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I don't have much to say about this story as of now. I'm only writing the second chapter as I write this. It's gonna be a short story, 10 chapters counting the Prologue, but the ending is going to be very sad and dull.


I got the idea for the Marco Polo concept a while back. It's always been in my mind since Taehyun said he got lost easily and that's why he held the other members arms. The ending, however, wasn't planned to be this way until I watched the movie 'All The Bright Places'.

I read the book in my first year of high school and I was absolutely devastated. The ending caught me by surprise. I never expected him to die, but that was a perfect ending for the book, albeit sad. The movie was just a reminder to me of what happened in the book and that's why I made the ending the way I made it.

  When I write my stories, I try to write depictions of things that happen in life. IE) Abuse, poverty, suicide, etc. I want to accurately portray these things because no life is perfect. No life is all sunshine and rainbows and these things are all things that happen. I like to put in things that are considered real instead of using the stereotypical boy problems or other stereotypical plots. My portrayals may not always be 100% accurate, but I always try my best to show that the world isn't sunshine and rainbows, because it isn't.

  I also hate the stereotypes that are included in regular high school fan fictions. They usually include the "I'm not like other girls" main character, the "Really cool sports player/smart guy" male lead, and of course the "typical female girl bully". This isn't what high school is like at all and I always aim to show that high school is just a normal experience that isn't that special.

  I really do try my best to show that life isn't all just some sort of high school drama where the biggest ones problems in life are other people. Of course they can contribute to the problem, but usually, high school is a regular experience for most people.

This stories chapters are short compared to ones that I have previously written like "Petty Not Pretty" or the other one that I'm currently writing called "Lunch?" The reasoning for this, is that I want the style to fit the story. Something about short chapters just fits this type of story well. Especially with a first person narration in the POV of Taehyun. It's something that I did in the story "Data Girl" except that one was in the style of Journal entries, whereas this one gives a sort of story telling vibe.

  I wrote this story, pretty much all in one day. It's been about 10 hours since I started writing the second chapter (I've had the first written for a while) It's about 4 AM in the morning. I write better when I'm sleep deprived because all of my filters go away and I'm able to write without being embarrassed by my writing.

I'm writing the last two chapters and I'm breaking my own heart. I do a lot of stuff to make people hate me, don't I? People have so many reasons to hate me. I can never let a character be happy, can I????

  Thus I've finished writing and Mayhaps I cried a little.

Side note, I finished writing the book a few hours ago, and I've been up for 26-ish hours and TXT is supposed to be performing at Kcon so because of sleep deprivation, I'm posting the whole book in one day. So. That's happening.

  Thank you so much for reading my story!

Marco Polo (Taehyun x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now