm sorry Miss but you don't understand."

"Sir... Only family is aloud to stay. Are you family?"


"Harry!" I heard Louis' sister's voice before I was being hugged. I embraced her back. She then turned to the lady. "He's with me," and before she could protest she took a hold of my arm and began dragging me toward an elevator.

"How'd you know I was here?" I questioned.

"Didn't. Just came down to get some air then I saw you." She shrugged. I then took a moment to look her over. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was sporting sweatpants and a hoodie. Her makeup looked smudged just a tad most likely from crying.

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