Ch. 26 - final

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Attached: even though this song isn't the story's main song, it does set the tone for this chapter and does bring everything together.


Ch. 26 - Final

Today was the day I was seeing my parents. Harry and I were leaving this evening to head to London. Even though we didn't have a house there yet, Aunt Lou and Gemma said we could stay at their place.

Lottie was already in London. Apparently she fought our mum hard on going to live with our Aunt Jade. But that in the end she agreed, defeated.

Harry quit his job yesterday, so all we needed to do was call up a small moving van to help us load all of our things to London. Zayn and of course Niall were already there. After telling them we were for sure leaving they decided to head up early, since Zayn was to start school in a couple of months anyway. Everything was slowly falling together.

So now, here I was, at the front desk of a prison, signing into visit my father. I never would of thought I'd be here.

The front desk lady handed me
The block number and told Harry and I how to get there. We walked down the corridors in silence, hand in hand. My palms grew sweaty as I grew more and more nervous. "You'll be okay." Harry said beside me, though he didn't stop walking. "He can't get to you." He reassured. I nodded, unsure. Even though I knew he couldn't get to me, it was nice hearing that he actually couldn't.

I let out a shaky breath as the block letter C came into view. I stopped right outside the entry way as Harry came to stand in front of me, placing his hands gently on my shoulders. I was shaking slightly. "Take a deep breath baby," he spoke calmly as he looked my dead in the eyes. I did as told and began my breathing exercises, Harry doing them with me. I hadn't had an attack in a while, and I was hoping I wouldn't have one now.

After a few minutes I built up enough courage to go inside. I scanned the room.

There were glass windows, each sectioned off to look like little test taking sections. A wired telephone was on our side, as well as the side with the prisoners. On our side there was maybe seven other couples, each talking to someone. The air was thick, and everything was hushed. Police men and women walked along the inside, eyeing the prisoners. A man stood at the entry way which I had just entered from. He had short brown hair and brown eyes. His name tag read 'Officer Payne'. I had offered him a small smile when we enter.

I then spotted my mother. She was seated at the booth farthest away on the right side. From my view I couldn't see my dad. I felt Harry lace our fingers together as he began walking me toward my parents. I was shaking again. This will be the first time I've seen them both since what happened.

I stayed a little behind Harry, but he didn't give me a second glance about it. He just rubbed his thumb up and down my hand that was laced with his. He eyed my father before looking to my mum. My dad still out of view to me.

He then coughed slightly to get her attention. She jumped before turning toward us, instantly looking at me. I put on a poker face as her bottom lip wobbled and her eyes filled with tears. She dropped the phone as it clanked on the small ledge in front of her. She stood, her metal chair squeaking. A hand went to her mouth as a tear slipped from her eye. "L-Louis..." She said as if in disbelief. I glanced to Harry. He was just eyeing her up, showing no emotion as I was. She then reached for a hug to which I shied away from and looked to the ground. I watched as she retracted back to herself. "H-how are you?" She questioned.

"Fine." I said coldly. She opened her mouth to speak once again but I cut her off by brushing past her to sit in the metal seat which was placed in front of my dad.

Take Me To Church - l.s. AUWhere stories live. Discover now